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Passive Design Strategies to Enhance Natural Ventilation in Buildings "Election of Passive Design Strategies to Achieve Natural Ventilation in Iraqi Urban Environment with Hot Arid Climate"
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The natural ventilation in buildings is one of effective strategies for achieving energy efficiency in buildings by employing methods and ways of passive design, as well as its efficiency in providing high ranges of thermal comfort for occupants in buildings and raises their productivity. Because the concept of natural ventilation for many people confined to achieve through the windows and openings only, become necessary to provide this research to demonstrate the various passive design strategies for natural ventilation. Then, research problem: Insufficient knowledge about the importance and mechanism of the application of passive design strategies for natural ventilation in buildings. The research objective is: Analysis of passive design strategies to achieve natural ventilation in buildings, for the purpose of the proper selection of them to Iraqi urban environment. Accordingly, the research included two parts: First, the theoretical part, which dealt with the conceptual framework of natural ventilation and deriving the most important aspects in it, in order to adopted as a base for the practical part of the research. Second: the practical part, which analyzed examples of buildings projects that employed various design strategies for natural ventilation, according to the theoretical framework that has been drawn. The main conclusion is, Necessity to adopt various passive design strategies for natural ventilation in Iraqi urban environment with hot dry climate, as they have a significant impact in reducing the energy consumption for the purposes of ventilation and cooling, as well as for its efficiency in improving air quality in indoor environments of buildings.


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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Advances In Systems Analysis, Software Engineering, And High Performance Computing
T-Way Testing Strategies
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In line with the advancement of hardware technology and increasing consumer demands for new functionalities and innovations, software applications grew tremendously in term of size over the last decade. This sudden increase in size has a profound impact as far as testing is concerned. Here, more and more unwanted interactions among software systems components, hardware, and operating system are to be expected, rendering increased possibility of faults. To address this issue, many useful interaction-based testing techniques (termed t-way strategies) have been developed in the literature. As an effort to promote awareness and encourage its usage, this chapter surveys the current state-of-the-art and reviews the state-of-practices in t

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Computer Systems And Software Engineering
T-Way Testing Strategies
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In line with the advancement of hardware technology and increasing consumer demands for new functionalities and innovations, software applications grew tremendously in term of size over the last decade. This sudden increase in size has a profound impact as far as testing is concerned. Here, more and more unwanted interactions among software systems components, hardware, and operating system are to be expected, rendering increased possibility of faults. To address this issue, many useful interaction-based testing techniques (termed t-way strategies) have been developed in the literature. As an effort to promote awareness and encourage its usage, this chapter surveys the current state-of-the-art and reviews the state-of-practices in t

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Drag Reduction Using Passive Methods on KIA PRIDE Car Model
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An experimental study on a KIA pride (SAIPA 131) car model with scale of 1:14 in the wind tunnel was made beside the real car tests. Some of the modifications to passive flow control which are (vortex generator, spoiler and slice diffuser) were added to the car to reduce the drag force which its undesirable characteristic that increase fuel consumption and exhaust toxic gases. Two types of calculations were used to determine the drag force acting on the car body. Firstly, is by the integrating the values of pressure recorded along the pressure taps (for the wind tunnel and the real car testing), secondly, is by using one component balance device (wind tunnel testing) to measure the force. The results show that, the average drag estimated on

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 20 2020
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Predicting Phosphorus and Potato Yield Using Active and Passive Sensors
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Applications of remote sensing are important in improving potato production through the broader adoption of precision agriculture. This technology could be useful in decreasing the potential contamination of soil and water due to the over-fertilization of agriculture crops. The objective of this study was to assess the utility of active sensors (Crop Circle™, Holland Scientific, Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA and GreenSeeker™, Trimble Navigation Limited, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) and passive sensors (multispectral imaging with Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAVs)) to predict total potato yield and phosphorus (P) uptake. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications and six P treatments, ranging from 0 to 280 kg P ha−1, as

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 08 2024
Journal Name
Optical And Quantum Electronics
5G passive optical network employing all optical-OFDM_Hybrid SSMF/FSO
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In this paper, a new 5G Passive Optical Network (5G-PON) employing all-optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (AO-OFDM) is proposed in hybrid bidirectional standard single mode fiber (SSMF)/free space optical (FSO). Additionally, an optical frequency generator (OFG) source is utilized. The proposed model is simulated using VPI photonics software. Analytical modeling and simulations have been conducted for a new approach to generate OFG by cascaded two-frequency modulators and one electro-absorption modulator. A sinusoidal RF signal source is utilized to drive all these modulators. The results reveal that 64 optical multiplexed carriers with a frequency spacing of 30 GHz are generated. These optical carriers have power variations

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Open Geosciences
Impact of wall movements on the location of passive Earth thrust
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Abstract<p>The general assumption of linear variation of earth pressures with depth on retaining structures is still controversial; investigations are yet required to determine those distributions of the passive earth pressure (PEP) accurately and deduce the corresponding centroid location. In particular, for rigid retaining walls, the calculation of PEP is strongly dependent on the type of wall movement. This paper presents a numerical analysis for studying the influence of wall movement on the PEP distribution on a rigid retaining wall and the passive earth thrust location. The numerical predictions are remarkably similar to existing experimental works as recorded on scaled test models and ful</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Achieve the internal and external dimensions of corporate social responsibility through the human resources management strategies / case study in the Municipality of Ramadi.
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The main focus of research is on how to achieve the internal and external dimensions of corporate social responsibility through human resources management strategies, which is a major of research aimed. The main problem of this research was confirmed, which confirms that there is an unclear role for social responsibility, lack of human resources management strategies, and ambiguity of roles in the municipality under study. The diagnose of the problem and determining the gap between the internal and external dimensions of social responsibility and human resources management was identified, which attacked the researcher's attention to navigate in this subject, look for the reasons for the gaps and try to reduce them. The case study

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Design of Self-Assessment Scale to Accreditation Standards
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The process of self-assessment plays a key role in achieving quality educational institutions (college, department or program academic particular), because the assessment process provides reviews of the effectiveness of the criteria used in the enterprise, especially in the field of teaching and learning, and is result self-assessment providing self-assessment report. The self- assessment can be performed at different levels (college, academic department, Master, Ph.D. program, or courses). The importance of the research focused on to provide a measure of self-assessment helps profile officials in the implementation of the assessment process are clear and precise and fast, and to provide them to measure the availability requireme

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Ssrn Electronic Journal
Design of Earthquake-Resistant Buildings by Using Reinforced Concrete or Steel Flexible Corner Joints
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This study focuses on studying the effect of reinforced steel in detail, and steel reinforcement (tensile ratio, compression ratio, size, and joint angle shape) on the strength of reinforced concrete (compressive strength) Fc' and searching for the most accurate details of concrete divisions, their behavior, and corner resistance of reinforced concrete joint. The comparison of this paper with previous studies, especially in the studied properties. The conclusions of the chapter are summarized that these effects had a clear effect and a specific effect on the behavior and resistance of the reinforced concrete corner joints under the negative moments and under their influence and the resulting stress conditions. The types of defects that can

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Assisting Students of Al-Quds Open University to Design Computerized Lessons According to ADDIE
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This Action research aimed at Assisting Students of Faculty of Educational Sciences  at Al-Quds Open University to design computerized  lessons using the Power Point software and according to ADDIE model. The study sample consisted of 40 students  who were taking a course titled Technology of Education during the second semester of the 2014-2015 academic year and three academic instructors . To collect the required date  , the researchers used  focus group technique and structured interviews to get information from the 40 students and the three academic instructors involved in the course Technology of Education in QOU /Nablus Branch. In addition to these methods, a workshop with a guiding checklist was employed t

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