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Comparative Permeability Estimation Method and Identification of Rock Types using Cluster Analysis from Well Logs and Core Analysis Data in Tertiary Carbonate Reservoir-Khabaz Oil Field
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Characterization of the heterogonous reservoir is complex representation and evaluation of petrophysical properties and application of the relationships between porosity-permeability within the framework of hydraulic flow units is used to estimate permeability in un-cored wells. Techniques of flow unit or hydraulic flow unit (HFU) divided the reservoir into zones laterally and vertically which can be managed and control fluid flow within flow unit and considerably is entirely different with other flow units through reservoir. Each flow unit can be distinguished by applying the relationships of flow zone indicator (FZI) method. Supporting the relationship between porosity and permeability by using flow zone indictor is carried out for evaluating the reservoir quality and identification of flow unit used in reservoir zonation.  In this study, flow zone indicator has been used to identify five layers belonging to Tertiary reservoirs. Consequently, the porosity-permeability cross plot has been done depending on FZI values as groups and for each group denoted to reservoir rock types. On the other hand, extending rock type identification in un-cored wells should apply a cluster analysis approach by using well logs data. Reservoir zonation has been achieved by cluster analysis approach and for each group known as cluster which variation and different with others. Five clusters generated in this study and permeability estimated depend on these groups in un-cored wells by using well log data that gives good results compared with different empirical methods.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 14 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Creeping Gait Analysis and Simulation of a Quadruped Robot
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A quadruped (four-legged) robot locomotion has the potential ability for using in different applications such as walking over soft and rough terrains and to grantee the mobility and flexibility. In general, quadruped robots have three main periodic gaits:  creeping gait, running gait and galloping gait. The main problem of the quadruped robot during walking is the needing to be statically stable for slow gaits such as creeping gait. The statically stable walking as a condition depends on the stability margins that calculated particularly for this gait. In this paper, the creeping gait sequence analysis of each leg step during the swing and fixed phases has been carried out. The calculation of the minimum stability margins depends up

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using fuzzy logic for estimating monthly pan evaporation from meteorological data in Emara/ South of Iraq
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Evaporation is one of the major components of the hydrological cycle in the nature, thus its accurate estimation is so important in the planning and management of the irrigation practices and to assess water availability and requirements. The aim of this study is to investigate the ability of fuzzy inference system for estimating monthly pan evaporation form meteorological data. The study has been carried out depending on 261 monthly measurements of each of temperature (T), relative humidity (RH), and wind speed (W) which have been available in Emara meteorological station, southern Iraq. Three different fuzzy models comprising various combinations of monthly climatic variables (temperature, wind speed, and relative humidity) were developed

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees20
A comparative study of Williamson-Hall method and size-strain method through X-ray diffraction pattern of cadmium oxide nanoparticle
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In this research, the Williamson-Hall method and of size-strain plot method was employed to analyze X- ray lines for evaluating the crystallite size and lattice strain and of cadmium oxide nanoparticles. the crystallite size value is (15.2 nm) and (93.1 nm) and lattice strain (4.2 x10−4 ) and (21x10−4) respectively. Also, other methods have been employed to evaluate the crystallite size. The current methods are (Sherrer and modified Sherrer methods ) and their results are (14.8 nm) and (13.9nm) respectively. Each method of analysis has a different result because the alteration in the crystallite size and lattice strain calculated according to the Williamson-Hall and size-strain plot methods shows that the non-uniform strain in nan

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Calculation and Analysis of the Total Electron Content Over Different Latitudes and Seasons Using the Numerical Trapezoidal and Simpson Methods
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It has been shown in ionospheric research that calculation of the total electron content (TEC) is an important factor in global navigation system. In this study, TEC calculation was performed over Baghdad city, Iraq, using a combination of two numerical methods called composite Simpson and composite Trapezoidal methods. TEC was calculated using the line integral of the electron density derived from the International reference ionosphere IRI2012 and NeQuick2 models from 70 to 2000 km above the earth surface. The hour of the day and the day number of the year, R12, were chosen as inputs for the calculation techniques to take into account latitudinal, diurnal and seasonal variation of TEC. The results of latitudinal variation of TE

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
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Hazard analysis in drinking water plant
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Source, sedimentation, coagulation, flocculation, filter, and tank are parts of a water treatment plant. As a result, some issues threaten the process and affect the drinking water quality, which is required to provide clean drinking water according to special standards and international and local specifications, determined by laboratory results from physical, chemical, and biological tests. In order to keep the water safe for drinking, it is necessary to analyze the risks and assess the pollution that occurs in every part of the plant. The method is carried out in a common way, which is monitoring through laboratory tests, and it is among the standards of the global and local health regulators

Publication Date
Wed Mar 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis ,Characterization and Study of Liquid Crystalline Behavior of New Bent Core Mesogenes Derived From Isophthalic Acid
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Two series of bent core mesogen containing 1,2,4-traizole ring [X]a-e and [XI]a-e were synthesized by many steps starting from esterification of isophthalic acid with methanol to yield diester compound [I] which was converted to their acid hydrazide [II] and the acid hydrazide reacted with ammonium thiocyanate or phenyl isothiocyanate to yield compounds [III] and [IV] , respectively . Then cyclization by 4% NaOH to yielded 1,2,4 traizole-3- thiol compounds [V] and [VI], respectively, afterword adding hydrazine hydrate to yield compounds [VII] and [VIII] .These compounds condensated with different substituted aldehyde to give new Schiff bases[X]a-e and [XI]a-e,respectively. The synthesized compounds were characterized by melting points ,

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New Method for Determination of Molybdenum(VI) through Flow Injection Analysis Via the Consumption of Liberated Oxygen from Reaction System Ammonia-Hydrogen peroxide-Molybdenum(VI) in the Presence of Pyrogallol
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This piece of research work aims to study one of the most difficult reaction and determination due to continuous and rapid variation of reaction products and the reactants. As molybdenum (VI) aid in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in alkaline medium of ammomia, thus means a continuous liberation of oxygen which cuases and in a continuous manner a distraction in the measurement process. On this basis pyrogallol was used to absorbe all liberated oxygen and the result is an a clean undisturbed signals. Molybdenum (VI) was determined in the range of 4-100 ? with percentage linearity of 99.8% or (4-300 ? with 94.4%) while L.O.D. was 3.5 ? Interferring ions (cations and anions) were studied and their main effect was red

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Building of a Static Model for Jeribe Formation in Jambour Oil Field
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The Jeribe Formation, the Jambour oil field, is the major carbonate reservoir from the tertiary reservoirs of the Jambour field in northern Iraq, including faults. Engineers have difficulty organizing carbonate reserves since they are commonly tight and heterogeneous. This research presents a geological model of the Jeribe reservoir based on its facies and reservoir characterization data (Permeability, Porosity, Water Saturation, and Net to Gross). This research studied four wells. The geological model was constructed with the Petrel 2020.3 software. The structural maps were developed using a structural contour map of the top of the Jeribe Formation. A pillar grid model with horizons and layering was designed for each zone. Followin

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Semitism and the allegations of the Jews Presentation, analysis and criticism
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he aim of the research is to clarify the meanings and connotations of (Semitic), and to identify the peoples that fell under this name according to historical data, biblical texts and Qur’anic news. International sympathy on the one hand and on the other hand controlling the land of Palestine and giving them international legitimacy to grow their entity according to global support and sympathy with their alleged slogan (anti-Semitism), which revolves around the oppression of the Jews.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Urinary Tract Stones Fragmentation using (2100 nm) Holmium: YAG Laser: (In vitro Analysis)
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Urinary stones are one of the most common painful disorders of the urinary system. Four new technologies have transformed the treatment of urinary stones: Electrohydraulic lithotripsy, ultrasonic lithotripsy, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, and laser lithotripsy.The purpose of this study is to determine whether pulsed holmium laser energy is an effective method for fragmenting urinary tract stones in vitro, and to determine whether stone composition affects the efficacy of holmium laser lithotripsy. Human urinary stones of known composition with different sizes, shapes and colors were used for this study. The weight and the size of each stone were measured. The surgical laser system which used in our study is Ho:YAG laser(2100nm)

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