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Performance Improvement of the Implementation of Concrete Structures in the Construction Sector In Iraq Using The Modern Management Technique “Six Sigma”
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The reality of the field of construction projects in Iraq refers to needing for the development of performance in order to improve quality and reduce defects and errors and to control the time and cost, so there is needing for the application of effective methods in this area, one of the methods that can be applied in this area is the manner of Six Sigma. This research aims to enhance the performance and quality improvement for the construction projects by improving performance in the work of the implementation of the concrete structure depending on the Six Sigma methodology, and for the purpose of achieving the aim of the research, the researcher firstly depends on the theoretical study that include the concepts of quality and the Six Sigma methodology as a system aims to reduce defects and improve the quality and secondly on the field study carried out by the researcher through conducting the open questionnaire that include interviews conducted by the researcher with a slice of engineers experienced in the implementation of construction projects that leads to design closed questionnaire included the major axes of  the research and distributed on a selected sample of engineers with expertise in this area. The researcher applying the (DMAIC) methodology is one of the methods adopted for the application of Six Sigma on the case study (the project of structures laboratory at University of Baghdad) for the purpose of identifying the most important defects that may appear in the implementation of the concrete structure and assess the quality of implementation of the concrete structure and then analyzing the causes of these defects and propose procedures to enhance the performance and quality improvement depending on the field survey was conducted. The most important research conclusions are sigma level for the case study is 2.35 and the number of defects per million opportunities is 211905 and this Sigma level is very small which indicates the low level of quality for the case study.


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Publication Date
Wed Dec 07 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
activating the role of the private sector in housting finance
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Housing finance is considered to be an important and basic element in housing market, so it’s very important to aid individuals and particular institutions to built or buy new housing units.Inadequate finance system for housing is capable of supporting families to fulfill their needs and helping them to buy and built houses represented a big gap between the need to housing units and available stock. The most important finance institutions in Iraq nowa days are the Real Estate Bank and Housing Fund.Althoughthe role played byeach ofthese institutions, but thattheir roleis stilllimited in thehousing financeat the level ofindividuals orinstitutions. the adoption of the real estate Bank and housing fund to the amount allocated by th

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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Modern trends in the architecture of mosques in Jordan
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This study analyzes the features of historical and modern mosques in Jordan compared to that of Amman. The architecture of the Jordanian mosques reflects the images of great ancient empires and kingdoms of Europe and the Middle East. This has happened due to the geographical position of the country. From the studies of historians and archaeologists, comparative analysis of planning solutions, the use of plastics and decor of the facades of mosques, and the literature on the construction methods of the mosques allow us to conclude that age-old traditions have been preserved through the establishment of mosques in both the countries. Besides, the emergence of new features in constructing mosques has been observed. We find the influence of

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Optics Narrators in the Six Books : (Analytical Study)
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Praise be to God, and may blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family and companions, and from his family and after ...
It is the right of every nation to be proud of its heritage, science and civilization among the nations, taking pride in the efforts of its construction and the keenness of its scholars and dedication to serve their nation and their history, and from the great sciences that boast and honor our great nation and distinguish it over others the science of attribution and the preservation of the novel over generations and ages. The novel is preserved from the plagiarism of the nullified, the excess of the deceitful and the liars, and the science of isnad from religion as the scholars said, and without the

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Stream of Consciousness Technique: Psychological Perspectives and Use in Modern Novel
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Stream of Consciousness technique has a great impact on writing literary texts in the modern age. This technique was broadly used in the late of nineteen century as a result of thedecay of plot, especially in novel writing. Novelists began to use stream of consciousness technique as a new phenomenon, because it goes deeper into the human mind and soul through involving it in writing. Modern novel has changed after Victorian age from the traditional novel that considers themes of religion, culture, social matters, etc.  to be a group of irregular events and thoughts interrogate or reveal the inner feeling of  readers.

This study simplifies stream of consciousness technique through clarifying the three levels of conscious

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of recent trends of the Central Bank of Iraq in activating bank credit for the private commercial banking sector
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                 Central banks seek to control and supervise credit and follow it up effectively due to the high credit risks surrounding it that may lead to damage to banks, and may even lead to damage to the reputation and confidence of the banking system as a whole.

The main role of supervisory control is to control credit by controlling it from excessive expansion during periods of economic inflation or its revitalization and improvement and expansion of credit transactions in cases of economic recession, or when central banks desire to support the national economy or support a sector of various

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Crisis management effective of business organizations in the era of managerial technique: a philosophical study
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At a time of increasing human potential in the face of crises and risks through the use of technology on a large scale and steadily in various fields of life, and the vulnerability of business organizations as a result of mistakes. The failure of a sudden these errors or omissions or symptoms. Also, some crises occur outside the control of management, others caused by leakage of important information and sometimes secret may be a strategy or a new plan or new project occurs outside the organization to the opposite of what is planned. Therefore, the crisis management are critical to all organizations, because the active management of the crisis helps to ensure the continued prosperity of the organization. Here comes from the resea

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design and Implementation of a Microstrip Six-Port Reflectometer (SPR) with Enhanced Bandwidth
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A compact microstrip six-port reflectometer (SPR) with extended bandwidth is proposed in this paper. The design is based on using 16-dB multi-section coupled line directional couplers and a multi-section 3-dB Wilkinson power divider operating from 1 to 6 GHz. The proposed SPR employs only two calibration standards: a matched load and an open load. As compared to other dielectric substrates, fabricating the proposed SPR involves using a low-cost (FR4) substrate. A novel algorithm is also proposed to estimate the complex reflection coefficient over the frequency ranges at which the standard performance of the circuit components is not fully satisfied. The new algorithm is based on the circles’ intersection points, which have been de

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of Turkish water policy on developmentAgricultural sector in Iraq for the period (1990-2006)
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تسعى تركيا ضمن سياساتها المائية ومنذ زمن بعيد وبأصرار على تنفيذ المزيد من بناء السدود والمشاريع التخزينية المائية على حوضي دجلة والفرات، الامر الذي يؤدي بالضرورة الى تناقص معدل الواردات المائية لنهري دجلة والفرات الداخلة للاراضي العراقية .وبالتالي التأثير على مقومات التنمية الزراعية العربية بشكل عام والتنمية الزراعية بالعراق بشكل خاص ومن ثم تهديد الامن الغذائي الوطني.

لذا فأن البحث يهد

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of using magnetized water on the percentage of cement in the Concrete mixture
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This research studied the effect of magnetized water in concrete preparation and its effect on the presenting of cement in concrete mixtures also to find the ability of reducing the amount of cement in preparing one cubic meter, this is not exceed than 10% in one mixture , The experiments showed the preparation of standard cubes from the concrete which was used two kind of water magnetized water which was prepared by passing the tap water through the systems of different magnetic strength in terms of (6000,9000) Gauss and the ordinary water . The velocity of water through the magnetic field, which gives us the highest value for the compressive strength, was up to 1m/sec. to determine the best magnetic intensity, we examined The comp

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Building Engineering
The influence of earthquake characteristics on the seismic performance of reinforced concrete buildings in Australia with varying heights
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In Australia, most of the existing buildings were designed before the release of the Australian standard for earthquake actions in 2007. Therefore, many existing buildings in Australia lack adequate seismic design, and their seismic performance must be assessed. The recent earthquake that struck Mansfield, Victoria near Melbourne elevated the need to produce fragility curves for existing reinforced concrete (RC) buildings in Australia. Fragility curves are frequently utilized to assess buildings’ seismic performance and it is defined as the demand probability surpassing capacity at a given intensity level. Numerous factors can influence the results of the fragility assessment of RC buildings. Among the most important factors that can affe

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