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Medical waste management in Al-Kut City
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This research investigates solid waste management in Al-Kut City. It included the collection of medical and general solid waste generated in five hospitals different in their specialization and capacity through one week, starting from 03/02/2012. Samples were  collected and analyzed periodically to find their generation rate, composition, and physical properties. Analysis results indicated that generation rate ranged between (1102 – 212) kg / bed / day, moisture content and density were (19.0 % - 197 kg/ m3) respectively for medical waste and (41%-255 kg/ m3) respectively for general waste. Theoretically, medical solid waste generated in Al-Kut City (like any other city), affected by capacity, number of patients in a day, and hospital specialty The research exposed the incorrect ways used in collecting, storing, waste transport, and inefficient incinerators processing .Laboratory test for six ash collected samples indicated high concentration of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cr) , having the rang of (51.0 – 62.0) mg / l of lead, (3.0 – 8.5) mg / l for cadmium, and (43.0 -69.0) mg / l for chrome. In comparison with the US Environmental Protection Agency standards, these samples are higher than the recommended levels that may threat groundwater. A comprehensive and integrated solution there must be to manage medical waste, with the participation of all parties concerned, especially, the Ministry of Health, environment authorities concerned, and the participation of civil society organizations. A color-code trash bags and containers are recommended by the World Health Organization and the Environmental Protection Agency to be used in hospitals that propose red bags for collecting medical waste while black bags for general waste provided that they are resistant to tearing seeping and should be provided in sufficient numbers.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Performance Enhancement of the South Baghdad Thermal Station
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Aim of the research is the study of improving the performance of the thermal station south Baghdad and the main reasons for reduced its efficiency. South Baghdad power planet comprises (6) steam turbine units and (18) gas turbine units .The gas turbine units are composed of two groups: the first group is made up of gas units (1,2), each of capacity (123) MW. The design efficiency of gas turbine units is 32%. The actual efficiency data of steam units is 18.3% instead of 45% which is the design efficiency. The main reason for efficiency reduction of gas units is the rejected thermal energy with the exhaust gases to atmosphere, that are (450-510) ℃.The bad type of fuel used (heavy) fuel. Another reason for the low efficiency and has a neg

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A New Three Step Iterative Method without Second Derivative for Solving Nonlinear Equations
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In this paper , an efficient new procedure is proposed to modify third –order iterative method obtained by Rostom and Fuad [Saeed. R. K. and Khthr. F.W. New third –order iterative method for solving nonlinear equations. J. Appl. Sci .7(2011): 916-921] , using three steps based on Newton equation , finite difference method and linear interpolation. Analysis of convergence is given to show the efficiency and the performance of the new method for solving nonlinear equations. The efficiency of the new method is demonstrated by numerical examples.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
D.C conductivity of In2O3: SnO2 thin films and manufacturing of gas sensor
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Compounds were prepared from In2O3 doped SnO2 with different doping ratio by mixing and sintering at 1000oC. Pulsed Laser Deposition PLD was used to deposit thin films of different doping ratio In2O3: SnO2 (0, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 % wt.) on glass and p-type wafer Si(111) substrates at ambient temperature under vacuum of 10-3 bar thickness of ~100nm. X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy were used to examine the structural type, grain size and morphology of the prepared thin films. The results show the structures of thin films was also polycrystalline, and the predominate peaks are identical with standard cards ITO. On the other side the prepared thin films declared a reduction of degree of crystallinity with the increase of doping ra

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigation Utilizing Thermal Image Technique to the Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Oscillated Fins
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Heat transfer around a flat plate fin integrated with piezoelectric actuator used as oscillated fin in laminar flow has been studied experimentally utilizing thermal image camera. This study is performed
for fixed and oscillated single and triple fins. Different substrate-fin models have been tested, using fins of (35mm and 50mm) height, two sets of triple fins of (3mm and 6mm) spacing and three frequencies
applied to piezoelectric actuator (5, 30 and 50HZ). All tests are carried out for (0.5 m/s and 3m/s) in subsonic open type wind tunnel to evaluate temperature distribution, local and average Nusselt number (Nu) along the fin. It is observed, that the heat transfer enhancement with oscillation is significant compared to without o

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Comparison between Electroplating and Electroless on Plastic Surface
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We report a method of converting non-conductive plastic surfaces into conductive by plating either copper electroless or copper electroplating -carbon black containing bending Agent onto Perspex plastics . Various approaches have been studied in order to comparing properties of the plated copper for two methods such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM),thickness, roughness, porosity, tensile Strength and elongation. The results show that the surface of electroplating was uniform, compact, and continuous and it had an obvious metallic sheen, while the surface of plated copper for electroless for it had many pores. Also observed that the coating was composed of small cells. Thes

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Deep Vein Thrombosis Predisposing Factors Analysis Using Association Rules Mining
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Background: DVT is a very common problem with a very serious complications like pulmonary embolism (PE) which carries a high mortality,and many other chronic and annoying complications ( like chronic DVT, post-phlebitic syndrome, and chronic venous insufficiency) ,and it has many risk factors that affect its course, severity ,and response to treatment. Objectives: Most of those risk factors are modifiable, and a better understanding of the relationships between them can be beneficial for better assessment for liable pfatients , prevention of disease, and the effectiveness of our treatment modalities. Male to female ratio was nearly equal , so we didn’t discuss the gender among other risk factors. Type of the study:A cross- secti

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(Energy alternatives and the possibility of substitution)
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Many of the signs that the global energy system indicate the start of a period of transition from total dependence on fossil energy sources, especially oil, into a new era in which alternative energy sources play an important role in meeting the growing needs of energy demand, so sought many of the developed countries through research the studies carried out to try to bring renewable energy sources and non-renewable (shale oil, oil sands, solar energy, wind energy .... etc) replace traditional fossil energy sources (oil, gas, coal) and despite the recent availability dramatically and spread throughout the the world, but they are going to dry up in the foreseeable future. So many countries, especially the developed sought to find

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The antibacterial activity of indium oxide thin film prepared by thermal deposition
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Indium oxide In2O3 thin films fabricated using thermal evaporation of indium metal in vacuum on a glass substrate at 25oC using array mask, after deposition the indium films have been subjected to thermal oxidation at temperature 400 °C for 1h. The results of prepared Indium oxide reveal the oxidation method as a strong effect on the morphology and optical properties of the samples as fabricated. The band gap (Eg) of In2O3 films at 400 °C is 2.7 eV. Then, SEM and XRD measurements are also used to investigate the morphology and structure of the indium oxide In2O3 thin films. The antimicrobial activity of indium oxide In2O3 thin films was assessed against gram-negative bacterium using inhibition zone of bacteria which improved higher ina

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-dhad Book Store And Publishing
Calculus part 1
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This book includes three main chapters: 1. Functions & Their Derivatives. 2. Minimum, Maximum and Inflection points. 3. Partial Derivative. In addition to many examples and exercises for the purpose of acquiring the student's ability to think correctly in solving mathematical questions.

Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2006
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Islamic call for the unity of human society and the rejection of division
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الحمد الله أولا واخرا وبعد .. إن الواقع الذي عايشه الناس في ظل دولة المسلمين منذ إقامة دولة الإسلام بعد بعثة الرسول الكريم (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) في المدينة ولأكثر من أربعة عشر قرنا نرى إنه عاش في كنف هذه الدولة الكبيرة من بلاد الصين شرقا وإلى وسط أوربا وجنوب فرنسا غربا العشرات من الملل و الأديان والأجناس وممن لا يدينون بالإسلام وهم كما تحفظ لهم دولة الإسلام منهم وعيشهم الرغيد فهم يمارسون شعائرهم وطقوسهم الديني

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