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Estimation of Minimum Miscibility Pressure for 〖CO〗_2 Flood Based on EOS
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CO2 Gas is considered one of the unfavorable gases and it causes great air pollution. It’s possible to decrease this pollution by injecting  gas in the oil reservoirs to provide a good miscibility and to increase the oil recovery factor. MMP was estimated by Peng Robinson equation of state (PR-EOS). South Rumila-63 (SULIAY) is involved for which the miscible displacement by  is achievable based on the standard criteria for success EOR processes. A PVT report was available for the reservoir under study. It contains deferential liberation (DL) and constant composition expansion (CCE) tests.  PVTi software is one of the (Eclipse V.2010) software’s packages, it has been used to achieve the goal.  Many trials have been done to match the data of DL test by tuning some of the PR-EOS parameters through the regression analysis process, but no acceptable match was obtained especially for saturation pressure. However; splitting the mole fraction of (C6+) to many pseudo components was carried out, and then a regression analysis process was made again to improve the matching by tuning some of the PR-EOS parameters. A good estimate of saturation pressure and a good match of PVT properties was noted. Ternary diagram has been constructed to represent the phase behavior of -Oil and to calculate MMP for the South Rumila-63 (SULIAY) oil well.


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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Procedures for auditing accounting violations according to international auditing : standards in the Karbala Municipality Directorate
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The research aims to identify the definitional framework for accounting violations and audit procedures in accordance with international auditing standards, preparing a proposed audit program to audit violations resulting from the transition to the unified accounting system in the research sample according to the relevant international auditing standards, as the proposed audit program was prepared according to International auditing standards in order to improve the auditor’s procedures in detecting accounting violations when auditing the financial statements of municipal departments. The research concluded the most important recommendations: The necessity of adopting the audit program proposed by the researcher, for the purpose of act

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 06 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Environmental dimensions and administrative mechanisms for the territory planning in Algeria, between theory and reality.
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     In front of the serious deterioration of the elements of the environment, new convictions arose the need to integrate into the global environmental concerns as being one and the issue of shared responsibility and the impact of this conviction, the evolution of the environment protection law in many countries, including Algeria. Due to the multiplicity of perceptions about the environmental result of multiple scientific disciplines, the legislative concept emerged to protect the environment, which includes prevention and rational management and conservation and restoration and repair.

    Environmental planning for the various governments and countries aims to avert disasters and achieve the

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Applying Decisions’ Theory to choose an Alternative Factor for Spatial Development in Holy Karbala Governorate
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It is very well known in the planning publications that when creating spacing development to a region or sub-region, it can be able to make more than an alternative consisting with the strategic directions overtaken from the actual development of region and the situational and developmental objectives needed. However, the difficulty facing the situational planning is in selecting one of these alternatives to be the best in order to make a balanced situational re-structure, and achieving the economic, social and civil objectives. The developmental situation elements in the regions and governorates, including (Karbala) impose themselves as situational power which implies the process of re-structural arrangement where the situational develo

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Odd Fibonacci edge irregular labeling for some trees obtained from subdivision and vertex identification operations
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Let G be a graph with p vertices and q edges and  be an injective function, where k is a positive integer. If the induced edge labeling   defined by for each is a bijection, then the labeling f is called an odd Fibonacci edge irregular labeling of G. A graph which admits an odd Fibonacci edge irregular labeling is called an odd Fibonacci edge irregular graph. The odd Fibonacci edge irregularity strength ofes(G) is the minimum k for which G admits an odd Fibonacci edge irregular labeling. In this paper, the odd Fibonacci edge irregularity strength for some subdivision graphs and graphs obtained from vertex identification is determined.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Empirical Study for Capturing and Allocating Significant Risk Factors in School Construction Projects in Iraq
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In Iraq, more than 1031 school projects have been halted due to disputes and claims resulting from financial, contractual, or other issues. This research aims to identify, prioritize, and allocate the most critical risk factors that threaten these projects’ success for the duration (2017-2022). Based on a multi-step methodology developed through systematic literature reviews, realistic case studies, and semi-structured interviews, 47 risk factors were identified. Based on 153 verified responses, the survey reveals that the top-ranked risk factors are corruption and bribery, delaying the payments of the financial dues to the contractors or sub-contractors, absence of risk management strategy, multiple change orders due

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Mass Transfer Correlations for a Rotating Cylinder Electrode under lsothermal and Controlled Heat Transfer Condition
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Mass transfer correlations for iron rotating cylinder electrode in chloride/sulphate solution, under isothermal and
controlled heat transfer conditions, were derived. Limiting current density values for the oxygen reduction reaction from
potentiostatic experiments at different bulk temperatures and various turbulent flow rates, under isothermal and heat
transfer conditions, were used for such derivation. The corelations were analogous to that obtained by Eisenberg et all
and other workers.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The intellectual Umbrella for the strategic scenario in business organizations - The Opinions and the Spotlights
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Today, more than ever before, the business organizations’ initiatives should seek to design themselves and delivery them to the environment because of its change, and the increasing of uncertainties and the growing opportunities. What is required by the business organizations is that to adopt good approaches to stimulate the modern thinking and non traditional thinking and exploit the valued concepts and overcome the old thinking. Substantially, the scenario planning is the art of thinking about what is unexpected.

       Therefore the research’s problem is reflected to answer the following questions:

  • What

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Seismic Effects and Static Analysis for the Artificial Damped Outrigger Systems in Tall R.C Buildings
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This paper studies the combination fluid viscous dampers in the outrigger system to add supplementary damping into the structure, which purpose to remove the dependability of the structure to lower variable intrinsic damping. It works by connecting the central core, comprising either shear walls or braced frames, to the outer perimeter columns.

     The modal considered is a 36 storey square high rise reinforced concrete building. By constructing a discrete lumped mass model, and using frequency-based response function, two systems of dampers, parallel and series systems are studied. The maximum lateral load at the top of the building is calculated, and  this load  w

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Use The Crustacean Cyclocypria As Bioclaner For Bacteria Escherichia Coli & Staphylococcus Aurous In Contaminated Water.
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   In this study the Individuals of Ostracoda crustacean Cyclocypria were used as bioclaner of two species of bacteria namely Escherichia coli & Staphylococcus aurous, these bacteria have been introduced to an artificial aquatic environment with known number from pure cultures. The aim was to check the predation efficiency and ecological role of Cyclocypria as biological cleaners.      The results showed that the predation rate was between 6 106 ×  and 7× 10 6 colony/ ml/ 3 days/ 10 crustacean in the first three days. This rate increased remarkably in the 9th, 12th & 15th day from the beginning of the experiment and it was 10 × 10 6 and 15 × 10 6 respectively.  &nb

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 26 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Aridland Agriculture
Modern GPS diagnostic technique to determine and map soil hardpan for enhancing agricultural operation management
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Among the undesirable effects of soil compaction is a measurable reduction in plant growth and crop yield. The prevailing belief is that compacted tillage pans are caused by repetitive farming practices, heavy tractors, tillage tools, and field traffic. This experiment was conducted to determine and map the hardpan layers across an agricultural field through advanced technologies of precision agriculture. These valuable techniques such as data logger, yield map, and data analysis of performance indicators were linked with accurate global positioning systems (GPS) datasets. These important technologies provided the farmers and helped them to identify and manage areas of the fields with higher compacted layers. Three ground speeds 4.3

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