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Active Vibration Control of Cantilever Beam by Using Optimal LQR Controller
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Many of mechanical systems are exposed to undesired vibrations, so designing an active vibration control (AVC) system is important in engineering decisions to reduce this vibration. Smart structure technology is used for vibration reduction. Therefore, the cantilever beam is embedded by a piezoelectric (PZT) as an actuator. The optimal LQR controller is designed that reduce the vibration of the smart beam by using a PZT element.  

In this study the main part is to change the length of the aluminum cantilever beam, so keep the control gains, the excitation, the actuation voltage, and mechanical properties of the aluminum beam for each length of the smart cantilever beam and observe the behavior and effect of changing the length of the smart cantilever beam. A cantilever beam with piezoelectric is modeled in Mechanical APDL ANSYS version 15.0 and verified this by using experimental work. The AVC was tested on a smart beam under different control gains in experimental work and chose the best control gain depending on FEM results for each length of the smart beam. The response of the smart beam is noticed to be different for every length and the reduction percentage for settling time was different for every length.


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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
J Bagh College Dentistry
Comparison of Immunoglobulin IgA level in the stimulated saliva of caries-free and caries-active children aged 7-10 year
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Background: Salivary immunoglobulin IgA plays an essential role in the immune response against dental caries. This studywas conducted to compare the salivary IgA levels and flow rate of stimulated saliva in caries active and caries free children. Materials and methods: The present study included sixty healthy children age 7-10 yearswho were divided into two groups. They were caries free and caries active children (30 children in each group). Assessment and recording of caries – experience were through the application of Decayed, Missing and Filled Tooth Index (DMFT) and (dmft) index, for permanent and deciduous teeth respectively. After dental examination, stimulated saliva samples were collected from the subjects and performed und

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Aeroelastic Flutter of Subsonic Aircraft Wing Section with Control Surface
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Aeroelastic flutter in aircraft mechanisms is unavoidable, essentially in the wing and control surface. In this work a three degree-of-freedom aeroelastic wing section with trailing edge flap is modeled numerically and theoretically. FLUENT code based on the steady finite volume is used for the prediction of the steady aerodynamic characteristics (lift, drag, pitching moment, velocity, and pressure distribution) as well as the Duhamel formulation is used to model the aerodynamic loads theoretically. The system response (pitch, flap pitch and plunge) was determined by integration the governing equations using MATLAB with a standard Runge–Kutta algorithm in conjunction with Henon’s method. The results are compared with

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Optical Design of Laser Zoom Beam Expander at near & far Ranges for Tracked Atmospheric Target
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In this research, beam expander, BEX, is explained and designed for illuminating the
remote flying target. The BEX is optically designed to be suited for Nd:YAG laser of given
specifications. The BEX is modified to be zoom one to meet the conditions of preventing the
receiving unit; i.e the photodetector, from getting saturated at near and far laser tracking.
Decollimation could be achieved by automatic motor, which controls zoom lens of the BEX
according to the required expansion ratio of beam expander

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design and Construction of a Testing Platform and Estimating Attenuation Painting Reflectivity to Laser Beam
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The project has been described the design and construction of a reliable optical testing platform used for evaluate the reflectivity of metal surfaces treated with special paintings required for laser beam attenuation. The platform comprises an Nd-YAG laser system which has been designed and fabricated with specifications to be compatible with their corresponding in laser range finder transmitters used for various applications. The reflectivity of various attenuating paintings, at different detection angles, has been observed. Moreover, the variation of the reflected energy with painting type and metal type to be painted has been studied experimentally. Results illustrated the existence of a definite angle, at which the reflectivity was max

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 27 2022
Journal Name
Flexural Performance of Encased Pultruded GFRP I-Beam with High Strength Concrete under Static Loading
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There is an interesting potential for the use of GFRP-pultruded profiles in hybrid GFRP-concrete structural elements, either for new constructions or for the rehabilitation of existing structures. This paper provides experimental and numerical investigations on the flexural performance of reinforced concrete (RC) specimens composite with encased pultruded GFRP I-sections. Five simply supported composite beams were tested in this experimental program to investigate the static flexural behavior of encased GFRP beams with high-strength concrete. Besides, the effect of using shear studs to improve the composite interaction between the GFRP beam and concrete as well as the effect of web stiffeners of GFRP were explored. Encasing the GFRP

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Systems And Applications In Engineering
Artificial Intelligence Based Statistical Process Control for Monitoring and Quality Control of Water Resources: A Complete Digital Solution
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Controller work specificity and their impact on performance (Applied Study in the financial oversight bodies)
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The research aims to a statement of specificity of the Controller of (academic achievement, specialty, job title, length of service, Gender) and its impact on performance, Through a proposed appraisal form includes three main axes and each axis including several specialized elements in the supervisory work in form (check list). as is the importance of research to enable officials of oversight bodies financial identify and diagnose performance Controller through what has this observer of the process of scientific properties when performing supervisory work. Be summarized problem of the research that the lack of regulatory institution with the Controller interesting in terms of the necessary characteristics and requirements and inv

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
2017 Ieee 56th Annual Conference On Decision And Control (cdc)
Hierarchical non-singular terminal sliding mode controller for a single link flexible joint robot manipulator
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—This paper studies the control motion of a single link flexible joint robot by using a hierarchical non-singular terminal sliding mode controller (HNTSMC). In comparison to the conventional sliding mode controller (CSMC), the proposed algorithm (NTSMC) not only can conserve characteristics of the convention CSMC, such as easy implementation, guaranteed stability and good robustness against system uncertainties and external disturbances, but also can ensure a faster convergence rate of the systems states to zero in a finite time and singularity free. The flexible joint robot (FJR) is a two degree of freedom (2DOF) nonlinear and underactuated system. The system here is modeled as a fourth order system by using Lagrangian method. Based on t

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design of Robotic Arm Control System Mimics Human Arm Motion
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This paper presents a control system to make the robotic hand mimic human hand motion in real time and offline mode. The human hand tracking system is a wearable sensing arm (potentiometers) used to determine the position in space and to sense the grasping task of human hand. The maskable sensing arm was designed with same geometrical arrangement of robotic hand that needs to be controlled. The control software of a robot was implemented using Visual Basic and supported with graphical user interface (GUI). The control algorithm depends on joint to joint mapping method to match between the motions at each joint of portable sensing arm with corresponding joint of a robot in order to make the robot mimic the motion.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Computers In Biology And Medicine
Model based smooth super-twisting control of cancer chemotherapy treatment
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Chemotherapy is one of the most efficient methods for treating cancer patients. Chemotherapy aims to eliminate cancer cells as thoroughly as possible. Delivering medications to patients’ bodies through various methods, either oral or intravenous is part of the chemotherapy process. Different cell-kill hypotheses take into account the interactions of the expansion of the tumor volume, external drugs, and the rate of their eradication. For the control of drug usage and tumor volume, a model based smooth super-twisting control (MBSSTC) is proposed in this paper. Firstly, three nonlinear cell-kill mathematical models are considered in this work, including the log-kill, Norton-Simon, and hypotheses subject to parametric uncertainties and exo

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