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The piled raft is a geotechnical composite construction consisting of three elements: piles, raft and soil.
In the design of piled rafts, the load shared between the piles and the raft, and the piles are used up to a
load level that can be of the same order of magnitude as the bearing capacity of a comparable single
pile or even greater. Therefore, the piled raft foundation allows reduction of settlements in a very
economic way as compared to traditional foundation concepts.
This paper presents experimental study to investigate the behavior of piled raft system in sandy
soil. A small scale “prototype” model was tested in a sand box with load applied to the system through
a compression machine. The settlement was measured at the center of the raft, strain gages were used
to measure the strains and calculate the total load carried by piles. Four configurations of piles (2x1,
3x1, 2x2 and 3x2) were tested in the laboratory, in addition to rafts with different sizes. The effects of
pile length, pile diameter, and raft thickness on the load carrying capacity of the piled raft system are
included in the load-settlement presentation.
It was found that the percentage of the load carried by piles to the total applied load of the
groups (2x1, 3x1, 2x2, 3x2) with raft thickness of 5 mm, pile diameter of 9 mm, and pile length of 200
mm was 28% , 38% , 56% , 79% , respectively. The percent of the load carried by piles increases with
the increase of number of piles.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
مجلة نسق
Islamic Sharia’s position on the phenomenon of bullying

The study was enriched by examining (Islamic Sharia’s position on the phenomenon of bullying) becausee bullying is a recurring aggressive behavior that Is one of the types of violence directed by a person or group of prsons; With the intent of deliberately harming and offending anotherr person or group of persons, It has several verbal, physical, electronIc or other formsforms Bullies may follow a policy of Ientimidation or intimidation, as well as ridicule; In order to belittle the victim .The study aims to know the Islamic Sharia ruling on bullying as a modern term for a content that Is as old as man, and the study reached several results, Including: Islam’s affirmation of the prohibition of this phenomenon In word, deed and gesture,

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On The extension Bi-Normality of Linear Operators

    In this paper, we introduce the bi-normality set, denoted by , which is an extension of the normality set, denoted by  for any operators  in the Banach algebra . Furthermore, we show some interesting properties and remarkable results. Finally, we prove that it is not invariant via some transpose linear operators.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Dec 16 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of information technology on tax evasion

The research aims at shedding light on the impact of information technology in reducing tax evasion in the General Authority for Taxation. In order to achieve this, the research relied on the analysis of its variables as a main tool for collecting data and information. The results showed that there is a positive and positive effect of information technology on tax evasion. The impact of information technology on increasing tax revenues and reducing the phenomenon of tax evasion In the performance of the research sample, the research sought to highlight the importance of tax information technology through its data and information to the tax administration for the purpose of completing the process Taxpayers for persons subject to income ta

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Doctrinal responses On the fabrications of succor Tamimism

Doctrinal responses
On the fabrications of succor

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The effect of context on some Quranic methods

Each book has a specific style in which its author walks on it from its beginning to its end, and the Holy Qur’an is a book that compiled many methods that were indicative of its miracle, and that it is one unit even though it has been astrologer for twenty-three years.
There is no doubt that knowledge of the Qur’anic methods is one of the pillars of the approach that deals with any of the Qur’an, and the multiplicity of Qur’anic methods is a fact that has many causes. It has been expressed by the Qur’anic discharge and the conjugation of verses to bring them to different methods, and on multiple forms such as nominal, actual, singular Qur’an, presentation, delay, deletion, mention, abbreviation and redundancy. The Qur'ani

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami

The research aims to reveal the relationship between the use of social networking sites and the image that females make about their physical formation, the nature of the effects, their value judgments about the image of their bodies, their attitudes toward plastic surgery, the most important types of these processes for them, their motivations to conduct them, and the cultural pressures they are exposed to. The study, moreover, investigates in the effects of those plastic surgery on their behavior as active and interacting users with what is published on social media, according to the theory of social comparison. This paper is an attempt to understand the pattern of social networking

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Impact of Home Economics on High Performance

يسعى هذا البحث الى تقديم اطار عملي ونظري حول موضوع "تأثير الاقتصاد المنزلي في تعزيز الاداء العالي" وتم اختبار مخطط الدراسة الفرضي في القطاع التعليمي الحكومي في محافظة البصرة ,ويتضمن عدد من تشكيلات الجامعة التقنية الجنوبية. واستخدمت الاستبانة والمقابلة الشخصية كأسلوب لجمع البيانات للدراسة وكان حجم العينة114 موظف. وقد استخدمت عدد من الاساليب الاحصائية لاختبار فرضيات الدراسة. واظهرت النتائج بأن هناك تأثير ايج

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
Journal Name
Visual looting on the covers of international magazines

The strategy of designing the covers of international magazines emerges as one of the expressive means that reflect the emotional and expressive aspects and employ them according to the spatial transformations and the struggles of globalization to usurp the intellectual, cultural, value and civilizational essence of man, which makes him vulnerable to psychological and spiritual alienation and becomes the abstract meaning of identity and culture, and the empowerment of cultural invasion and the control of consumer thought The contemporary globalist on the largest area and the globalization of the peoples of the world, and the study came in the first chapter: the general framework that includes the problem of the research to raise in our m

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On the Stability and Acceleration of Projection Algorithms

The focus of this paper is the presentation of a new type of mapping called projection Jungck zn- Suzuki generalized and also defining new algorithms of various types (one-step and two-step algorithms) (projection Jungck-normal N algorithm, projection Jungck-Picard algorithm, projection Jungck-Krasnoselskii algorithm, and projection Jungck-Thianwan algorithm). The convergence of these algorithms has been studied, and it was discovered that they all converge to a fixed point. Furthermore, using the previous three conditions for the lemma, we demonstrated that the difference between any two sequences is zero. These algorithms' stability was demonstrated using projection Jungck Suzuki generalized mapping. In contrast, the rate of convergenc

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Reflection of strategic thinking on the organizational change

The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between the strategic thinking and organizational change via the use of many statistical methods such as Simple linear regression equation. The 80% of the hypotheses of correlation and influence were established, and the research was reached a number of conclusions. Including the fluctuation of the level of strategic thinking capabilities in the sample surveyed. Although, there are certain levels, but an organization of this importance need to be higher. Based on these conclusions, the researcher has made some recommendations to address the findings of the research. Reflexión del pensamiento estratégico sobre el cambio organizacional Resumen El propósito de esta investigación

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