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Numerical Study of Optimum Configuration of Unconventional Airfoil with Steps and Rotating Cylinder for Best Aerodynamics Performance
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Numerical study of separation control on symmetrical airfoil, four digits (NACA

0012) by using rotating cylinder with double steps on its upper surface based on the computation of Reynolds-average Navier- Stokes equations was carried out to find the optimum configuration of unconventional airfoil for best aerodynamics performance. A model based on collocated Finite Volume Method was developed to solve the governing equations on a body-fitted coordinate system. A revised (k-w) model was proposed as a known turbulence model. This model was adapted to simulate the control effects of rotating cylinder. Numerical solutions were performed for flow around unconventional airfoil with cylinder to main stream velocities ratio in the range of 1 to 4 and for various positions of the steps on the airfoil from the leading edge, 0.1c, 0.2c, 0.3c, 0.4c, 0.5c for the first step and 0.5c, 0.6c, 0.7c, 0.8c for the second step with constant step depth and length of 0.03c and 0.125c respectively. Reynolds number of 700,000 which was based on the cord length (c), with angle of attacks 0, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 degrees was considered for the assessment of the unconventional airfoil performance. The numerical investigation showed that the optimum configuration for the unconventional airfoil was found to be at velocities ratio (U/U∞=4) with the steps positions at 0.5c and 0.8c for best airfoil performance.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Generally fossil based fuels are used in internal combustion engines as an energy source.
Excessive use of fossil based fuels diminishes present reserves and increases the air pollution in
urban areas. This enhances the importance of the effective use of present reserves and/or to develop
new alternative fuels, which are environment friendly. Use of alternative fuel is a way of emission
control. The term “Alternative Gaseous Fuels” relates to a wide range of fuels that are in the
gaseous state at ambient conditions, whether when used on their own or as components of mixtures
with other fuels.
In this study, a single cylinder diesel engine was modified to use LPG in dual fuel mode to study
the performance, emis

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 19 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Rules and steps The design of university research projects
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Research is a study conducted by a researcher or a group of researchers to uncover ambiguity, complete a knowledge, or define a relationship, Solve a problem, or answer a question by carefully investigating the comprehensive and in-depth examination of the evidence and evidence related to this knowledge, revealing a relationship, or solving a problem, or answering a question, to be a systematic, In evidence and evidence that reveal facts and general rules, relationships or solutions, in addition to providing knowledge Human rights are verifiable, tested and confirmed. The university research (graduate research, master's thesis, doctoral dissertation) is the most important type of research, and it is supposed to be the best one, since it

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 04 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Study the optimum conditions for production of inulunase from isolate Kluyveromyces marxianus AY2.: Study the optimum conditions for production of inulunase from isolate Kluyveromyces marxianus AY2.
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Results showed that the optimum conditions for production of inulunase from isolate Kluyveromyces marxianus AY2 by submerged culture could be achieved by using inulin as carbon source at a concentration of 2% with mixture of yeast extract and ammonium sulphate in a ratio of 1:1 in a concentration of 1% at initial pH 5.5 after incubation for 42 hours at 30ºC.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Optimum Reservoir Performance of Nahr Umr/Ratawi Oil Field
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Reservoir study has been developed in order to get a full interesting of the Nahr Umr formation in Ratawi oil field. Oil in place has been calculated for Nahr Umr which was 2981.37 MM BBL. Several runs have been performed to get matching between measured and calculated of oil production data and well test pressure. In order to get the optimum performance of Nahr Umr many strategies have been proposed in this study where vertical and horizontal wells were involved in addition to different production rates. The reservoir was first assumed to be developed with vertical wells only using production rate of (80000–125000) STB/day. The reservoir is also proposed to produce using horizontal wells besides vertical wells with production rat

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Particulate matter (PM) emitted from diesel engine exhaust have been measured in terms of mass, using
99.98 % pure ethanol blended directly, without additives, with conventional diesel fuel (gas – oil),to
get 10 % , 15 %, 20 % ethanol emulsions . The resulting PM collected has been compared with those
from straight diesel. The engine used is a stationary single cylinder, variable compression ratio Ricardo
E6/US. This engine is fully instrumented and could run as a compression or spark ignition.
Observations showed that particulate matter (PM) emissions decrease with increasing oxygenate
content in the fuel, with some increase of fuel consumption, which is due to the lower heating value of
ethanol. The reduction in

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Research In Fluid Mechanics And Thermal Sciences
Aerodynamics of a Formula One car front cascade wing during cornering
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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An experimental and numerical study has been carried out to investigate the heat transfer by natural convection in a three dimensional annulus enclosure filled with porous media (silica sand) between two inclined concentric cylinders with (and without) annular fins attached to the inner cylinder under steady state condition; The experiments were carried out for a range of modified Rayleigh number (0.2 ≤Ra*≤ 11) and extended to Ra* =500 for numerical study, annulus inclination angle of (δ = 0˚, 30˚, 60˚ and 90˚). The numerical study was to write the governing equation under an assumptions used Darcy law and Boussinesq’s approximation and then solved numerically using finite difference approximation. It was found that the averag

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Study of Solar Chimney with Absorber at Different Locations
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Heat transfer process and fluid flow in a solar chimney used for natural ventilation are investigated numerically in the present work. Solar chimney was tested by selecting different positions of absorber namely: at the back side, front side, and at the middle of the air gap. CFD analysis based on finite volume method is used to predict the thermal performance, and air flow in two dimensional solar chimney under unsteady state condition, to identify the effect of different parameters such as solar radiation. Results show that a solar chimney with absorber at the middle of the air gap gives better ventilation performance. A comparison between the numerical and previous experimental results shows fair agreement.

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The The Optimum Reservoir Performance of Nahr Umr/Ratawi Oil Field
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Reservoir study has been developed in order to get a full interesting of the Nahr Umr formation in Ratawi oil field. Oil in place has been calculated for Nahr Umr which was 2981.37 MM BBL. Several runs have been performed to get matching between measured and calculated of oil production data and well test pressure. In order to get the optimum performance of Nahr Umr many strategies have been proposed in this study where vertical and horizontal wells were involved in addition to different production rates. The reservoir was first assumed to be developed with vertical wells only using production rate of (80000–125000) STB/day. The reservoir is also proposed to produce using horizontal wells besides vertical wells with pr

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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This study deals with free convection heat transfer for the outer surface of two
cylinders of the shape of (Triangular & Rectangular fined cylinders with 8-fins),
putted into two different spaces; small one with dimension of (Length=1.2m,
height=1m, width=0.9m) and large one with dimension of (Length=3.6m, height =3m,
width=2.7m). The experimental work was conducted with air as a heat transport
medium. These cylinders were fixed at different slope angles (0o, 30o, 60o and 90o)
.The heat fluxes were (279, 1012, 1958, 3005, 4419) W/m2, where heat transferred by
convection and radiation. In large space, the results show that the heat transfer from
the triangular finned cylinder is maximum at a slope angle equals

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