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Study the Effect of Catalyst -to- Oil Ratio Parameter (COR) on Catalytic Cracking of Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil
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This work deals with the production of light fuel cuts of (gasoline, kerosene and gas oil) by catalytic cracking treatment of secondary product mater (heavy vacuum gas oil) which was produced from the vacuum distillation unit in any petroleum refinery. The objective of this research was to study the effect of the catalyst -to- oil ratio parameter on catalytic cracking process of heavy vacuum gas oil feed at constant temperature (450 °C). The first step of this treatment was, catalytic cracking of this material by constructed batch reactor occupied with auxiliary control devices, at selective range of the catalyst –to- oil ratio parameter (  2, 2.5, 3 and 3.5) respectively.  The conversion of heavy vacuum gas oil which was obtained, reaches to (50, 70, 75 and 80) % for (2, 2.5, 3 and 3.5 catalysts -to- oil ratio parameter respectively. The second step for this study was distillation of this cracking heavy vacuum gas oil liquid by atmospheric distillation device for these several catalyst -to- oil ratio parameter, according to obtained light fuel cuts (gasoline, kerosene and gas oil). The percentage volume of light fractions at various COR are (7, 25 and 18) for COR 2, (10, 20 and 40) for COR 2.5, (10, 30 and 35) for COR 3 and (15, 30 and 35) for COR 3.5  which separates according to its boiling point. The light cuts were distilled by atmospheric distillation device in order to obtained distillation curve. The third step was study the major physical and chemical properties for feed (heavy vacuum gas oil) and catalytic cracking liquid of HVGO at various COR with its light fuel fractions, the results refers to acceptable properties compared with other commercial properties.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
the effect of doping ratio on the opical properties
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the films of cdse pure and doped with copper ratio glass substrate effect od cucomcentration technique thikness doped with copper is an anonmg and the density of state increases

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Study the effect of addition of Ar to N2 gas on the EEDF and the correspondent coefficients of electron transport
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
The Synbiotic Effect Of Volaticle Oil Extracted From Leaves Rosmarinus Officinolis And Nigella Sativa: The Synbiotic Effect Of Volaticle Oil Extracted From Leaves Rosmarinus Officinolis And Nigella Sativa
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The objective of present study was to investigate the effect of using mixture volaticle oil of rosmarinus and nigella sativa to improve some of the meat quality characteristics, physical and limited storage time of minced cold poultry meat. Duplex volaticle oil was added at 0.025, 0.050 and 0.075 g/kg to minced poultry meat, these treatments were stored individually for 0 , 4 and 7 days at 4-7C0. After making several chemical, physical and oxidation indicators, the following results were obtained:

            The process of adding volaticle oil to minced poultry meat led to significant increase (P<0.01)in moisture, prot

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch.
Effect of essential oil extracted from the peels of Citrus paradisi and Citrus sinensis on some fungi
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This study examined the effect of essential oils extracted from peel of Citrus paradisi and Citrus sinensis on two species of fungi: Penicillium oxalicum and Fusarium oxysporum as well as effect of two fungicides: Carbendazim and Thiophanatemethyl against above fungi. Results showed that the essential oil of Citrus paradisi inhibited the radial growth of Penicillium oxalicum and Fusarium oxysporum at concentration 4%. Nevertheless, the essential oil of Citrus sinensis inhibited the radial growth at concentration 5 and 4%, respectively. Furthermore, the two studied fungicides inhibited radial growth of these fungi too. Therefore, there are a positive relationship between the evaluating of concentration and the percentage of inhibiting of rad

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Chemistry And Environment
Biodiesel from fresh and waste sunflower oil using calcium oxide catalyst synthesized from local limestone
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Scopus (8)
Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A Study of the Effect of Kaolin as a Fuel Oil Additive on the Corrosion Inhibition of Fireside Superheater Boiler Tubes
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The objective of the present study is to determine the effect of Kaolin as a fuel oil additive to minimize the fireside corrosion of superheater boiler tubes of ASTM designation (A213-T22) by increasing the melting point of the formed slag on the outside tubes surface, through the formation of new compounds with protective properties to the metal surface. The study included measuring corrosion rates at different temperatures with and without additive use with various periods of time, through crucible test method and weight loss technique.

      A mathematical model represents the relation between corrosion rate and the studied variables, is obtained using statistical regression analysis. Using this model,

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Remediation of Oil Production by Matrix Acidizing Method on an Oil Well
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   The remediation oil production by matrix acidizing method on the well named "X" (for confidential reasons) is scrutinized in this paper. Initial production of 1150 bpd, production index of 2.8 STB/Psi/d and permeability of 150md, in 2018 two years down the lane this dropped to 450 bpd, production index 0.7 STB/Psi/d. The declined observed on the production index is trouble shouted and after elimination of (no completion damage/perforation damage), the skin is calculated by carrying out a well test (build-up test) whose extrapolation in excel over times gave us a skin of 40.The reservoir heterogeneity, containing >20% of feldspar, carbonates and paraffin’s guided thematrix acidizing design and treatment proposition to remedy thi

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of CCl4 and Nigella sativa oil on histological changes of liver in the immature white Rats
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This study aimed to investigat the effect of Carbon tetrachloride CCl4 and Nigella
sativa oil on histological changes of liver. It was used only (20) immature male rats. to study
the effect of Carbon tetrachloride CCl4 and Nigella sativa oil on changes. The rats were
randomly divided into equal groups as follows. First group was injected intra dermally with
0.1 ml, normal saline (two times per weeks). This group was considered as control group .The
second group was injected intra dermally with (Carbon tetrachloride CCl4 ml / 100g ) of body
weight for ( two times per weeks was injected for (8weeks) . The third group It was orally
given 0.1 ml dose of Nigella sativa oil, it was injected for (8weeks).The fourth g

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Comparative Study between Different Oil Production Enhancement Scenarios in an Iraqi Tight Oil Reservoir
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This paper presents a comparative study between different oil production enhancement scenarios in the Saadi tight oil reservoir located in the Halfaya Iraqi oil field. The reservoir exhibits poor petrophysical characteristics, including medium pore size, low permeability (reaching zero in some areas), and high porosity of up to 25%. Previous stimulation techniques such as acid fracturing and matrix acidizing have yielded low oil production in this reservoir. Therefore, the feasibility of hydraulic fracturing stimulation and/or horizontal well drilling scenarios was assessed to increase the production rate. While horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing can improve well performance, they come with high costs, often accounting for up t

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Hydro cracking of heavy oil is used in refinery to produce invaluable products. In this research, a model of hydro cracking reactor has been used to study the behavior of heavy oil in hydro cracking under the conditions recommended by literature in terms lumping of feed and products. The lumping scheme is based on five lumps include: heavy oil, vacuum oil, distillates, naphtha and gases. The first order kinetics was assumed for the conversion in the model and the system is modeled as an isothermal tubular reactor. MATLAB 6.1 was used to solve the model for a five lump scheme for different values of feed velocity, and temperature.

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