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Construction Time-Cost Optimization Modeling Using Ant Colony Optimization
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In the field of construction project management, time and cost are the most important factors to be considered in planning every project, and their relationship is complex. The total cost for each project is the sum of the direct and indirect cost. Direct cost commonly represents labor, materials, equipment, etc.
Indirect cost generally represents overhead cost such as supervision, administration, consultants, and interests. Direct cost grows at an increasing rate as the project time is reduced from its original planned time. However, indirect cost continues for the life of the project and any reduction in project time means a reduction in indirect cost. Therefore, there is a trade-off between the time and cost for completing construction activities.
In this research, modeling of time-cost optimization, generating global optimum solution for time and cost problem, and lowering construction time and cost using ant colony optimization algorithm

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Path Planning of an autonomous Mobile Robot using Swarm Based Optimization Techniques
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This paper presents a meta-heuristic swarm based optimization technique for solving robot path planning. The natural activities of actual ants inspire which named Ant Colony Optimization. (ACO) has been proposed in this work to find the shortest and safest path for a mobile robot in different static environments with different complexities. A nonzero size for the mobile robot has been considered in the project by taking a tolerance around the obstacle to account for the actual size of the mobile robot. A new concept was added to standard Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) for further modifications. Simulations results, which carried out using MATLAB 2015(a) environment, prove that the suggested algorithm outperforms the standard version of AC

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Crossref (18)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 09 2023
Journal Name
2023 15th International Conference On Developments In Esystems Engineering (dese)
Inverse Kinematics Optimization for Humanoid Robotic Legs Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
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Calculating the Inverse Kinematic (IK) equations is a complex problem due to the nonlinearity of these equations. Choosing the end effector orientation affects the reach of the target location. The Forward Kinematics (FK) of Humanoid Robotic Legs (HRL) is determined by using DenavitHartenberg (DH) method. The HRL has two legs with five Degrees of Freedom (DoF) each. The paper proposes using a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm to optimize the best orientation angle of the end effector of HRL. The selected orientation angle is used to solve the IK equations to reach the target location with minimum error. The performance of the proposed method is measured by six scenarios with different simulated positions of the legs. The proposed

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Scopus (2)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Dec 26 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Modeling and Optimization of Fatigue Life and Hardness of Carbon Steel CK35 under Dynamic Buckling
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The aim of this paper is to model and optimize the fatigue life and hardness of medium carbon steel CK35 subjected to dynamic buckling. Different ranges of shot peening time (STP) and critical points of slenderness ratio which is between the long and intermediate columns, as input factors, were used to obtain their influences on the fatigue life and hardness, as main responses. Experimental measurements of shot peening time and buckling were taken and analyzed using (DESIGN EXPERT 8) experimental design software which was used for modeling and optimization purposes. Mathematical models of responses were obtained and analyzed by ANOVA variance to verify the adequacy of the models. The resul

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 04 2014
Journal Name
Engineering And Technology Journal
Optimization of the Time Required for Determination of the Total Dissolved Salts in Soil ‫
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Using modified earned value for cost control in construction projects
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Scopus (11)
Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Novel Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm (IWO) by Whale Optimization Algorithm(WOA) to solve Large Scale Optimization Problems
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  In this work, two algorithms of Metaheuristic algorithms were hybridized. The first is Invasive Weed Optimization algorithm (IWO) it is a numerical stochastic optimization algorithm and the second is Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) it is an algorithm based on the intelligence of swarms and community intelligence. Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm (IWO) is an algorithm inspired by nature and specifically from the colonizing weeds behavior of weeds, first proposed in 2006 by Mehrabian and Lucas. Due to their strength and adaptability, weeds pose a serious threat to cultivated plants, making them a threat to the cultivation process. The behavior of these weeds has been simulated and used in Invas

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimal Economic Design of Diversion Structures during Construction of a Dam by Particle Swarm Optimization
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 11 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Gas lift optimization: A review
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Optimization of gas lift plays a substantial role in production and maximizing the net present value of the investment of oil field projects. However, the application of the optimization techniques in gas lift project is so complex because many decision variables, objective functions and constraints are involved in the gas lift optimization problem. In addition, many computational ways; traditional and modern, have been employed to optimize gas lift processes. This research aims to present the developing of the optimization techniques applied in the gas lift. Accordingly, the research classifies the applied optimization techniques, and it presents the limitations and the range of applications of each one to get an acceptable level of accura

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Scopus (4)
Crossref (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
3-D Packing in Container using Teaching Learning Based Optimization Algorithm
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The paper aims to propose Teaching Learning based Optimization (TLBO) algorithm to solve 3-D packing problem in containers. The objective which can be presented in a mathematical model is optimizing the space usage in a container. Besides the interaction effect between students and teacher, this algorithm also observes the learning process between students in the classroom which does not need any control parameters. Thus, TLBO provides the teachers phase and students phase as its main updating process to find the best solution. More precisely, to validate the algorithm effectiveness, it was implemented in three sample cases. There was small data which had 5 size-types of items with 12 units, medium data which had 10 size-types of items w

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimization of Dye Removal Using Waste Natural Material and Polymer Particles
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In this paper waste natural material (date seed) and polymer particles(UF) were used for investigation of  removal dye of the potassium permanganate. Also study effect some variables such as pH, dye concentration and adsorbent concentration on dye removal. 15 experimental runs were done using  the itemized conditions designed established on the Box-Wilson design employed to optimize dye removal. The optimum conditions for the dye removal were found: (pH) 12, (dye con.) 2.38 ppm, (adsorbant con.) 0.0816 gm for date seed with 95.22% removal and for UF (pH) 12, (dye con.) 18 ppm, (adsorbant con.) 0.2235 gm with 91.43%. The value of R-square was 85.47%  for Date seed  and (88.77%) for UF.

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