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Prediction Unconfined Compressive Strength for Different Lithology Using Various Wireline Type and Core Data for Southern Iraqi Field
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Unconfined Compressive Strength is considered the most important parameter of rock strength properties affecting the rock failure criteria.  Various research have developed rock strength for specific lithology to estimate high-accuracy value without a core.  Previous analyses did not account for the formation's numerous lithologies and interbedded layers. The main aim of the present study is to select the suitable correlation to predict the UCS for hole depth of formation without separating the lithology. Furthermore, the second aim is to detect an adequate input parameter among set wireline to determine the UCS by using data of three wells along ten formations (Tanuma, Khasib, Mishrif, Rumaila, Ahmady, Maudud, Nahr Umr, Shuaiba and Zubair). After calibration with core test, the results revealed that Young’s Modulus correlations are the best to predict UCS with RMSE (53.23 psi).

Furthermore, the result showed that using the static Young Modulus as an input parameter in predicting UCS gives a closer result to the laboratory test than using a sonic log. This study found that many previous equations were developed for only one type of rock and tended to generalize poorly to the broader database. This study also provided more accurate rock strength estimation, leading to better prognosis in operational strategies and hydraulic fracturing location planning in oil well development when geomechanical analysis needs to be addressed where no core is available. Finally, the expected continuous rock mechanical profile indicates the formation's strength and stability around the wellbore.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Thickening Time and Compressive Strength Correlations for Bentonitic- Class "G" Cement Slurries
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Empirical equations for estimating thickening time and compressive strength of bentonitic - class "G" cement slurries were derived as a function of water to cement ratio and apparent viscosity (for any ratios). How the presence of such an equations easily extract the thickening time and compressive strength values of the oil field saves time without reference to the untreated control laboratory tests such as pressurized consistometer for thickening time test and Hydraulic Cement Mortars including water bath ( 24 hours ) for compressive strength test those may have more than one day.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Compressive strength measurement for cement replacement with recycled glass in concrete
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The most important environmental constraints at the present time
is the accumulation of glass waste (transparent glass bottles). A lot of
experiments and research have been made on waste and recycling
glass to get use it as much as possible. This research using recycling
of locally waste colorless glass to turn them into raw materials as
alternative of certain percentages of cement to save the environment
from glass waste and reduce some of the disadvantages of cement
with conserving the mechanical and physical properties of concrete
made. A set of required samples were prepared for mechanical test
with different weight percentage of waste glass (2%, 4%, 5%, 6%,
8%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%). American standard

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Correlation of Penetration Rate with Drilling Parameters For an Iraqi Field Using Mud Logging Data
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This paper provides an attempt for modeling rate of penetration (ROP) for an Iraqi oil field with aid of mud logging data. Data of Umm Radhuma formation was selected for this modeling. These data include weight on bit, rotary speed, flow rate and mud density. A statistical approach was applied on these data for improving rate of penetration modeling. As result, an empirical linear ROP model has been developed with good fitness when compared with actual data. Also, a nonlinear regression analysis of different forms was attempted, and the results showed that the power model has good predicting capability with respect to other forms.

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 30 2018
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Estimating the PVT Properties for Crude Oil from a Southern Iraqi Oil Field
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 20 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
Advanced Machine Learning application for Permeability Prediction for (M) Formation in an Iraqi Oil Field
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Permeability estimation is a vital step in reservoir engineering due to its effect on reservoir's characterization, planning for perforations, and economic efficiency of the reservoirs. The core and well-logging data are the main sources of permeability measuring and calculating respectively. There are multiple methods to predict permeability such as classic, empirical, and geostatistical methods. In this research, two statistical approaches have been applied and compared for permeability prediction: Multiple Linear Regression and Random Forest, given the (M) reservoir interval in the (BH) Oil Field in the northern part of Iraq. The dataset was separated into two subsets: Training and Testing in order to cross-validate the accuracy

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conf. Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Fire flame effect on the compressive strength of reactive powder concrete using different methods of cooling
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This research foxed on the effect of fire flame of different burning temperatures (300, 400 and 500)oC on the compressive strength of reactive powder concrete (RPC).The steady state duration of the burning test was (60)min. Local consuming material were used to mixed a RPC of compressive strength around (100) MPa. The tested specimens were reinforced by (3.0) cm hooked end steel fiber of (1100) MPa yield strength. Three steel fiber volume fraction were adopted in this study (0, 1.0and 1.5)% and two cooling process were included, gradual and sudden. It was concluding that increasing burning temperature decreases the residual compressive strength for RPC specimens of(0%) steel fiber volume fraction by (12.16, 19.46&24.49) and (18.20, 27.77 &3

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 24 2020
Journal Name
Petroleum And Coal
Evaluation of Geomechanical Properties for Tight Reservoir Using Uniaxial Compressive Test, Ultrasonic Test, and Well Logs Data
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Tight reservoirs have attracted the interest of the oil industry in recent years according to its significant impact on the global oil product. Several challenges are present when producing from these reservoirs due to its low to extra low permeability and very narrow pore throat radius. Development strategy selection for these reservoirs such as horizontal well placement, hydraulic fracture design, well completion, and smart production program, wellbore stability all need accurate characterizations of geomechanical parameters for these reservoirs. Geomechanical properties, including uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), static Young’s modulus (Es), and Poisson’s ratio (υs), were measured experimentally using both static and dynamic met

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Petroleum And Coal
Evaluation of geomechanical properties for tight reservoir using uniaxial compressive test, ultrasonic test, and well logs data
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 23 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hazard Rate Estimation Using Varying Kernel Function for Censored Data Type I
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     In this research, several estimators concerning the estimation are introduced. These estimators are closely related to the hazard function by using one of the nonparametric methods namely the kernel function for censored data type with varying bandwidth and kernel boundary. Two types of bandwidth are used:  local bandwidth and global bandwidth. Moreover, four types of boundary kernel are used namely: Rectangle, Epanechnikov, Biquadratic and Triquadratic and the proposed function was employed with all kernel functions. Two different simulation techniques are also used for two experiments to compare these estimators. In most of the cases, the results have proved that the local bandwidth is the best for all the

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
J Bagh College Of Dentistry
Assessment of consistency and compressive strength of glass ionomer reinforced by different amount of hydroxyapatite
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Background: Glass ionomers have good biocompatibility and the ability to adhere to both enamel and dentin. However, they have certain demerits, mainly low tensile and compressive strengths. Therefore, this study was done to assess consistency and compressive strength of glass ionomer reinforced by different amount of hydroxyapatite. Materials and Methods: In this study hydroxyapatite materials were added to glass ionomer cement at different ratios, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% (by weight). The standard consistency test described in America dental association (ADA) specification No. 8 was used, so that all new base materials could be conveniently mixed and the results would be of comparable value and the compressive strength test described by

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