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Quality Assurance for Iraqi Bottled Water Specifications

In this research the specifications of Iraqi drinking bottled water brands are investigated throughout the comparison between local brands, Saudi Arabia and the World Health Organization (WHO) for bottled water standard specifications. These specifications were also compared to that of Iraqi Tap Water standards. To reveal variations in the specifications for Iraqi bottled water,  and above mentioned standards some quality control tools are conducted for more than 33% of different bottled water brands (of different origins such as spring, purified,..etc) in Iraq by investigating the  selected quality parameters registered on their marketing labels. Results employing Minitab software (ver. 16) to generate X bar, and Pareto chart. It was found  from X bar charts that the quality parameters of some drinking bottled water brands are not within Iraqi standards set by the “Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control” such as pH values, Fe, Na, and Mg concentrations.

While the comparison of previously mentioned standard specifications through   radar chart   many important issues are detected such as the absence of  lower limits  the whole bottled water quality parameters  such as for Na and Mg  also the radar chart shows that Iraqi bottled and tap water specifications are almost equal in their quality values. Also the same chart pictured the limited range of Iraqi specifications compared to that of Saudi Arabia, and WHO and the need to introduce other water specifications such as K, Na, etc. This confirms the need to improve Iraqi bottled water specifications since it was introduced on 2000.

These results also highlighted the weakness of quality assurance activities since only 33 % of the investigated companies registered the whole water quality specifications as shown in Pareto chart. Other companies do not register any quality characteristics. Also certain companies should be stopped due to non-conforming specifications, yet these companies are still producing and selling their products in the local market. Quality assurance requires continually monitor the reliability (accuracy and precision processes) of Iraqi drinking bottled water companies to match the Iraqi Specification Standards, and those companies should continually  approve “How good (accurate and precise) is their product( water quality) produced?”.



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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences

      This research emerged due to the needs of Iraqi social sector for diagnosing the problems ,finding the appropriate solutions,and exploiting the social opportunities to solve these problems .The research problem focused on raising the following question: "Were Iraqi Managers in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs able to use their qualifications as social entrepreneurs in the ministry to improve the quality of life of the disadvantaged groups?", In light of that, the importance and objectives of the study were determined, and this research derives its importance from trying to address social problems by measuring the degree of meeting the subjective and objective needs of the custo

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effects of Magnetized Water on the Accumulated Depth of Infiltration

This study was carried out to investigate the effects of magnetized water on accumulated infiltration depth. A test rig was designed and constructed for this purpose was installed at the water tests laboratory of the Department of Water Resources Engineering at the University of  aghdad. The investigation was carried out by using two types of soil, different flow velocities throughout magnetizing device and different configuration of magnets over and under the water passage of the magnetizing device. The soils that were used in the experiments are clayey and sandy soils.  Six different flow velocities throughout magnetizing device ranged between 0.29 to 1.19 cm/s and ten configurations of arranging the magnets over and under th

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Social support and their relationship to the quality of life of students of the College Education for Women

The study is aimed at social support to the students of the College of Education for women (The research sample) and measuring the quality of life at students of the College of Education for women (The research sample) And to identify the relationship between social support and quality of life of students of the College Education for Women and research sample consisted of 200 students The adoption of the resolution as a tool for data collection and the most important results of the search results that the students of the College Education for Women have social support. In other words, parents and friends are supporting the students. The students have the quality of life any positive meaning to life and that when a person has a quality of

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Network And Computer Applications
L-CAQ: Joint link-oriented channel-availability and channel-quality based channel selection for mobile cognitive radio networks

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Designing a Quality System using the Goals Programming Method -An Applied Research

Due to the continuous development in society and the multiplicity of customers' desires and their keeping pace with this development and their search for the quality and durability of the commodity that provides them with the best performance and that meets their needs and desires, all this has led to the consideration of quality as one of the competitive advantages that many industrial companies compete for and which are of interest to customers and are looking for. The research problem showed that the Diyala State Company for Electrical Industries relies on some simple methods and personal experience to monitor the quality of products and does not adopt scientific methods and modern programs. The aim of this research is to desi

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Water Treatment With Conventional and Alternative Coagulants: A Review

There is no access to basic sanitation for half the world's population, leading to Socioeconomic issues, such as scarcity of drinking water and the spread of diseases. In this way, it is of vital importance to develop water management technologies relevant to the target population. In addition, in the separation form of water treatment, the compound often used as a coagulant in water treatment is aluminum sulfate, which provides good results for raw water turbidity and color removal. Studies show, however, that its deposition in the human body, even Alzheimer's disease, can cause serious harm to health and disease development. The study aims to improve the coagulation/flocculation stage related to the amount of flakes, i

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 03 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The pioneering trend in managing health institutions and its impact on improving the quality of services : A case study in some institutions of the Iraqi Ministry of Health

This study seeks to identify the role that the leadership trend plays in the management of health institutions in Iraq and its impact on improving the quality of the health service provided by analyzing some opinions of affiliates working in the Iraqi health sector where a survey list was used as a main tool for collecting primary data, as it was subjected to this analysis ( 60) of the medical staff, of whom (40) are doctors and (20) are affiliated with the rank of assistant physician, and (60) members of the administrative cadre have undergone their various job ranks and administrative specializations (department manager, auditor, observer, accountant, statistician, secretary). Reliance on statistical software (spss) in data ana

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 25 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities

As the banking sector is a strong influence on the country's economic growth,The solid financial well-being of anybank does not mean only a guarantee for its investors, It is also important for both owners and workers and for theeconomy in all its joints.The elements of capital adequacy and quality of assets are important to the functioning of thebanking business.In this study, the research sample included four private banks. Quarterly data were used for the period(2011 - 2018).Moreover, data is also collected from articles, papers, the World Wide Web (the Internet) and specializedinternational journals.In this research, an effort was made to try to find out the effect of (the ratio of the capital owned todeposits on the value of the bank),

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2025
Journal Name
American Journal Of Biodiversity
Importance of Conventional Pap Smear Application for Iraqi women health: scientific review

A Pap test can identify the pre-cancerous and cancerous problem in the vagina and uterine cervix. Cervical tumour is the easiest gynecologic disease to be diagnosed, treated and prevented using regular screening tests and follow-up. This review aimed to explore the opinion of specialists about cytological changes and the precancerous lesions with Pap smear test and visual inspection of the cervices, also to determine the relationship of this malignancy with demographic characteristics of patients. Results showed that few cervical cancer and pre-cancer were with women in postmenopausal period, but more were with women in the premenopausal period. Visual inspection of the cervix can show erosion lesions by gross inspection. Upon cytology exam

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Water balance of the basin of Mandali/ east part of Iraq

Mandali Basin is located between latitudes (33◦ 39' 00" and 33
54' 55") to the north and longitudes (45ο 11' 00" and 45ο 40' 00") to the
east; to the east of Diyala province at the Iraqi-Iranian border; the
basin area is approximately 491 km2.
From the study of climate reality of the basin between 1990-
2013and assessment of the basic climate transactions, it was found
that the annual rate of rainfall is 253.02 mm, the relative humidity
(44.4%), the temperature (21.3 ◦C), wind speed (2.08 m /sec.),
sunshine (8.27 h/day) and evaporation of the basin class (a) (271.98
mm) and corrected potential evapotranspiration (80.03 mm). The
results of the data analysis show that, there are

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