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A Simulation of Core Displacement Experiments for the Determination of the Relative Permeability

Computations of the relative permeability curves were made through their representation by two functions for wetting and nonwetting phases. Each function contains one parameter that controls the shape of the relative permeability curves. The values of these parameters are chosen to minimize an objective function, that is represented as a weighted sum of the squared differences between experimentally measured data and the corresponding data calculated by a mathematical model simulating the experiment. These data comprise the pressure drop across core samples and the recovery response of the displacing phase. Two mathematical models are constructed in this study to simulate incompressible, one-dimensional, two-phase flow. The first model describes the imbibition process and the other describes the drainage process. The values of the relative permeability parameters are calculated by employing Rosenbrock optimization procedure. The reliability of this procedure has been confirmed by applying it to four displacement cases. The optimum values of the relative permeability parameters, which reflect the final shape of the relative permeability curves, are achieved at the minimum value of the objective function. All the above processes are be embodied in relative permeability package RPP which is constructed in this study using FORTRAN language.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Wear Behavior Performance of Polymeric Matrix Composites Using Taguchi Experiments

This research estimates the effect of independent factors like filler  (3%, 6%, 9%, 11% weight fraction), normal load (5N, 10N, 15N), and time sliding (5,7 , 9 minutes) on wear behavior of unsaturated polyester resin reinforced with jute fiber and waste eggshell and, rice husk powder composites by utilizing a statistical approach. The specimens polymeric composite prepared from resin unsaturated polyester filled with (4% weight fraction) jute fiber, and (3%, 6%, 9%, 11% weight fraction) eggshell, and rice husk by utilizing (hand lay-up) molding. Dry sliding wear experiments were carried utilizing a standard (pin on disc test setup) following a well designed empirical schedule that depends on Taguchi’s experimental design L9 (MINIT

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Microchemical Journal
A flow analysis system integrating an optoelectronic detector for the quantitative determination of active ingredients in pharmaceutical formulations

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of knowledge management strategies in building core competenciesAn exploratory study of the views of a sample of managersOffice of Financial Supervision in Iraq

The strategies of knowledge management have became the basis in the promotion of core competencies. Therefore gained an increasing prominence. This led the administrations of organizations to work to effectiveness of there strategies, which results to build there core competences through teamwork, empowerment and personal effectiveness of employees. From this arises research problem about the  organizations leaders recognize extent of knowledge management strategies which that lead to core competence. In addition the research tray definition the relation and nature of affect between its variables. The research was carried on sample (72) managers from board of supreme audit in Iraq and used statistical tools and methods.

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of Coefficient of Permeability of Unsaturated Soil

A simple technique is proposed in this paper for estimating the coefficient of permeability of an unsaturated soil based on physical properties of soils that include grain size analysis, degree of saturation or water content, and porosity of the soil. The proposed method requires the soil-water characteristic curve for the prediction of the coefficient of permeability as most of the conventional methods. A procedure is proposed to define the hydraulic conductivity function from the soil water characteristic curve which is measured by the filter paper method. Fitting methods are applied through the program (SoilVision), after indentifying the basic properties of the soil such as Attereberg limits, specific gravity, void ratio, porosity, d

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 06 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Kufa-physics
No-Core optical fibers sensor for detecting hemoglobin concentration (HB) based on the Surface Plasmon resonance.

In this work, a fiber-optic biomedical sensor was manufactured to detect hemoglobin percentages in the blood. SPR-based coreless optical fibers were developed and implemented using single and multiple optical fibers. It was also used to calculate refractive indices and concentrations of hemoglobin in blood samples. An optical fiber, with a thickness of 40 nanometers, was deposited on gold metal for the sensing area to increase the sensitivity of the sensor. The optical fiber used in this work has a diameter of 125μm, no core, and is made up of a pure silica glass rod and an acrylate coating. The length of the fiber was 4cm removed buffer and the splicing process was done. It is found in practice that when the sensitive refractive i

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 20 2018
Journal Name
Day 3 Thu, March 22, 2018
Economics of Supramolecular Assemblies as Displacement Fluids in EOR
Abstract<p>It is estimated that over the next few decades, EOR will be used for the more than 50% of oil production in the US and worldwide. From these, in reservoir with viscositites ranging between 10 – 150 mPa.s, polymer flooding is suggsted as the EOR method. Therefore, there is an upper limit to the recommended range of reservoir oil viscosities for polymer flooding. To address the issue of this limitation of polymer injectivity and pumping efficiency, we propose a novel method. The method involves the use of Supramolecular Systems, which are composed of long-chain aminoacids and maleic acids post complexation. Their unique feature of resersible viscosities allows the operator to overcome</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 09 2013
Journal Name
Plant Biology
Comparing simple root phenotyping methods on a core set of rice genotypes
Abstract<p>Interest in belowground plant growth is increasing, especially in relation to arguments that shallow‐rooted cultivars are efficient at exploiting soil phosphorus while deep‐rooted ones will access water at depth. However, methods for assessing roots in large numbers of plants are diverse and direct comparisons of methods are rare. Three methods for measuring root growth traits were evaluated for utility in discriminating rice cultivars: soil‐filled rhizotrons, hydroponics and soil‐filled pots whose bottom was sealed with a non‐woven fabric (a potential method for assessing root penetration ability). A set of 38 rice genotypes including the Oryza<styled-content style="fixed-case">SNP</styled-content></p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

This paper describes DC motor speed control based on optimal Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) technique. Controller's objective is to maintain the speed of rotation of the motor shaft with a particular step response.The controller is modeled in MATLAB environment, the simulation results show that the proposed controller gives better performance and less settling time when compared with the traditional PID controller.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determination the Heating Rate and the Characteristic Age for Pulsars Stars

Pulsar stars are rotating Neutron stars can be divided into two types Millisecond and Normal Pulsars. In this work the magnetic field are concentrated depends on the period (P), and Period derivative (P) for a sample Normal, Millisecond and Radio stars which adopted. In addition, the values of spin down luminosity and Heating rate are determined by depending on (Ostriker and Gunn) model. The results showed that older Millisecond define as having greater ages specified how long pulsars lives at that ages very long period pulsars to be observable have particularly large surface magnetic field. The results indicate that spin down of luminosity for Millisecond and Normal star must due to the main energy loss rotation axis to align with magne

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Simulation Model for the Assessment of Direct and Indirect Georeferencing Techniques in Analytical Photogrammetry

B Saleem, H Alwan, L Khalid, Journal of Engineering, 2011 - Cited by 2

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