the regional and spatial dimension of development planning must be taken as a point of departure to the mutual of the spatial structure of the economy , development strategy and policies applied 'therein such as the location principles and regional development coordination of the territorial problems with the national development planning and timing of regional vis-a-vis national development plan_. Certain balance and integration is of sound necessity' between national _regional and local development objectives through which the national development strategy should have to represent the guidelines of the local development aspirations and goals. The economic development exerts an impact on the spatial evolution, being itself subject to influence by the spatial socio- economic structures. The regional planning is not an end by itself, rather it is a factor for arranging to realize certain opinions or concepts more successfully. therefore, it is a basis for decision -making and policies to carry_ out the plans and programmers With a region adequately delineated, the organization and procedures could be planned for that specific - region and its problems , i e….., 'study must be directed ,in particular, towards the examination of economic ,social, geographic physical, geological hydro geological and many other factors. Hence , regionalism emphasizes the deep significance of the regional factors in national planning and development. The decentralization have to be accompanied with effective integrated planning at the national level and by measures and criteria where by regional plans may be satisfactorily integrated into the national policies. The regional policy is a trend of the economic, social and physical factors of production for higher economic growth and social development. Meanwhile to ensure the shaping of rational interregional proportions of the industrial location and in turn the per capita income among regions. The regional policy is integrally connected with the policy of the distribution of productive forces through investment as a factor of changes in the geographical distribution_ of output and development expressed by the changes of the location of output capacities and Tile changes of the location of industries. The structure of the regions is subject to changes due to different reasons such as changes in the level of employment, changes in the efficiency of labour and changes in the programmes of production.
تنتاب العلاقةَ الأمريكية الإيرانية تجاذباتٌ ومشاحنات أدخلت العالم في حالة من الغموض السياسي، وجعلت بعض المراقبين والمحللين السياسيين لا يستبعدون توجيه الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية أو إسرائيل ضربة عسكرية لإيران، إذ يرى المدقق في واقع تلك العلاقة المضطربة: أن الأمور كلما بلغت حافة الهاوية عادت من جديد إلى ساحة الحوار والمفاوضات، ويبدو: أن الإستراتيجية الأمريكية التي يتبعها الرئيس (باراك أو
... Show Moreادى انتشار الاسلام وانتعاش الاوضاع الى تطور السياحة البحرية
استخدام خامات محلية في صناعة البوادق الحرارية
Tourism facilities represent one of the forms of public facilities, especially that tourism is of great importance to most of the peoples of the world and is an essential tributary to the economy and the provision of foreign currency to any country, and since the development in this field does not depend on tourism resources or tourist attractions only, but rather on how to manage them and the procedures that are practiced by the competent authorities in the management of tourist facilities are of great importance, as they bear the administrative character on the one hand and on disciplinary nature on the other hand, which was indicated during the research.
هذه محاولة لاستقصاء فكرة الجوار في القانون الدولي، والمبدأ الذي يتردد ذكره بمناسبتها هو مبدا حسن الجوار.
تعتمد المحاولة - على خلاف ما جرت عليه العادة الى حد ما - على قراءات متنوعة في وثائق الدول والمنظمات الدولية، للتعرف على الاستخدامات الاصطلاحية لتعبير الجوار فيما ترتبط به من موضوعات على المستوى الدولي، فبدلا من أن نبحث عن نتائج بحوث سابقة في معنى الجوار ومفهوم حسن الجوار، فاننا قد عمدنا مباشرة الى عم
... Show Moreالعوامل المؤثرة في نشأة النظام السياسي الامريكي
Etude de I' espace dans un extrait de Les sequestres d' Altona de Jean
The re-insurance of the same important role in the development programs and activities that reinsurance companies and their level of development and the mechanisms of action and the laws that govern the relationship between the re-insurance companies and direct companies reflect the cultural level and degree of progress of any country. &n
... Show MoreThank God also taught us that thanks . thank meets the blessings and rewards mazidk glory we have no knowledge except what you have taught you Alim hakim , not counted praise you as yourself praised and pray and to recognize the envoy mercy to the worlds , prophet Mohammed and his family and companions and guided to the day of judgment .
But after :
Aware of the interpretation of the most important science needed by Muslims because God Almighty sent down the Quraan to be a way of the life for Muslims is subject to a healing for what is in the breasts and it slaham and flaham and has spared the nation from crisisThe stats of the monks , like other verses talking about Christians and Jews and what they have invented in the religion o
Research summary
This research discloses the study of the methodology of one of the notables of the followers, which is: (Abi Mijlis Al-Basri), who had a clear impact on many commentators after him, especially in the field of interpretation by impact. This study included two topics:
The first: his biography and scientific
The second: his methodology in the traditional interpretation.