In this study, the electro-hydraulic servo system for speed control of fixed displacement hydraulic motor using proportional valve and (PID) controller is investigated theoretically ,experimentally and simulation . The theoretical part includes the derivation of the nonlinear mathematical model equation of (valve – motor ) combination system and the derivation of the transfer function for the complete hydraulic system , the stability test of the system during the operation through the transfer function using MATLAB package
V7.1 have been done. An experimental part includes design and built hydraulic test rig and simple PID controller .The best PID gains have been calculated experimentally and simulation, speed control performance tests for the system at different thermal conditions for hydraulic oil have been done , Simulation analysis for (EHSS) using Automation Studio package V5.2 have been done . Comparison was made between experimental work and simulation work .The experimental results show good performance for (EHSS) using simple (PID) controller at hydraulic oil temperature around (60 – 70 ) and good speed response and performance for hydraulic motor with constant rotation speed (700) rpm with different load disturbance applied on the hydraulic motor .
Architecture forms theoretical summaries and multi systems that have the essence of change, and that what distinguishes Architecture from other sciences and their systems. Architecture means way of life via its expressional products and that appears through its systems. These systems are based on formative and technological properties in form, structure, services and materials as well as
their moral forms. All these are associated with techniques and facilities in order to establish integrated system.
Architectural creation does not come from void but it depends on a conception base to create a new condition for creative architectural product. The general problem of the research concentrated on limited theoretical and practica
The effect of mixed corrosion inhibitors in cooling system was evaluated by using carbon steel specimens and weight loss analysis. The carbon steel specimens immersed in mixture of sodium phosphate (Na2 HPO4) used as corrosion inhibitor and sodium glocunate (C6 H11 NaO7) as a scale dispersant at different concentrations (20,40, 60, 80 ppm) and at different temperature (25,50,75 and 100)ºC for (1-5) days. The corrosion inhibitors efficiency was calculated by using uninhibited and inhibited water to give 98.1%. The result of these investigations indicate that the corrosion rate decreases with the increase the corrosion inhibitors concentration at 80 ppm and at 100ºC for 5 days, (i.e,
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Microbial antibiotics resistance is considered a serious health issue in the Middle East and developing countries. In this study, the Fe2O3 nanoparticles was prepared chemically, and the particles size and shape were analyzed by using Scan electron microscope (SEM) and X-Ray diffraction (XRD). Different concentration of Fe2O3 nanoparticles were used and examined on E.coli and S. aureus. Using liquid dilution and in vitro cytotoxicity assay by microplate toxicity test (MTT). The microbial cell metabolic activity was measured on gram-negative, gram-positive bacteria and fungi after treating with different concentrations of Fe2O3 nanoparticl
... Show MoreOrthodontic treatment is an inclusive treatment that includes growth adjustment of the craniofacial area and alveolar bone reconstruction that affects the movement of teeth. Apply orthodontic forces to correct teeth anomaly via alveolar bone remodeling includes a combination of cellular and molecular events in the gum. Orthodontic tooth movement is based on force induced periodontal ligament and alveolar bone remodeling. Mechanical motivation on a tooth causes an inflamed response in the gum tissue. Inflammatory immune markers stimulate the biological processes associated with alveolar bone resorption. The aim of this article is shedding light on the significance role inflammatory immune response in orthodontic treatment.
This paper deals with the numerical solution of the discrete classical optimal control problem (DCOCP) governing by linear hyperbolic boundary value problem (LHBVP). The method which is used here consists of: the GFEIM " the Galerkin finite element method in space variable with the implicit finite difference method in time variable" to find the solution of the discrete state equation (DSE) and the solution of its corresponding discrete adjoint equation, where a discrete classical control (DCC) is given. The gradient projection method with either the Armijo method (GPARM) or with the optimal method (GPOSM) is used to solve the minimization problem which is obtained from the necessary conditi
... Show MoreIn order to understand the effect of the number of piles (N), the history response of dynamic pile load in piled raft system and deflection time history of piled raft under repeated impact load applied on the center of piled raft resting on loose sand, laboratory model tests were conducted on small-scale models. The results of experimental work are found to be dynamic load increase with increase height of drop, the measured repeated dynamic load time history on the center of piled raft was close approximately to three a half sine wave shape with small duration in about (0.015 Sec). The maximum peak of impact loads occurs in pile and deflection time history occur after at the time of the peak repeated impact loads, dynamic pile load
... Show MoreAbstract A descriptive study using evaluation technique was carried at the health organizations concerning STIs/HIV/AIDS, mainly the AIDS Researches and Studies Center in Baghdad and many of the AIDS sections in the Health Directorates in the Governorates throughout the period of May 15th , 2003 through September 30th, 2003( to describe the surveillance system for the period 1993 through 2002). The study aimed to describe the STIs/HIV/AIDS surveillance system in Iraq. System evaluation questionnaire was adopted from WHO and developed for the purpose of this study. Content validity of questionnaire was establis
DBN Rashid, 2012 - Cited by 2