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Evaluation of Traffic Performance of Ahmed Urabi Square in Baghdad City
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At present, smooth movement on the roads is a matter which is needed for each user. Many roads, especially in urban areas geometrically improved because of the number of vehicles increase from time to time.

In this research, Highway capacity software, HCS, 2000, will be adopted to determine the effectiveness of roundabout in terms of capacity of roundabout, delay and level of service of roundabout.

The results of the analysis indicated that the Ahmed Urabi roundabout operates under level of service F with an average control delay of 300 seconds per vehicle during the peak hours.

The through movements of Alkarrada- Aljadiriya direction (Major Direction) represent the heaviest traffic volumes in Ahmed Urabi intersection. The use of underpass to serve the through movements in Alkarrada-Aljadiriya direction will lead to release the traffic volume in the Ahmed Urabi intersection with a rate 51 % .After the adoption of the proposed geometric design, it will operate at LOS B in the design year (2037). The proposed circulatory roadway width for the roundabout is 16m and the required number of lanes equal to three lanes for each side of the underpass and four lanes for all the approaches of the roundabout.


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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The methods used to translate medical terms between Arabic and Spanish: Los métodos utilizados para traducir términos médicos entre árabe y español
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         The present paper deals with medical terms translation and its relationship with the medical text of Arabic and Spanish. Medical translation is the process of transferring texts related to the field of health and medicine to achieve an accurate effective translation from the source language text to the equivalent target language text. The most prominent medical translations are from English to Arabic as most of the syllabuses in Arab countries are taught in English.

       Translation is an innovative work intended to render the original text in the source language into the target language with the highest level of linguistic and intellec

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
أثـر الأدوات الداخلية لحوكمة الشركة على رأس المال الـعـامـل وانعكاسهما علـى القيـمـة الاقتصـادية المضـافـة: دراســة تطبيقيـة علـى عينــة مـــن الشـركــات الصنــاعــيــة المـدرجــة في بورصــة عـمّــان لــلأوراق المـالـيـة
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Objective of this research focused on testing the impact of internal corporate governance instruments in the management of working capital and the reflection of each of them on the Firm performance. For this purpose, four main hypotheses was formulated, the first, pointed out its results to a significant effect for each of corporate major shareholders ownership and Board of Directors size on the net working capital and their association with a positive relation.  The second, explained a significant effect of net working capital on the economic value added, and their link inverse relationship, while the third, explored a significant effect for each of the corporate major shareholders ownershi

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 25 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Different Estimation Methods for System Reliability Multi-Components model: Exponentiated Weibull Distribution
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        In this paper, estimation of system reliability of the multi-components in stress-strength model R(s,k) is considered, when the stress and strength are independent random variables and follows the Exponentiated Weibull Distribution (EWD) with known first shape parameter θ and, the second shape parameter α is unknown using different estimation methods. Comparisons among the proposed estimators through  Monte Carlo simulation technique were made depend on mean squared error (MSE)  criteria

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