Most communities seek, which possesses a cultural legacy to communicate with the past and to reach the best possible legislation to help them protect their cultural.
Tourism as the economic development based on the data in light distinct places, including traditional and historical environments requiring activated and revived in my adopting the concept of transnational Revival Tourism. Through the survey data in environments where conventional and (historical - Sensationalism) theoretically and practically, it was drawn from a number of indicators truth spatial phenomenon and the phenomenon depends show and try on a number of variables and interventions including historical and philosophical interpretations of those facts, in addition to theoretical and policy orientations or local government. Those indicators were tested on four samples were Aleppo castle and its surroundings, and the old city of Aleppo and its surroundings, adopted by the state of research as a cultural one and intertwined with historical and archaeological values and traditional surroundings, to explore the values underlying facts percentage-active (frozen), which show depends on the ability and activate planned and designed urban and domestic policies on the understanding and use of historian , archeologist and sociologists. . The percentage values College Library 42% in the four samples relative values but they must be significant and have an impact in increasing the visibility and location in the event activated.
تكفل الدساتير الملكية العامة للمواطنين جميعاً (1)، كما تصون الملكية الخاصة (2)، والملاحظ بجلاء أن الدستور في اطار حمايته للملكية العامة والخاصة يطلقهما دون مقيد، ويعممهما دون مخصص، ومؤداه أن الأصل هو ضمان الملكية بنطاقها الشخصي والموضوعي المطلق أما الاستثناء عليهما يستوجب التصريح ولا تغني الدلالة أو التأويل دون نص مخصص أو مقيد يرد في الدستور، مما يتطلب من القضاء الدستوري أن يبسط ولايته على حماية هذا النط
... Show Moreالترسيب اللاكهربائي للنحاس باستخدام الفورمالديهايد كعامل مختزل واستخدام الفضة كعامل مساعد في تفاعلات الترسيب على المواد غير الموصلة مثل لدائن ABS لغرض استعمالها بصورة رئيسية في لوحة الدوائر الكهربائية للاجهزة الالكترونية. تم دراسة تأثير تراكيز الفورمالديهايد (10-100) مل/لتر وتراكيز ملح روشيل (10-150) غم/لتر على معدل الطلاء. وجد ان الظروف المثلى لتحقيق الطلاء هي 70 مل/لتر للفورمالديهايد و 94 غم/لتر لملح
... Show Moreان التحول في الحياة الاقتصادية الناتج عن التقدم التكنولوجي وتقنية المعلومات في مجالات الفضاء والتقدم في الاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية والالكترونيات الدقيقة مكنت الشركات من ارسال كميات هائلة من البيانات بتكاليف منخفضة.
وان انتشار الشركات متعددة الجنسبة والتي سعت لتحقيق السيطرة على اقتصاديات العالم من خلال فروعها المنتشرة فتحتاج الى نظم للانتاج والتكاليف ونظم للمعلومات الادارية والمحاس
... Show MoreResearch revealed the most important things:
1 - that the sentence if the nominal manufacturing according to one of the main frames for the construction of the original sentence or the nucleus called the obstetric and called the nominal or actual.
2 - is not an element of denial. Some of them counted in the Acts the people of Basra are missing and some of them are counted conjunction Menem people of Kufa and promise of the tools of the exception and some of them promise to benefit neglected exile is not Flaaml have at this team.
- What precluding it have a characteristic which they enter the actual sentence and never let an impact on the act, and the intervention of the nominal sentence Fathol
أدوات الىفي الذاخلة على الجملة التحويلية الاسمي
افرض ان (X1, X2, …. , Xn) هي عينة عشوائية من توزيع له دالة احتمالية الكثافة . المثال المعتاد في مثل هكذا تقدير للامكان الاعظم (MLE) هو ليس وحيد باخذ ليكون كثافة منتظمة عليه، مثل .
انظر [Bicked and Doksum (1977, P111)] او [Hogg and Craig (1978, P(207)] بالاضافة الى احضار بعض الامور غير الطبيعية.
... Show MoreThe contribution rate of tax revenues in the federal budget is very small compared to the rate of contribution of oil revenues and this leads to negative repercussions on the Iraqi economy and the budget becomes a prisoner of high and low oil prices, and this is a problem that needs to be studied to know the extent of the impact of economic and political decisions on the size of tax revenue and The research goal is determined in studying the effect of amending the Unified Law No (26) of 2019 on the size of annual tax revenues . &
... Show More Through the presence of the researcher in the sport of badminton as a former player and coach, he noticed that most of the young players suffer from weakness in the strength and speed of the stroke of the straight and diagonal dimensions. Which negatively affects their level of performance and the difficulty of moving the opposing player from the middle of the field to the back area (back line) in order to create larger spaces and exploit them to play badminton and get direct points. The aim of the research is to identify the effect of plyometric exercises in developing the strength characteristic of speed and skill of the frontal dimensions (straight and diagonal) for badminton players. The research
... Show MoreThe management of the overall quality (TQM)) of the philosophies that gained the attention of a large number of leaders and managers, practitioners and academics, as one of the prevailing management philosophies and desirable in the current period, is associated with the concept of quality itself, which shows the overall features and characteristics and attributes that related to the service and meet the needs of beneficiaries phenomenon and full, as was the concept of strategic performance with a significant level of interest from organizations because it is closely linked to the success of the organization in light of the changing competitive environment. These were the study in an attempt to see how a clear vision of the unive
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