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Estimation Curve Numbers using GIS and Hec-GeoHMS Model
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Recently, the development and application of the hydrological models based on Geographical Information System (GIS) has increased around the world. One of the most important applications of GIS is mapping the Curve Number (CN) of a catchment. In this research, three softwares, such as an ArcView GIS 9.3 with ArcInfo, Arc Hydro Tool and Geospatial Hydrologic Modeling Extension (Hec-GeoHMS) model for ArcView GIS 9.3, were used to calculate CN of (19210 ha) Salt Creek watershed (SC) which is located in Osage County, Oklahoma, USA. Multi layers were combined and examined using the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) ArcMap 2009. These layers are soil layer (Soil Survey Geographic SSURGO), 30 m x 30 m resolution of Digital Elevation Model (DEM), land use layer (LU), “Look–Up tables” and other layers resulted from running the software.  Curve Number which expresses a catchment’s response to a storm event has been estimated in this study to each land parcel based on LU layer and soil layer within each parcel.  The results showed that a CN of 100 (dark Blue) means surface water. The high curve numbers (100 -81) (Blue and light Blue) corresponding to urbanized areas means high runoff and low infiltration; whereas low curve numbers (77- 58) (Brown and light Brown) corresponding to the forested area means low runoff and high infiltration. Four classes of land cover have been identified; these are surface water, medium residential, forest and agriculture. 

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 24 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Construction and performance study of a solar - powered hybrid cooling system in Iraq
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The systems cooling hybrid solar uses solar collector to convert solar energy into the source of heat for roasting Refrigerant outside of the compressor and this process helps in the transformation of Refrigerant from the gas to a liquid state in two-thirds the top of the condenser instead of two-thirds the bottom of the condenser as in Conventional cooling systems and this in turn reduces the energy necessary to lead the process of cooling. The system cooling hybrid use with a capacity of 1 ton and Refrigerant type R22 and the value of current drawn by the system limits (3.9-4.2A), the same value of electric current calculated by the system are  Conventional  within this atmosphere of Iraq, and after taking different readings

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Societal awareness and its role in building the Arab state: an intellectual vision:
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It is no secret to everyone that the Arab individual suffers from poor self-awareness and political awareness, which made the state and the importance of its existence and preserving its institutions not among his interests, which made researchers wonder about the possibility of strengthening it and the extent of its impact on the future of building the contemporary Arab state, so the study attempted Addressing the issue of community awareness and its impact on building the state through a clear intellectual vision that blended what is social and political to define the concept of community awareness and highlight its importance and role as a basic pillar in shaping and building modern Arab countries. In the Arab world and ways to enhanc

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Plasma alkaline phosphatase polymer phism and it’s association with productivity in Iraqi fowl
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Plasma alkaline phosphatase isozyme in Iraqi fowl was studied by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two phenotypes fast and slow, were observed. These two phenotypes have been shown to be controlled by one single autosomal locus with two allel AKPF and AKPS. The gene frequency of AKPS is dominant over the AKPF. The result indicated that gene frequency of AKPF in leghorn and new hamshire was more frequent than in local Iraqi birds. Birds of fast isozyme type had higher 90 – day's egg production and egg weights as compared to those with slow isozyme. It is concluded that the fast isozyme can be used as gene marker for spotting out pullets with high body weight sexual maturity, high egg production and high egg weight.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Solvent Extraction And Spectrophotomteric Determination Of Cu(Ii) With Dicyclohexyl - 18- Crown-6
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Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Cu(II) ion in aqueous solution by dicyclohexyl-18-crown-6 as extractant in dichloroethane was studied .The extraction efficiency was investigated by a spectrophometric method. The reagent form a coloured complex which has been a quantitatively extracted at pH 6.3. The method obeys Beer`s law over range from (2.5-22.5) ppm with the correlation coefficient of 0.9989. The molar absorptivity the stoichiometry of extracted complex is found to be 1:2. the proposed method is very sensitive and selective.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Role of GibberellicAcid and Proline on Some Micronutrients Content of Peas (Pisum sativum)
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An experiment was conducted in the green garden of Department of Biology/ in College of Education for Pure Sciences Ibn-Al-Haitham/ Baghdad University for the grouth season (2012-2013) to study the effect of three concentrations of gibberellic acid (0, 50, 100) ppm and three concentrations of proline (0, 25, 50) ppm on micronutrients content (Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn) and Copper (Cu) ppm) in addition to total chlorophyll content (µg. cm-2) for the green part of peas plant (Pisum sativum), pots of (8 kg) soil were used, the experiment was conducted according to complete randomized design (CRD) and three replicates, whereby the experiment included (27) pots, the significant variations were compared between means using least s

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Parental supervision and its relation with personality type A.B among high Schools students
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Parents who give their sons arole in making parental decisions and admiring their views are the ones who build confidence and the feeling of competence within themselves and then their edgiest- rent with themselves becones better .
The (A.B) person-ality type is the core base of most psychological and educational studies because it is one of the most important subjects Concerning with the study of growth aspects whether they are physical, mental or Social. The present Study ains to measure the level of parental treatment among high School students, measure the level of (A) Personality type concept among them, recognize Statistically Significant differences in the level of parentaltreatment according gender variable and recognize the C

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Theoretical Design of Electrostatic Lens Accelerating and Decelerating Operated Under Different Magnification Conditions
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  In this paper,  design computationl investigation in the field of charged-particle optics with the aid of numerical analysis methods  under the absence of space charge effects. The work has been concentrated on the design of three-electrode  einzel electrostatic  lens accelerating and decelerating operated under different magnification conditions.     The potential field distribution of  lens has been represented by exponential function.  The paraxial-ray equation has been solved for the proposed field to determine the trajectory of charged-particles traversing in the lens.  From The axial  potential distribution and its first and second derivatives, the optical propertie

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Morphological and Growth Properties of Albino Rat Bone Marrow Stromal Cells In Vitro
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   The potential use of bone marrow stromal cells as a cellular therapy for chronic diseases relies on the ability of the cell to replicate extensively in vitro.For this reason the present study investigated the replication lifespan and examined the growth properties of albino rats mesenchymal stem cells(MSCS)in vitro. To establish an in vitro system for isolating and culturing the  MSCs of albino rats and to provide research data for its further application,the bone marrow (BM)was collected from young male rats and separated by gradient centrifugation.Then, the mononuclear cells(MNCs) were retrieved from the buffy layer and cultured in Modified Eagle,s Medium (MEM) supplemented with 10%Fetal Calf Serum (FCS)and incubation

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Empirical Formula for Neutron Yield for (α,n) Reactions from 63cu and 65cu
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  The calculated neutron yields from (α, n) reactions are very important in analyzing radiation shielding of spent fuel storage, transport and safe handling. The cross sections of 63Cu (α, n) 66Ga and 65Cu (α, n) 68Ga reactions are calculated for different α-energies using different sets of programs using Matlab language. The values deduced energy is from threshold to Eα= 30 MeV and to Eα= 40 MeV for 63Cu (α, n) 66Ga and 65Cu (α, n) 68Ga respectively. The weight average cross section was then  used to calculate the neutron yields y0 (n/106α) for each reaction .The empirical formula was then suggested to calculate total neutron yield to each isotope.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Synthesis of New Opioid Analgesic Peptide Analogues to Enkephalin (Leucine- and Methionine-Enkephalin)
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A small number of researches were done in the design and synthesis of enkephalin analogues that are able to resist degradation effect of proteolytic enzymes with good bioavailability and half-lives.Through studying structure activity relationships we tried to incorporate phthalyl group, tryptophan and lysine amino acids in different positions in the basic backbone structure of the naturally occurring opioid Leu5- and Met5- enkephalin, in the hope that such insertion of these amino acids could induce interesting addition in the biological activity of these analogues with enhancement of their bioavailability, in addition to decrease side effects as addiction liability.

These synthesized peptides are:

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