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Development A Method For Production Of Carbon Nanotubes
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In this work chemical vapor deposition method (CVD) for the production of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been improved by the addition of S. Steel mesh container (SSMC) inside which the catalyst (Fe/Al2O3) was placed. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) investigation method used to study nanotubes produced, showed that high yield of two types of (CNTs) obtained, single wall carbon nanotube (SWCNTs) with diameter and length of less than 50nm and several micrometers respectively and nanocoil tubes with a diameter and length of less than 100nm and several micrometers respectively. The chemical analysis of (CNTs) reveals that the main component is carbon (94%) and a little amount of Al (0.32%), Fe (2.22%) the reminder is oxygen. It was also found that the use of (SSMC) leads to increase in yield by a factor of 3 of (SWNTs) and produces nanocoil at the same time.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 02 2014
Journal Name
Basrah Journal Of Science
Extraction and partial purification for fimbriae from Proteus mirabilis and study their role in adhesion to uroepithlial cells
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From 211 urine samples, Gram negative bacteria were isolated from only 61 urine samples with isolation percentage 28.9%. Escherichia coli were isolated percentage 70.49% while Klebsiella pneumoniae and Psendomonas aeruginosa were 8.19% and 6.55%, respectively.Proteus spp. Were isolated from 9 (14.75%), P. mirablis and P. vulgaris were isolates percentage 11.47% and 3.27%, respectively. Uroepithelial Cell Adhesin (UCA) fimbriae expression by P.mirabilis isolates was detected by the high capacity to adhesion to human uroepithetial cells, the isolate p.mirabilis U7 was adhesion to human uroepithelial cells mean no.30.2 bacteria/cell when grown on luria broth at 37C for 24h, but then grown it’s on luria agar at 37C for 24h the adhesion

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 11 2009
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriyah Journal Of Science
Thyroid Autoimmune Antibodies For Enzyme Peroxidase, Thyroglobulin and Se, Zn Levels in Elderly Patients with Hypothyroidism in Iraq
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Forty – two elderly hypothyroidism patients and forty – two apparently healthy as control groups , divided to (21) male (M) and (21) female (F) also (21) control male C(M) and (21) control female C(F) aged > 60 years, were tested for the presence of thyroid peroxidase autoantibody (TPo – Ab) and thyroglobulin auto antibody (Tg – Ab) , also for Se and Zn levels in their sera . The results revealed a significant increase in (TPO – Ab) and (Tg – Ab) for group (M) and (F) compared to control group , also a siginificant increase in TPo – Ab and Tg – Ab for (F) compared to (M) was found. A significant decrease in Se and Zn level for (M) and (F) compared to control group, while no significant difference between (M) and (F). In conc

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 12 2014
Journal Name
Advanced Studies In English, Pune
Cohesive Devices in Hemingway's 'For Whom The Bell Tolls' and its Translation into Arabic
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BN Rashid, AJES, 2014

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 15 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Oil skimming followed by coagulation/flocculation processes for oilfield produced water treatment and zero liquid discharge system application
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The study focused on the treatment of real oilfield produced water from the East Baghdad field affiliated to the Midland Oil Company (Iraq) using an oil skimming process followed by a coagulation/flocculation process for zero liquid discharge system applications. Belt type oil skimmer was utilized for evaluating the process efficiency with various operating conditions such as temperature (17-40 °C) and time (0.5-2.5 hr.). Polyaluminum chloride (PAC) coagulant and polyacrylamide (PAM) flocculant was used to investigate the performance of the coagulation/flocculation process with PAC dosage (5-90 ppm) and pH (5-10) as operating conditions. In the skimming process, the oil content, COD, turbidity, and TSS decreased with an increase in tempera

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Using PCR and Gel Electrophoresis Techniques to Molecular Confirm and Detection for Flowering Gene Presence in Maize Hybrids
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Abstract<p>The laboratory experiment was conducted in the laboratories of the Musayyib Bridge Company for Molecular Analyzes in the year 2021-2022 to study the molecular analysis of the inbreed lines and their hybrids F1 to estimate the genetic variation at the level of DNA shown by the selected pure inbreed lines and the resulting hybrids F1 of the flowering gene. Five pure inbreed lines of maize were selected (ZA17WR) Late, ZM74, Late, ZM19, Early ZM49WZ (Zi17WZ, Late, ZM49W3E) and their resulting hybrids, according to the study objective, from fifteen different inbreed lines with flowering time. The five inbreed lines were planted for four seasons (spring and fall 2019) and (spring and fall 2</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Securing Physical Layer for FHSS Communication System Using Code andPhase Hopping Techniques in CDMA, System Design and Implementation
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The Frequency-hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) systems and techniques are using in military and civilianradar recently and in the communication system for securing the information on wireless communications link channels, for example in the Wi-Fi 8.02.X IEEE using multiple number bandwidth and frequencies in the wireless channel in order to hopping on them for increasing the security level during the broadcast, but nowadays FHSS problem, which is, any Smart Software Defined Radio (S-SDR) can easily detect a wireless signal at the transmitter and the receiver for the hopping sequence in both of these, then duplicate this sequence in order to hack the signal on both transmitter and receiver messages using the order of the se

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
World Economics & Finance Bulletin
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Planning budgets are one of the methods used by the administration in controlling the elements of costs represented by (direct material costs, direct wage costs, and indirect manufacturing costs), and their importance lies in that they reflect what the activity of the economic unit should be in the future. In order to achieve the objectives of the economic unit and to solve this problem, the research was based on the following hypothesis (the role of planning budgets in controlling the elements of costs). , and thus the ability to reduce these costs and thus achieve profits by increasing sales and increasing market share, and the need to urge the state to support the company and the manufacturing sector, which helps and contributes

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Bulletin Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics
Lightweight hamming product code based multiple bit error correction coding scheme using shared resources for on chip interconnects
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In this paper, we present multiple bit error correction coding scheme based on extended Hamming product code combined with type II HARQ using shared resources for on chip interconnect. The shared resources reduce the hardware complexity of the encoder and decoder compared to the existing three stages iterative decoding method for on chip interconnects. The proposed method of decoding achieves 20% and 28% reduction in area and power consumption respectively, with only small increase in decoder delay compared to the existing three stage iterative decoding scheme for multiple bit error correction. The proposed code also achieves excellent improvement in residual flit error rate and up to 58% of total power consumption compared to the other err

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relation between the governmental consumption expenditure and the economic growth in Iraq for the period 1981-2006
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        The research aim is to determine the relation between governmental consumption expenditure (GCE) & GDP in Iraq for the period 1981-2006.

The research has determined the scale of optimization for (GCE) & try to know the extent productivity of this expenditure and using the long run &short run model to test .The results clarify the following

1-The marginal productivity for the (GCE) is positive so it is productive.

2-The (GCE) in Iraq is too high because the marginal productivity for the expenditure less than 1.

3- The (GCE) percentage to GNP is

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Computer Science And Applications
Proposed an Adaptive Bitrate Algorithm based on Measuring Bandwidth and Video Buffer Occupancy for Providing Smoothly Video Streaming
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