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Heave Behavior of Granular Pile Anchor-Foundation System (GPA-Foundation System) in Expansive Soil

Granular  Pile  Anchor  (GPA)  is  one  of  the  innovative  foundation  techniques,  devised  for mitigating heave of footing resulting from the expansive soils. This research attempts to study the heave behavior of (GPA-Foundation System) in expansive soil. Laboratory tests have been conducted on an experimental model in addition to a series of numerical modeling and analysis using the finite element package PLAXIS software. The effects of different parameters, such as (GPA) length (L) and diameter (D), footing diameter (B), expansive clay layer thickness (H) and presence of non-expansive clay are studied. The results proved the efficiency of (GPA) in reducing the heave of expansive soil and showed that the heave can be reduced with increasing length and diameter of (GPA). The heave of (GPA-Foundation System) is controlled by three independent variables these are (L/D) ratio, (L/H) ratio and (B/D) ratio. The heave can be reduced by up to (38 %) when (GPA) is embedded in expansive soil layer at (L/H=1) and reduced by about (90 %) when (GPA) is embedded in expansive soil and extended to non- expansive clay (stable zone) at (L/H=2) at the same diameter of (GPA) and footing. An equation (mathematical mode1) was obtained by using the computer package (SPSS 17.0) for statistical analysis based on the results of finite element analysis relating the maximum heave of (GPA-Foundation System) as a function of the above mentioned three independent variables with coefficient of regression of (R2 = 92.3 %).

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Enhancement of a Piezoelectric Harvester Included into an Autonomous System

Autonomous systems are these systems which power themselves from the available ambient energies in addition to their duties. In the next few years, autonomous systems will pervade society and they will find their ways into different applications related to health, security, comfort and entertainment. Piezoelectric harvesters are possible energy converters which can be used to convert the available ambient vibration energy into electrical energy. In this contribution, an energy harvesting cantilever array with magnetic tuning including three piezoelectric bimorphs is investigated theoretically and experimentally. Other than harvester designs proposed before, this array is easy to manufacture and insensitive to manufacturi

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 27 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Cloud-based Voice Home automation System Based on Internet of Things

    The rapid development of automation industries and technologies has shown incredible prospects for transforming our homes into a smart home automation system, which are more secure than a simple home. This paper proposes a home application based on voice and text called the Automated Control and Monitoring System (ASCM). This application can be utilized by both normal and vision-impaired people by using with a mobile phone.

The application allows users to send voice commands through Google Assistant installed on Android to control the appliances. They can also have complete monitoring by logging onto the ThingSpeak dashboard, which displays a device status indicator and sends alert messages in the event of dang

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 28 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Stabilizing Gap of Pole Electric Arc Furnace Using Smart Hydraulic System


Electric arc furnace applications in industry are related to position system of its pole, up and down of pole. The pole should be set the certain gap. These setting are needed to calibrate. It is done manually. In this research will proposed smart hydraulic to make this pole works as intelligent using proportional directional control valve. The output of this research will develop and improve the working of the electric arc furnace. This research requires study and design of the system to achieve the purpose and representation using Automation Studio software (AS), in addition to mathematically analyzed and where they were building a laboratory device similar to the design and conduct experiments to stud

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the Stability of Iraqi Banking System according to Basel III

Banking reforms in many countries have focused on the efficiency enhance of the banking sector, including Iraq, in terms of indicative steps based on recommendations, policies and standards developed by international organizations, foremost of which are Basel III. In this paper, it has tried to highlight the reforms in Basel III and the impact of these reforms on the stability of the banking system in Iraq. As the research derives its importance from the idea that the sound banking system consists of a group of banks capable of employing their assets and obligations efficiently in financial intermediation and enjoying financial solvency. The stability of the banking system is an important factor in achieving the leading role of t

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design and Simulation of Sliding Mode Fuzzy Controller for Nonlinear System

Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) is a simple method and powerful technique to design a robust controller for nonlinear systems. It is an effective tool with acceptable performance. The major drawback is a classical Sliding Mode controller suffers from the chattering phenomenon which causes undesirable zigzag motion along the sliding surface. To overcome the snag of this classical approach, many methods were proposed and implemented. In this work, a Fuzzy controller was added to classical Sliding Mode controller in order to reduce the impact chattering problem. The new structure is called Sliding Mode Fuzzy controller (SMFC) which will also improve the properties and performance of the classical Sliding Mode control

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Publication Date
Wed May 25 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On Controllability of Impulsive Fractional Integro-differential Nonlocal System with State

      This paper is concerned with the controllability of a nonlinear impulsive fractional integro-differential nonlocal control system with state-dependent delay in a Banach space. At first, we introduce a mild solution for the control system by using fractional calculus and probability density function. Under sufficient conditions, the results are obtained by means of semigroup theory and the Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the main results.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of solar window for Baghdad city using pv system program

Been using a pv system program to determine the solar window for Baghdad city . the solar window for any location can be determine by deviating left and right from the geographical south as well as deviation according to the amount of tilt angle with the horizon for fixed panel so that will not change the average of solar radiation incident over the whole year and this lead to help in the process of installation of fixed solar panel without any effect on annual output .the range of solar window for Baghdad city between two angles ( -8 - +8 ) degrees left to right of the geographical south and tilt angle that allowed for the horizon range between angles (21- 30) degrees so that the amount of solar radiation that falling on the solar pan

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Construction of Graduation Certificate Issuing System Based on Digital Signature Technique

With the development of computer architecture and its technologies in recent years, applications like e-commerce, e-government, e-governance and e-finance are widely used, and they act as active research areas. In addition, in order to increase the quality and quantity of the ordinary everyday transactions, it is desired to migrate from the paper-based environment to a digital-based computerized environment. Such migration increases efficiency, saves time, eliminates paperwork, increases safety and reduces the cost in an organization. Digital signatures are playing an essential role in many electronic and automatic based systems and facilitate this migration. The digital signatures are used to provide many services and s

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 1990
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

Littoral and benthic invertebrates from Roundwood Reservoir System were sampled. Oligochaetes and molluscs were the dominant organisms in the littoral and benthic areas Trichopterans and chironomids were the most abundant insect groups. Scuba diving samples reinforced that view. Other groups of macroinvertebrates were poorly represented. Vertical and horizontal hauls of zooplankton revealed that there were twelve species of zooplankton present. Daphnia hyalina Leydig and Bosmina coregoni Baird were the two dominant species.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Sustainable communities rating system within the context of Iraqi cities characteristics
Abstract<p>Rating systems for evaluating the sustainability of communities are an essential tool that is increasingly applied throughout the developed world to set criteria indicators to optimize the physical, social, economic, and environmental potential within such communities. Rating systems vary based on existing disparities among societies and their unique building and physical planning practices. Iraqi cities lacked the adaptation of a formal methodology or sustainability rating system to correctly measure the built environment’s sustainability indicators. This research attempts to review the most substantial rating systems to measure the sustainability of communities worldwide to form a</p> ... Show More
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