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In this research Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique was applied to study the filtration process in water treatment. Eight models have been developed and tested using data from a pilot filtration plant, working under different process design criteria; influent turbidity, bed depth, grain size, filtration rate and running time (length of the filtration run), recording effluent turbidity and head losses. The ANN models were constructed for the prediction of different performance criteria in the filtration process: effluent turbidity, head losses and running time. The results indicate that it is quite possible to use artificial neural networks in predicting effluent turbidity, head losses and running time in the filtration process, with a
good degree of accuracy reaching 97.26, 95.92 and 86.43% respectively. These ANN models could be used as a support for workers in operating the filters in water treatment plants and to improve water treatment process. With the use of ANN, water systems will get more efficient, so reducing operation cost and improving the quality of the water produced.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 27 2023
Journal Name
Tem Journal
Predicting Age and Gender Using AlexNet

Due to the availability of technology stemming from in-depth research in this sector and the drawbacks of other identifying methods, biometrics has drawn maximum attention and established itself as the most reliable alternative for recognition in recent years. Efforts are still being made to develop a user-friendly system that is up to par with security-system requirements and yields more reliable outcomes while safeguarding assets and ensuring privacy. Human age estimation and Gender identification are both challenging endeavours. Biomarkers and methods for determining biological age and gender have been extensively researched, and each has advantages and disadvantages. Facial-image-based positioning is crucial for many application

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
comparison Bennett's inequality and regression in determining the optimum sample size for estimating the Net Reclassification Index (NRI) using simulation

 Researchers have increased interest in recent years in determining the optimum sample size to obtain sufficient accuracy and estimation and to obtain high-precision parameters in order to evaluate a large number of tests in the field of diagnosis at the same time. In this research, two methods were used to determine the optimum sample size to estimate the parameters of high-dimensional data. These methods are the Bennett inequality method and the regression method. The nonlinear logistic regression model is estimated by the size of each sampling method in high-dimensional data using artificial intelligence, which is the method of artificial neural network (ANN) as it gives a high-precision estimate commensurate with the dat

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Stabilization of Al-Rustamiya Waste Water Treatment Plant Sludge Using Lime

A study was performed to evaluate heavy metals removal from sewage sludge using lime. The processes of stabilization using alkaline chemicals operating on a simple principle of raising pH to 12 or higher, with sufficient mixing and suitable contact time to ensure that immobilization can reduce heavy metals. A 0.157 m3 tank was designed to treat Al-Rustemeyia wastewater treatment plant sludge. Characteristics of raw sludge were examined through two parameters: pH and heavy metal analysis. Different lime doses of (0- 25) g CaO/100 g sludge were mixed manually with raw sludge in a rotating drum. The samples were analyzed two hours after mixing. pH and heavy metals results were compared with EPA and National Iraqi Stand

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Chemical-Free Greywater Treatment Using Aeration, Sedimentation, Followed by Granular Activated Carbon Filter (GAC) -A Case Study of Baghdad city household

Greywater is a possible water source that can be improved for meeting the quality required for irrigation. Treatment of greywater can range from uncomplicated coarse filtration to advanced biological treatment. This article presents a simple design of a small scale greywater treatment plant, which is a series of physical and natural processes including screening, aeration, sedimentation, and filtration using granular activated carbon filter and differentiates its performance with sand filter. The performance of these units with the dual filter media of (activated carbon with sand) in treatment of greywater from Iraqi house in Baghdad city during 2019 and that collected from several points including washbasins, kitchen si

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 02 2009
Journal Name
Noise And Health
Expert system to predict effects of noise pollution on operators of power plant using neuro-fuzzy approach

Ration power plants, to generate power, have become common worldwide. One such one is the steam power plant. In such plants, various moving parts of heavy machines generate a lot of noise. Operators are subjected to high levels of noise. High noise level exposure leads to psychological as well physiological problems; different kinds of ill effects. It results in deteriorated work efficiency, although the exact nature of work performance is still unknown. To predict work efficiency deterioration, neuro-fuzzy tools are being used in research. It has been established that a neuro-fuzzy computing system helps in identification and analysis of fuzzy models. The last decade has seen substantial growth in development of various neuro-fuzzy systems

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Oily Wastewater Treatment Using Expanded Beds of Activated Carbon and Zeolite

Two types of adsorbents were used to treat oily wastewater, activated carbon and zeolite. The removal efficiencies of these materials were compared to each other. The results showed that activated carbon performed some better properties in removal of oil. The experimental methods which were employed in this investigation included batch and column studies. The former was used to evaluate the rate and equilibrium of carbon and zeolie adsorption, while the latter was used to determine treatment efficiencies and performance characteristics. Expanded bed adsorber was constructed in the column studies. In this study, the adsorption behavior of vegetable oil (corn oil) onto activated carbon and zeolite was examined as a function of the concentr

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Environmental study of groundwater in southwest of Baghdad, Yusufiyah using GIS

Ground water hydrochemical study in Yusufiyah depends upon (25) wells where major cations and anions were obtained as well as trace elements. The hydrochemical properties include the study of (pH, EC, TDS, and TH). The groundwater of the study area is odorless and colorless except the wells (13 and 16) with a salty taste due to the elevated (TDS) concentration in it, where the wells depth ranges between 7-20 meters. Depth of water in these wells was about 25-35 meters above sea level. Groundwater generally flows from east to west and from north east to south west. The resource of groundwater depends upon surface water. Physical specifications are measured in the water samples included temperature, color, taste, odor, pH, electrical condu

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Engineering And Systems
Intelligent System for Parasitized Malaria Infection Detection Using Local Descriptors

Malaria is a curative disease, with therapeutics available for patients, such as drugs that can prevent future malaria infections in countries vulnerable to malaria. Though, there is no effective malaria vaccine until now, although it is an interesting research area in medicine. Local descriptors of blood smear image are exploited in this paper to solve parasitized malaria infection detection problem. Swarm intelligence is used to separate the red blood cells from the background of the blood slide image in adaptive manner. After that, the effective corner points are detected and localized using Harris corner detection method. Two types of local descriptors are generated from the local regions of the effective corners which are Gabor based f

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Using of Constructed Wetlands in The Treatment of Wastewater: A Review for Operation and Performance: Review for Using of Constructed Wetlands in The Treatment of Wastewater: Operation and Performance

Wastewater recycling for non-potable uses has gained significant attention to mitigate the high pressure on freshwater resources. This requires using a sustainable technique to treat natural municipal wastewater as an alternative to conventional methods, especially in arid and semi-arid rural areas. One of the promising techniques applied to satisfy the objective of wastewater reuse is the constructed wetlands (CWs) which have been used extensively in most countries worldwide through the last decades. The present study introduces a significant review of the definition, classification, and components of CWs, identifying the mechanisms controlling the removal process within such units. Vertical, horizontal, and hybrid CWs

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A New Approach for Designing Multi Information Management System Using XML Technology


XML is being incorporated into the foundation of E-business data applications. This paper addresses the problem of the freeform information that stored in any organization and how XML with using this new approach will make the operation of the search very efficient and time consuming. This paper introduces new solution and methodology that has been developed to capture and manage such unstructured freeform information (multi information) depending on the use of XML schema technologies, neural network idea and object oriented relational database, in order to provide a practical solution for efficiently management multi freeform information system.


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