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An Improved Adaptive Spiral Dynamic Algorithm for Global Optimization
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This paper proposes a new strategy to enhance the performance and accuracy of the Spiral dynamic algorithm (SDA) for use in solving real-world problems by hybridizing the SDA with the Bacterial Foraging optimization algorithm (BFA). The dynamic step size of SDA makes it a useful exploitation approach. However, it has limited exploration throughout the diversification phase, which results in getting trapped at local optima. The optimal initialization position for the SDA algorithm has been determined with the help of the chemotactic strategy of the BFA optimization algorithm, which has been utilized to improve the exploration approach of the SDA. The proposed Hybrid Adaptive Spiral Dynamic Bacterial Foraging (HASDBF) algorithm is designed so that the chemotaxis phase of bacteria represents the exploration part of the search operation. In contrast, the SDA represents the exploitation part.

Additionally, to improve search operation efficiency, the spiral model's radius and angular displacement are adaptively set according to a linear correlation concerning the fitness value. An additional phase, the elimination and dispersal phase, is obtained from BFA and added to the end of the SDA. This phase aims to improve the algorithm's final solution's accuracy by enhancing the algorithm's search strategy and performance. Simulation tests are run on unimodal and multimodal standard benchmark functions to verify the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm significantly outperforms SDA and Adaptive SDA (ASDA) algorithms regarding fitness value and accuracy.


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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Design of Distribution System with Practical Application
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The Ant System Algorithm (ASA) is a member of the ant colony algorithms family in swarm intelligence methods (part of the Artificial Intelligence field), which is based on the behavior of ants seeking a path and a source of food in their colonies. The aim of This algorithm is to search for an optimal solution for Combinational Optimization Problems (COP) for which is extremely difficult to find solution using the classical methods like linear and non-linear programming methods. 

The Ant System Algorithm was used in the management of water resources field in Iraq, specifically for Haditha dam which is one of the most important dams in Iraq. The target is to find out an efficient management system for

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Identifying Complex Communities in Biological Networks
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    Identification of complex communities in biological networks is a critical and ongoing challenge since lots of network-related problems correspond to the subgraph isomorphism problem known in the literature as NP-hard. Several optimization algorithms have been dedicated and applied to solve this problem. The main challenge regarding the application of optimization algorithms, specifically to handle large-scale complex networks, is their relatively long execution time. Thus, this paper proposes a parallel extension of the PSO algorithm to detect communities in complex biological networks. The main contribution of this study is summarized in three- fold; Firstly, a modified PSO algorithm with a local search operator is proposed

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Time and finance optimization model for multiple construction projects using genetic algorithm
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Abstract<p>Construction contractors usually undertake multiple construction projects simultaneously. Such a situation involves sharing different types of resources, including monetary, equipment, and manpower, which may become a major challenge in many cases. In this study, the financial aspects of working on multiple projects at a time are addressed and investigated. The study considers dealing with financial shortages by proposing a multi-project scheduling optimization model for profit maximization, while minimizing the total project duration. Optimization genetic algorithm and finance-based scheduling are used to produce feasible schedules that balance the finance of activities at any time w</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 09 2023
Journal Name
Artificial Intelligence Review
Community detection model for dynamic networks based on hidden Markov model and evolutionary algorithm
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Finding communities of connected individuals in complex networks is challenging, yet crucial for understanding different real-world societies and their interactions. Recently attention has turned to discover the dynamics of such communities. However, detecting accurate community structures that evolve over time adds additional challenges. Almost all the state-of-the-art algorithms are designed based on seemingly the same principle while treating the problem as a coupled optimization model to simultaneously identify community structures and their evolution over time. Unlike all these studies, the current work aims to individually consider this three measures, i.e. intra-community score, inter-community score, and evolution of community over

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
3-D Packing in Container using Teaching Learning Based Optimization Algorithm
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The paper aims to propose Teaching Learning based Optimization (TLBO) algorithm to solve 3-D packing problem in containers. The objective which can be presented in a mathematical model is optimizing the space usage in a container. Besides the interaction effect between students and teacher, this algorithm also observes the learning process between students in the classroom which does not need any control parameters. Thus, TLBO provides the teachers phase and students phase as its main updating process to find the best solution. More precisely, to validate the algorithm effectiveness, it was implemented in three sample cases. There was small data which had 5 size-types of items with 12 units, medium data which had 10 size-types of items w

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Scheduling projects using dynamic programming style and smart algorithm
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The aim of this research is to compare traditional and modern methods to obtain the optimal solution using dynamic programming and intelligent algorithms to solve the problems of project management.

It shows the possible ways in which these problems can be addressed, drawing on a schedule of interrelated and sequential activities And clarifies the relationships between the activities to determine the beginning and end of each activity and determine the duration and cost of the total project and estimate the times used by each activity and determine the objectives sought by the project through planning, implementation and monitoring to maintain the budget assessed 

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Internet And Distributed Computing Systems
A Proposed Adaptive Rate Algorithm to Administrate the Video Buffer Occupancy for Smooth Video Streaming
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Multidimensional Systolic Arrays of LMS Algorithm Adaptive (FIR) Digital Filters
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A multidimensional systolic arrays realization of LMS algorithm by a method of mapping regular algorithm onto processor array, are designed. They are based on appropriately selected 1-D systolic array filter that depends on the inner product sum systolic implementation. Various arrays may be derived that exhibit a regular arrangement of the cells (processors) and local interconnection pattern, which are important for VLSI implementation. It reduces latency time and increases the throughput rate in comparison to classical 1-D systolic arrays. The 3-D multilayered array consists of 2-D layers, which are connected with each other only by edges. Such arrays for LMS-based adaptive (FIR) filter may be opposed the fundamental requirements of fa

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 18 2024
Journal Name
2024 Ieee 33rd International Symposium On Industrial Electronics (isie)
An Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode Control for Disturbed Servo Motor Systems
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Abstract-Servo motors are important parts of industry automation due to their several advantages such as cost and energy efficiency, simple design, and flexibility. However, the position control of the servo motor is a difficult task because of different factors of external disturbances, nonlinearities, and uncertainties. To tackle these challenges, an adaptive integral sliding mode control (AISMC) is proposed, in which a novel bidirectional adaptive law is constructed to reduce the control chattering. The proposed control has three steps to be designed. Firstly, a full-order integral sliding manifold is designed to improve the servo motor position tracking performance, in which the reaching phase is eliminated to achieve the invariance of

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 17 2017
Journal Name
Wireless Personal Communications
ITPMAP: An Improved Three-Pass Mutual Authentication Protocol for Secure RFID Systems
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