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Comparative Permeability Estimation Method and Identification of Rock Types using Cluster Analysis from Well Logs and Core Analysis Data in Tertiary Carbonate Reservoir-Khabaz Oil Field
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Characterization of the heterogonous reservoir is complex representation and evaluation of petrophysical properties and application of the relationships between porosity-permeability within the framework of hydraulic flow units is used to estimate permeability in un-cored wells. Techniques of flow unit or hydraulic flow unit (HFU) divided the reservoir into zones laterally and vertically which can be managed and control fluid flow within flow unit and considerably is entirely different with other flow units through reservoir. Each flow unit can be distinguished by applying the relationships of flow zone indicator (FZI) method. Supporting the relationship between porosity and permeability by using flow zone indictor is carried out for evaluating the reservoir quality and identification of flow unit used in reservoir zonation.  In this study, flow zone indicator has been used to identify five layers belonging to Tertiary reservoirs. Consequently, the porosity-permeability cross plot has been done depending on FZI values as groups and for each group denoted to reservoir rock types. On the other hand, extending rock type identification in un-cored wells should apply a cluster analysis approach by using well logs data. Reservoir zonation has been achieved by cluster analysis approach and for each group known as cluster which variation and different with others. Five clusters generated in this study and permeability estimated depend on these groups in un-cored wells by using well log data that gives good results compared with different empirical methods.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 21 2022
Journal Name
Научный форум: Филология, искусствоведение и культурология: сб. ст. по материалам Lvi междунар. науч.-практ. конф. – No 2 (56). – М
Comparative analysis of zoomorphic metaphors in Russian and Arabic as a method for studying linguoculturology
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: zonal are included in phraseological units, form metaphorical names for a person, give him various emotional and evaluative characteristics. This article examines the topic of zoomorphic metaphors that characterize a person in the Russian and Arabic languages in the aspect of their comparative analysis, since the comparative analysis of the metaphorical meanings of animalisms is an important method for studying cultural linguistics, since zoomorphic metaphors are a reflection of culture in a language.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Processing of missing values in survey data using Principal Component Analysis and probabilistic Principal Component Analysis methods
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The idea of ​​carrying out research on incomplete data came from the circumstances of our dear country and the horrors of war, which resulted in the missing of many important data and in all aspects of economic, natural, health, scientific life, etc.,. The reasons for the missing are different, including what is outside the will of the concerned or be the will of the concerned, which is planned for that because of the cost or risk or because of the lack of possibilities for inspection. The missing data in this study were processed using Principal Component  Analysis and self-organizing map methods using simulation. The variables of child health and variables affecting children's health were taken into account: breastfeed

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
isolation and identification of cloves oil from eugenia caryophyllaa using Ultrasonic
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This research has been prepared to isolate and diagnose one of the most important vegetable oils from the plant medical clove is the famous with Alaeugenol oil and used in many pharmaceuticals were the isolation process using a technique ultrasonic extraction and distillation technology simple

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Split and Merge Regions of Satellite Images using the Non-Hierarchical Algorithm of Cluster Analysis
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يعد التقطيع الصوري من الاهداف الرئيسة والضرورية في المعالجات الصورية للصور الرقمية، فهو يسعى الى تجزئة الصور المدروسة الى مناطق متعددة اكثر نفعاً تلخص فيها المناطق ذات الافادة لصور الاقمار الصناعية، وهي صور متعددة الاطياف ومجهزة من الاقمار الصناعية باستخدام مبدأ الاستشعار عن بعد والذي اصبح من المفاهيم المهمة التي تُعتمد تطبيقاته في اغلب ضروريات الحياة اليومية، وخاصة بعد التطورات المتسارعة التي شهد

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Robust Estimations of Cluster Analysis: Practical Application in Administrative and Financial Corruption
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Cluster analysis (clustering) is mainly concerned with dividing a number of data elements into clusters. The paper applies this method to create a gathering of symmetrical government agencies with the aim to classify them and understand how far they are close to each other in terms of administrative and financial corruption by means of five variables representing the prevalent administrative and financial corruption in the state institutions. Cluster analysis has been applied to each of these variables to understand the extent to which these agencies are close to other in each of the cases related to the administrative and financial corruption.           

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Calculating heterogeneity of Majnoon Field/Hartha Reservoir using Lorenz Coefficient method
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Abstract<p>One of the principle concepts to understand any hydrocarbon field is the heterogeneity scale; This becomes particularly challenging in supergiant oil fields with medium to low lateral connectivity and carbonate reservoir rocks.</p><p>The main objectives of this study is to quantify the value of the heterogeneity for any well in question, and propagate it to the full reservoir. This is a quite useful specifically prior to conducting detailed water flooding or full field development studies and work, in order to be prepared for a proper design and exploitation requirements that fit with the level of heterogeneity of this formation.</p><jats></jats> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Nov 05 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education Online
Measuring The Efficiency of The Departments of The College of Administration and Economics / University of Baghdad Using the Method of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), A Comparative Study
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education Online
Measuring The Efficiency of The Departments of The College of Administration and Economics / University of Baghdad Using the Method of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), A Comparative Study
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The research aims at the possibility of measuring the technical and scale efficiency (SE) of the departments of the College of Administration and Economics at the University of Baghdad for a period lasting 8 years, from the academic year 2013-2014 to 2018-2019 using the method of Applied Data Analysis with an input and output orientation to maintain the distinguished competitive position and try to identify weaknesses in performance and address them. Nevertheless, the research problem lies in diagnosing the most acceptable specializations in the labor market and determining the reasons for students’ reluctance to enter some departments. Furthermore, the (Win4DEAp) program was used to measure technical and scale efficiency (SE) and rely on

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 18 2022
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad
Experimental Study and Analysis of Matrix Acidizing for Mishrif Formation-Ahdeb Oil Field
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Carbonate matrix stimulation technology has progressed tremendously in the last decade through creative laboratory research and novel fluid advancements. Still, existing methods for optimizing the stimulation of wells in vast carbonate reservoirs are inadequate. Consequently, oil and gas wells are stimulated routinely to expand production and maximize recovery. Matrix acidizing is extensively used because of its low cost and ability to restore the original productivity of damaged wells and provide additional production capacity. The Ahdeb oil field lacks studies in matrix acidizing; therefore, this work provided new information on limestone acidizing in the Mishrif reservoir. Moreover, several reports have been issued on the difficulties en

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Treating Wet Oil in Amara Oil Field Using Nanomaterial (SiO2) With Different Types of De emulsifiers
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One of the most important problems in the oil production process and when its continuous flow, is emulsified oil (w/o emulsion), which in turn causes many problems, from the production line to the extended pipelines that are then transported to the oil refining process. It was observed that the nanomaterial (SiO2) supported the separation process by adding it to the emulsion sample and showed a high separation rate with the demulsifiers (RB6000) and (sebamax) where the percentage of separation was greater than (90 and 80 )%  respectively, and less than that when dealing with (Sodium dodecyl sulfate and Diethylene glycol), the percentage of separation was (60% and 50%) respectively.

   The high proportion

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