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Comparative Permeability Estimation Method and Identification of Rock Types using Cluster Analysis from Well Logs and Core Analysis Data in Tertiary Carbonate Reservoir-Khabaz Oil Field
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Characterization of the heterogonous reservoir is complex representation and evaluation of petrophysical properties and application of the relationships between porosity-permeability within the framework of hydraulic flow units is used to estimate permeability in un-cored wells. Techniques of flow unit or hydraulic flow unit (HFU) divided the reservoir into zones laterally and vertically which can be managed and control fluid flow within flow unit and considerably is entirely different with other flow units through reservoir. Each flow unit can be distinguished by applying the relationships of flow zone indicator (FZI) method. Supporting the relationship between porosity and permeability by using flow zone indictor is carried out for evaluating the reservoir quality and identification of flow unit used in reservoir zonation.  In this study, flow zone indicator has been used to identify five layers belonging to Tertiary reservoirs. Consequently, the porosity-permeability cross plot has been done depending on FZI values as groups and for each group denoted to reservoir rock types. On the other hand, extending rock type identification in un-cored wells should apply a cluster analysis approach by using well logs data. Reservoir zonation has been achieved by cluster analysis approach and for each group known as cluster which variation and different with others. Five clusters generated in this study and permeability estimated depend on these groups in un-cored wells by using well log data that gives good results compared with different empirical methods.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Optimizing Water Injection Performance by Using Sector Modeling of the Mishrif Formation in West Qurna-1 Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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The regular job of a reservoir engineer is to put a development plan to increase hydrocarbon production as possible and within economic and technical considerations. The development strategy for the giant reservoir is a complex and challenging task through the decision-making analysis process. Due to the limited surface water treatment facility, the reservoir management team focuses on minimizing water cut as low as possible by check the flow of formation and injected water movement through the Mishrif reservoir. In this research, a representative sector was used to make the review of water injection configuration, which is considered an efficient tool to make study in a particular area of the entire field when compared with the ful

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Isolation and Identification of Some Intestinal Parasites Eggs, Cysts and Oocysts From two Species of Diptera: Calliphoridae in Baghdad
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  This study documented the role of blowfly Chrysomya  albiceps and Chrysomya megacephala  as carriers of 15 species of intestinal parasites eggs, cysts and Oocysts  as a primary effort of Iraq, by external and internal techniques: 10 species of different parasites were reported in this study that transmitted mechanically by Calliphoridae fly ,eight of them are nematode eggs (Ancylostoma duodenal, Ascaridia sp., Ascaris lumbricoides, Parascaris equirum, Strongyloides stericoralis , Strongylus sp., Trichostrongylus  sp. and Toxocara canis)and cysts of  two species of protozoa ( Entamoba sp.and  Iodomaba butschlii).  Internal technique by stained the fluid gut of flies with Zael Nelson stain, was app

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
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This paper deals with the design and implementation of an ECG system. The proposed system gives a new concept of ECG signal manipulation, storing, and editing. It consists mainly of hardware circuits and the related software. The hardware includes the circuits of ECG signals capturing, and system interfaces. The software is written using Visual Basic languages, to perform the task of identification of the ECG signal. The main advantage of the system is to provide a reported ECG recording on a personal computer, so that it can be stored and processed at any time as required. This system was tested for different ECG signals, some of them are abnormal and the other is normal, and the results show that the system has a good quality of diagno

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Bit Record Analysis for Bits Evaluating and Selection
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The bit record is a part from the daily drilling report which is contain information about the type and the number of the bit that is used to drill the well, also contain data about  the used weight on bit  WOB ,revolution per minute RPM , rate of penetration ROP, pump pressure ,footage drilled and bit dull grade. Generally we can say that the bit record is a rich brief about the bit life in the hole. The main purpose of this research is to select the suitable bit to drill the next oil wells because the right bit selection avoid us more than one problems, on the other hand, the wrong bit selection cause more than one problem. Many methods are related to bit selection, this research is familiar with four of thos

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Publication Date
Mon May 31 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Ecology
Identification and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profiles of Salmonella spp. Isolated from Chicken Flocks and their Feed and Water in Karbala, Iraq
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The objective of study was determining the most prevalent Salmonella spp. and their antimicrobial susceptibility in broilers and laying chickens and their feed and drinking water in five chicken farms in Karbala, Iraq over the period from August to October 2020. A total of 289 samples, including 217 cloaca swabs, 46 water and 26 feed samples were collected. Salmonella spp. was identified firstly by routine diagnostic methods, followed by applying the API 20E kit, the Vitek2 system, and serology. There was significant differences in Salmonella prevalence among different types of samples, mainly cloaca swabs reported a high isolation rate (21.7%). In contrast, feed samples were completely free of contamination. The highest rate of isolation w

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Extraction and Identification of Phenolic Compounds from the Iraqi Heliotropium europaeum L. plant
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           The plants of genus Heliotropium L. (Boraginaceae) are well-known for containing the toxic metabolites called pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) in addition to the other secondary metabolites. Its spread in the Mediterranean area northwards to central and southern Europe, Asia, South Russia, Caucasia, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and India, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and over lower Iraq, Western desert. The present study includes the preparation of various extracts from aerial parts of the Iraqi plant. Fractionation, screening the active constituent, and identification by chromatographic techniques were carried out.Heliotropium  europaeum

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2014
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Isolation, Screening, Identification And Improvement The Production Of Cellulase Produced From Iraqi Soil
Isolation, screening, identification and improvement the production of cellulase produced from Iraqi soil
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 13 2020
Journal Name
Day 3 Wed, January 15, 2020
Numerical Simulation of Gas Lift Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm for a Middle East Oil Field: Feasibility Study
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<p>Gas-lift technique plays an important role in sustaining oil production, especially from a mature field when the reservoirs’ natural energy becomes insufficient. However, optimally allocation of the gas injection rate in a large field through its gas-lift network system towards maximization of oil production rate is a challenging task. The conventional gas-lift optimization problems may become inefficient and incapable of modelling the gas-lift optimization in a large network system with problems associated with multi-objective, multi-constrained, and limited gas injection rate. The key objective of this study is to assess the feasibility of utilizing the Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique to optimize t</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Coagulation/ Flocculation, Microfiltration and Nanofiltration for Water Treatment of Main Outfall Drain for Injection in Nasiriyah Oil Field
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The present work aims to study the efficiency of coagulation/ flocculation as 1st stage, natural gravity water filter or microfiltration (MF) as 2nd stage and nanofiltration (NF) technology as final stage for treatment of water of main outfall drain (MOD) for injection in Nasiriyah oil field. Effects of operating parameters such as coagulant dosage, speed and time of slow mixing step and settling time in the 1st stage were studied. Also feed turbidity and total suspended solids (TSS) in the 2

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Facies Analyses and Diagenetic features development of Albian - Aptian Succession in the Wset Qurna oil field, Southern Iraq
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The Carbonate-clastic succession in this study is represented by the Shuaiba and Nahr Umr Formations deposited during the Albian - Aptian Sequence. The present study includes petrography, microfacies analyses, and studying reservoir characterizations for 5 boreholes within West Qurna oil field in the study area. According to the type of study succession (clastic – Carbonate) there are two types of facies analyses:-Carbonate facies analysis, which showed five major microfacies were recognized in the succession of the Shuaiba Formation, bioclastic mudstones to wackstone, Orbitolina wackestone to packstone, Miliolids wackestone, Peloidal wackestone to packstone and mudstone to wackestone identified as an open shelf toward the deep basin.

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