The pause of AL-Hawra Zainab(peace be upon her) is a great opportunity to show the Muslim woman in combating injustice and tyranny, but we find the lack of knowledge of the leader of the media AL-Husseini(peace be upon
There are a lot of takes care of the legacy of the household (p) and from different Islamic sects, where draw works several dealt biography Zahra Virgin (p) was research deals with male workbooks that were classified for girlfriend (p) since the second century AH, which is my father Mkhnf, Lot bin Yahya bin Said Azdi (d. 157 AH / 773 AD) the first class
The research addresses the feminist lament and its representations in the contemporary Arab theatrical text as one of the purposes of the Arabic poetry and its images, samples, and reasons developed and its incentives multiplied through different time periods in which a dramatic image and representations have been manifested that harmonized with the art of theatre. In order to shed light on these representations, this study has come to look for the representations of lament phenomenon in the Arab theatre texts.
The study consists of an introduction in which the two researchers put forward the research problem, significance and objectives, and a theoretical framework which tackles a theoretical foundation for the research consi
يعدّ مرقد السيدة نرجس كاحد المعالم القديمة المقدسة في العالم الإسلامي،
لابدّ من تسليط الضوء على شخصية السيدة نرجس عليها السلام
In spite of the foundation of Iraqi state in 1921 and the formation of the new features of
the modern state, however, the inherited costumes and traditions sustained in the conservative
society. But due to the development that inflicted to the Iraqi society and the development of
the staff in all fields and requirement conducting to female learning. After WW II and the
1950s, women get out of their houses to seek learning by approaching the doors.
What is positive about that phase was the formation of the College of Queen A'liya
which is regarded as a positive indicator. In any case the Iraqi family encouraged women to
be indulged in higher education. Calling the college Queen A'liya
Design system often generated relationship within the frame work of their concept of interior design a system or more can be created between design relationships within this concept in the structure of its internal space product. Through the division of all to it parts to reveal the hidden places and stages of composition and their relationship and interdependence between them. And then re- composition of all its parts, doth in the deign process at the initial stages or in the processes of treatments that are necessary after the completion of design and circulation. To be able to use other events close to the first events designed for them. In terms of idea logical in fluency and its social, economic, cultural and political dimension. As
... Show MoreBetween the duality of sound and image, the completeness of the actor’s personality at the director comes to announce the birth of the appropriate theatrical role for that character as the basic and inherent element of the artwork, within his working system in the pattern of vocal behavior as well as motor/signal behavior as he searches for aesthetic and skill proficiency at the same time.
This is done through the viewer’s relationship with the theatrical event, which the director considers as an area of active creative activity in relation to (the work of the actor) through vocal recitation and the signs it broadcasts in order to fulfill the requirements of the dramatic situation and what it requires of a visual vision drawn in t
In this study, one of the prominent personalities of the second Abbasid era was shed light on,namely the slave girl, Shaghab. The lady,Shaghab,Played a major role during that stage of this era,taking advnage of the critical conditions that the caliphate was going through at that time
In this study, one of the prominent personalities of the second Abbasid era was shed light on,namely the slave girl, Shaghab. The lady,Shaghab