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الجــانــب الإعــلامــي لخـطـبـة السيّدة زينب (عليها السلام) في الكوفة سنة 61هـ/684م
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 12 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الأثر الوظيفي للإعلام النسوي في الاصلاح السيدة زينب (عليها السلام ) أنموذجا
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      The pause of AL-Hawra Zainab(peace be upon her) is a great opportunity to show the Muslim woman in combating injustice and tyranny, but we find the lack of knowledge of the leader of the media AL-Husseini(peace be upon 

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
فاطمة فاطمة الزهراء(عليها السلام)عند المؤرخين والمحدِّثين (دراسة ببلوغرافية)
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There are a lot of takes care of the legacy of the household (p) and from different Islamic sects, where draw works several dealt biography Zahra Virgin (p) was research deals with male workbooks that were classified for girlfriend (p) since the second century AH, which is my father Mkhnf, Lot bin Yahya bin Said Azdi (d. 157 AH / 773 AD) the first class

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The general budget and censorship on it in Iraqi legislation
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The main idea of the financial censorship is to submit the states funds to a censorship because they are the funds of the people and because this censorship is a right and role ensured by the constitution for specific devices in the state, thus the role of the financial censor should be launched to achieve this goal in all walks of the state. • The power of this censorship depends basically on the independence of the censorious bodies over a job which is submitted to this censorship and the censor should have a reverence , this censorship is practiced as a precautionary procedure before preparing the budget to avoid mistakes after and during the execution for maintaining the states funds. • The importance of the censorship comes from

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 21 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المواد المواد التي يكتب عليها المخطوط
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The research deals with a historical study of the materials written by the manuscript since the beginning of its inception in the Arab era in the pre-Islamic era and the origin of Islamic and the following in successive eras.It is a variety of materials ,including Al-Asab,karanif ,parchment ,leather and many other

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The historical presence of Arab tribes and clans in the administratire regions (disputed ) ) 1800 m -1921 m)
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(disputed areas) before the establishment of the national government in Iraq in 1921, had to search for Arab tribes and clans in which the recipe group is available as a social organization coherent based on the foundations of several of them tribalism and her Land relates know Deira in those areas during the period that preceded the establishment of the national government in Iraq in 1921, and based on the inter girls primary sources and published mostly before the establishment of the national government in Iraq, the source of their information search and direct inquiry.
Research has proved that the tribes and clans of Arab exist in all districts described by (disputed), except (judicial Akre and Tilkaif) and varying degrees of time

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Civil Administration on the Suburbs of Al–Kufa
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We have found through research , that administrative institutions on the outskirts of Kufa and their management is not as important as administrative institution in place that were associated with it and subject to its control ,as it often was express power , or poor ( if true ) expression , directors of the center for the suburbs , as it became clear to our diversity of those administrative institutions and prominent role in the interest of the affairs of the people and society in all aspects of life , and are the functions and different staff from the highest authority the suburbs represented by house of representatives ( the workers ) ,then workers abscess and Al-dhaqan and not to mention for other jobs came the actions of Bhaltsier a

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
مجلة الحقوق المستنصرية
المستندات الموقع عليها عن طريق الغلط دراسة في القانون الانكليزي
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الغلط في القانون الانجليزي على انواع ثلاثة (غلط مشترك Common mistake ) يقع فيه الطرفان مع علم كل منهما بنية الآخر ويقبلها دون ان يشوب الاتفاق نقص او يعتريه تحفظ ، و(غلط من الجانبين Mutual mistake) يكون كل متعاقد واقعا في غلط فيما يتعلق بما قصده الآخر، فيقدم كل منهما عرضاً مخالفاً للآخر و(غلط من جانب واحدUnliteral mistake ) يقع فيه احد المتعاقدين فقط ويكون المتعاقد الآخر اما عالماً بالغلط او يفترض انه عالم به . فإذا دفع احد المتعاقدين

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Organizational Ethnography and its Reflection in the Resonant LeadershipCase study at the University of Kufa
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between organizational ethnography and resonant leadership in the University of Kufa, importance of research includes rare of studies that investigated the relationship between organizational ethnography and resonant leadership. Moreover, it comes as an attempt to reduce or bridge the knowledge gap between the variables of the research. As well as try to put the right foundations and appropriate for industry leaders of various Iraqi organizations aimed at profit or service. Based on the random sampling, 450 questionnaires were distributed to employees at the University of Kufa. Only 392 questionnaires were returned. Out of which 104 questionnaires we

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
Journal Name
Music Jawq military in Iraq: زينب صبحي عبد البياتي
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Was and military music still in Iraq whatever tributary of Music, where contributed Brphi Iraqi music musicians, authors and composers of musicians skilled and qualified teachers, was, and still have a big role in the growth and prosperity and progress of contemporary Iraqi music through active and vital role and make a lot of musical tenders excellence in various military and civilian walks of life whether it be in the days of war or peace.As it is the military music schools and the main source of the most important in the education of these machines and training. Therefore occupies the military musicians in Iraq prestigious and important, particularly in the Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra started the forefront of the musical instrum

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The emotional stability development, Ages 11 to 14 Years
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The current research aims to identify 1) the differences of emotional stability development level according to the variable of age; and 2) the differences of emotional stability development level according to the variable of gender (male, female). This study employed a descriptive approach, whereby a total of 165 primary and secondary school student was randomly selected from the directorate of AL -rusafa side (1st rusafa) of Baghdad province to constitute the sample of the study. The questionnaire was created based on the previous testes and studies that are relevant to emotional stability, and all its psychometrics features were examined. The researcher analyzed the data using SPSS statistic

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