Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, who has made His way for His servants who know in the depths and who are devoted to Him at all times and times, so He has delivered to Himself their pain from two exiles, and His prayers and peace are the perfect trust in the presence of the pearl of charity of existence. Possessor of great intercession and praiseworthy status until the day of meeting and eternity, and upon his family and companions, the people of tomorrow, steadfastness, generosity, and generosity, and after that
For a long period of time, I have been asking myself: Why did he attack so many contemporary books, especially Sufism? Why this unlimited financial expenditure on printing, binding, beautifying and enticing readers? Why all these fierce raids, sometimes calling them infidels, and doubting their monotheism at other times, whether the Sufis were truly polytheists? Were they as far from monotheism as depicted on hundreds of modern printed pages? Were they devoid of scientific research?
And thematic propositions?
Then how accurate is the countless shortcomings and shortcomings that their opponents spread about them? All of these questions prompted me to search for the truth about the monotheism of Sufism, but in order to reach a clear truth about them, I must look at Sufism from within their arena, not from outside it, and meditate on their monotheism from within their schools, not in the books of their enemies, and that the heedless person is everything that is known about them. It was rumored against them, and that it was abstract scientific research
The only method he adopted.
I found myself facing a dangerous ideological task, which requires me to abandon what came before and what was reported and what was claimed, and to dig into the truth hidden in myself while it lives under a huge pile of allegations. It is clear that carrying out this task depends on developing a scientific method for research, as long as the goal and intention are pure. Pure, with no judgment for whims