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the effect of organizing the university environment on increasing its efficiency and directing economic resiurces
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Technical education in Iraq Composed of, a complex system of technical competence and scientific, technical and administrative, which extends to cover large areas of the country and constitute a vicious circle between economic development, social and cultural rights through middle-management on the one hand, and between academic knowledge and political decision-making, which aims to bring such development On the other hand, in the light of that education is the actual technical extension applied to create the idea of complementarily between them. In Iraq, have been distributed institutes and technical colleges to achieve those goals, in addition to realizing the idea of integration between them and community, and integration of technical colleges developed and technical institutes old (host) through the creation of an environment university is seeking to Investment human and material resources are of workshops and laboratories, clubs, libraries and facilities sports, parks and public spaces, which is serving the students their leisure time, especially as hours of education and training in technical education is supposed to extend to long hours are different from other academic institutions. The current study Focus to examine the university environment with a focus on the idea of complementarily between colleges developed and technical institutes and the investment of available resources, which constitute one of the pillars of the idea of the development of these colleges and their impact in reducing the waste of economic resources, and will be the geographical area elected are complex institutions and technical colleges in Zafaraniya, which includes (Institute of Technology and its relationship with Baghdad College of Technology - Baghdad). This research shows the fragmentation of the university environment and inconsistency at multiple levels of fragmentation events and student activities and devote the idea of separation, isolation and lack of interaction between students within the environment one, plus a lack of investment in human resources varied in that environment and resorting to self-sufficiency, thereby contributing to the lack of direct economic resources properly.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The American vision of the Non-governmental Organizations in Iraq
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The American vision of the Non-governmental Organizations in Iraq the topic area of that’s paper dealing with Civil Society as concept and practice, its already consider as Western concept and associated with liberalism and political development, they are many definitions of its but most significantly is all organizations, agencies, trade unions and non-governmental institutions, that’s agencies were established after 2003 and received funds from United States and UN development agencies. The non- governments organizations played a significant role as support and develop many cultural, healthy, educational, and social projects, also that’s organizations try to reduction the effects of terrorists actions especially after ISI

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 07 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
activating the role of the private sector in housting finance
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Housing finance is considered to be an important and basic element in housing market, so it’s very important to aid individuals and particular institutions to built or buy new housing units.Inadequate finance system for housing is capable of supporting families to fulfill their needs and helping them to buy and built houses represented a big gap between the need to housing units and available stock. The most important finance institutions in Iraq nowa days are the Real Estate Bank and Housing Fund.Althoughthe role played byeach ofthese institutions, but thattheir roleis stilllimited in thehousing financeat the level ofindividuals orinstitutions. the adoption of the real estate Bank and housing fund to the amount allocated by th

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The House of the Seven Gables
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Nathaniel Hawthorne is famous for his psychological and moral themes. He is also famous for using symbolism in presenting his poignant themes of sin and its consequences. This research paper studies the use of symbols in Hawthorne's The House of Seven gables as an example of his general use of symbolism in his novels. The general pattern of Hawthorne's symbolism is that he presents one major symbol that embodies the main idea, and supports it with a number of minor symbols that develop and elucidate it. In The House of the Seven Gables, the major symbol is the house itself, which stands for corruption, evil, and the injustice of the past. This symbol is supported by such secondary symbols as the heart, the fountain, the

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Dictionaries in the News.. In the light of Semiotic analysis,
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We refer in this research into linguistic binaries, try rounding of simiaei news analysis. It is known that there are branches of Linguistics called social Linguistics, divided into communicative Linguistics and media. Perhaps the best justification for the inclusion of a new curriculum in media studies is a semiotic analysis of the news. I›ve turned the speech, language and communication studies in relation to different disciplines, many research projects, and returned only old curriculum, speed shift in thought, proportional to the revolution in information and communication technology, for reality imposed on the entire world, researchers are the first affected by this enormous humanitarian Almanza. Alsimiaaeon still shy away from an

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 12 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education Online
Tracking the Emergence of the Iraqi Paralympic Committee until 2020
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MII Al-Itabi, WH Abdulameer, OSS Al-Mashhadani, Review of International Geographical Education Online, 2021 - Cited by 1

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The link of destination Using the evidence Analytical Fundamental Study
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This paper seeks to study the link between the fundamentalist evidence based on the observance of governance and interests and the ranks of the three legitimate purposes (necessary, need and detailed). The researcher followed the descriptive-analytical approach. The study reached important results, including that the measurement relates to the three ranks, but predominantly attached to measure the meaning of the need and the need, and the measurement of the semi-formal and semi-predominance improvement. Reclamation is considered by the majority of scholars to be authentic if it is related to the necessity and the need, and that it is not acceptable to improve only by a witness who recommends it. The excuses relate to Hajji and Tahini, no

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
A Semiotic Approach to the Analysis of the News Story
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This study attempts to provide an approach analysis for the news, depending on the bases and principles which conceptuality semiotic researchers of this field first of them «A. J. Gremas» for the theory of «narrative discourse analysis», to more clarify we tried to apply it on a published press- news, to concludes the most important steps and methods that are necessary to follows gain more understanding of the press- news.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
The contribution of the arts to interdisciplinary sciences: Art Therapy
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The history of the arts is closely connected with the history of humankind, since it is impossible to separate our scientific and artistic advances’. Therefore, the current research focuses on the close bond between art and other disciplines. The connection of the arts to the sciences is unequivocal and undisputed; the contributions of artists to the various scientific domains are clear. If one scrutinises the ability of artists to participate in building societies, one will find that the arts have penetrated deeply into a range of products and inventions, starting with the pencil and ending with the missile. The artist’s contributions play a part in the minutest of details across all fields of industry: production, craftsmanship, me

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The legal provisions of the continental shelf in international law
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الأحكام القانونية للجرف القاري في القانون الدولي

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The accuracy of cone-beam computed tomography in the evaluation of boney support of teeth among patients with a unilateral cleft of lip and palate among IraqiPopulation
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Background: To evaluate the bony supports of the teeth adjacent to the area of cleft in patient with unilateral cleft lip and palate and to compare these measurements with the measurements of the same teeth in non-cleft side by using CBCT. Materials and methods: The CBCT scans of 30 patients having cleft lip( unilateral) and palate(unilateral), were analyzed and the measurements of the alveolar bony support for teeth that are adjacent to the cleft area were measured with those teeth located on opposite side (non- clef) side. For each tooth, the measurements will taken for the distance between the( cementoenamel junction) (CEJ) and the bony crest (AC) at the( buccal area) was measured and the thickness of the buccal plate At zero, one, tw

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