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Public Procurement Crisis of Iraq and its Impact on Construction Projects
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The public procurement crisis in Iraq plays a fundamental role in the delay in the implementation of construction projects at different stages of project bidding (pre, during, and after). The procurement system of any country plays an important role in economic growth and revival. The paper aims to use the fuzzy logic inference model to predict the impact of the public procurement crisis (relative importance index and Likert scale) was carried out at the beginning to determine the most important parameters that affect construction projects, the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) to set up, and finally, the fuzzy decision maker's (FDM) verification of the parameter for comparison with reality. Sixty-five construction projects in Iraq have been selected, and the most crucial crisis variables were used for calculating the weights and their importance, using the fuzzy logic inference model to verify the crisis parameters and the extent of their impact in preparation for predicting the mathematical model of public procurement parameters. After the algorithm had been completed, it was noted that the fast, messy genetic algorithm produced a little difference between training and testing (0.012% and 0.0057%), which is more reliable for predicting mean results from models. The paper’s major conclusion is that 18 crisis factors in public procurement through different stages affect construction projects in Iraq.


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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Robust Color Image Encryption Scheme Based on RSA via DCT by Using an Advanced Logic Design Approach
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Information security in data storage and transmission is increasingly important. On the other hand, images are used in many procedures. Therefore, preventing unauthorized access to image data is crucial by encrypting images to protect sensitive data or privacy. The methods and algorithms for masking or encoding images vary from simple spatial-domain methods to frequency-domain methods, which are the most complex and reliable. In this paper, a new cryptographic system based on the random key generator hybridization methodology by taking advantage of the properties of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to generate an indefinite set of random keys and taking advantage of the low-frequency region coefficients after the DCT stage to pass them to

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Radioelectronics And Communications Systems
BER performance enhancement for secure wireless communication systems based on DCSK-MIMO techniques under Rayleigh fading channel
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There has been a growing interest in the use of chaotic techniques for enabling secure communication in recent years. This need has been motivated by the emergence of a number of wireless services which require the channel to provide very low bit error rates (BER) along with information security. As more and more information is transacted over wireless media, there has been increasing criminal activity directed against such systems. This paper investigates the feasibility of using chaotic communications over Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) channels. We have studied the performance of differential chaos shift keying (DCSK) with 2×2 Alamouti scheme and 2×1 Alamouti scheme for different chaotic maps over additive white Gaussian noise (

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Neutrosophic Science
A New Paradigm for Decision Making under Uncertainty in Signature Forensics Applications based on Neutrosophic Rule Engine
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One of the most popular and legally recognized behavioral biometrics is the individual's signature, which is used for verification and identification in many different industries, including business, law, and finance. The purpose of the signature verification method is to distinguish genuine from forged signatures, a task complicated by cultural and personal variances. Analysis, comparison, and evaluation of handwriting features are performed in forensic handwriting analysis to establish whether or not the writing was produced by a known writer. In contrast to other languages, Arabic makes use of diacritics, ligatures, and overlaps that are unique to it. Due to the absence of dynamic information in the writing of Arabic signatures,

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Scopus (5)
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 10 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Real Time Quantum Bit Error Rate Performance Test for a Quantum Cryptography System Based on BB84 protocol
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In this work, the performance of the receiver in a quantum cryptography system based on BB84 protocol is scaled by calculating the Quantum Bit Error Rate (QBER) of the receiver. To apply this performance test, an optical setup was arranged and a circuit was designed and implemented to calculate the QBER. This electronic circuit is used to calculate the number of counts per second generated by the avalanche photodiodes set in the receiver. The calculated counts per second are used to calculate the QBER for the receiver that gives an indication for the performance of the receiver. Minimum QBER, 6%, was obtained with avalanche photodiode excess voltage equals to 2V and laser diode power of 3.16 nW at avalanche photodiode temperature of -10

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 04 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Modified Elman Neural-PID Controller Design for DC-DC Buck Converter System Based on Dolphin Echolocation Optimization
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This paper describes a new proposed structure of the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller based on modified Elman neural network for the DC-DC buck converter system which is used in battery operation of the portable devices. The Dolphin Echolocation Optimization (DEO) algorithm is considered as a perfect on-line tuning technique therefore, it was used for tuning and obtaining the parameters of the modified Elman neural-PID controller to avoid the local minimum problem during learning the proposed controller. Simulation results show that the best weight parameters of the proposed controller, which are taken from the DEO, lead to find the best action and unsaturated state that will stabilize the Buck converter system performan

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Applying Cognitive Methodology in Designing On-Line Auto-Tuning Robust PID Controller for the Real Heating System
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A novel design and implementation of a cognitive methodology for the on-line auto-tuning robust PID controller in a real heating system is presented in this paper. The aim of the proposed work is to construct a cognitive control methodology that gives optimal control signal to the heating system, which achieve the following objectives: fast and precise search efficiency in finding the on- line optimal PID controller parameters in order to find the optimal output temperature response for the heating system. The cognitive methodology (CM) consists of three engines: breeding engine based Routh-Hurwitz criterion stability, search engine based particle
swarm optimization (PSO) and aggregation knowledge engine based cultural algorithm (CA)

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Feb 02 2025
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
An Enhanced Document Source Identification System for Printer Forensic Applications based on the Boosted Quantum KNN Classifier
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Document source identification in printer forensics involves determining the origin of a printed document based on characteristics such as the printer model, serial number, defects, or unique printing artifacts. This process is crucial in forensic investigations, particularly in cases involving counterfeit documents or unauthorized printing. However, consistent pattern identification across various printer types remains challenging, especially when efforts are made to alter printer-generated artifacts. Machine learning models are often used in these tasks, but selecting discriminative features while minimizing noise is essential. Traditional KNN classifiers require a careful selection of distance metrics to capture relevant printing

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Al.qadisiya Journal For The Sciences Of Physical Education
The Influence of Using Special Exercises with Weights to Develop Moments of Force to Some of the Striking Shoulder and Arm Muscles and Accuracy of the Skill of the Smash and Rectum in Volleyball
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This research is an attempt to develop exercise with weights to strengthen some of the striking muscles in the shoulder and arm and to develop the accuracy of the smash and rectum skills. The importance of this paper lies in the study of moments of force to achieve the ability to control muscular work and to explore the impact of physical and skill exercises with weights to develop moments of force for some muscles. The experimental method on a sample of players, selected according to the intentional method, including ( 9) advanced players representing Air Force Club participating in the Premier League for season 2011-2012. It is concluded that the exercises proposed have their effective impact on developing the variables of moments force f

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Problemic of the ambiguous relationship between the media and terrorism, and the problems arising from… An exploratory study of a sample of journalists, writers and researchers in Baghdad
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This study examined the problematic of the ambiguous relationship between the media and terrorism and the problems that result from press coverage of terroristic incidents. The paper sought to show the classification and confrontation of such incidents had been established from the point of view of a sample of media professionals, researchers and writers who are frequenters of Al-Mutanabi Street in Baghdad. The media outlets that carry this coverage would not give up their media mission as well as the terrorists would not be given an opportunity to take advantage of this coverage in achieving their goals and objectives. Furthermore, the terrorist organizations would have no chance to exploit these means to deliver their terroristic messa

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Immunohistochemical expression of MMP1 and TIMP1 as markers of migration in Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the head and neck region (A comparative study)
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Background: Malignant lymphoma is a term that describes primary tumors of the lymphoreticular system, almost all of which arise from lymphocytes.MMP-1 is the most ubiquitously expressed interstitial collagenase, a subfamily of MMPs that cleaves stromal collagens. It is also called collagenase-1.TIMPs which inhibits MMP activity and thereby restrict extracellular matrix breakdown, TIMP-1 is a stromal factor that has a wide spectrum of functions in different tissues. Material and Methods: This study was performed on (68) formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded blocks, histopathologically diagnosed as lymphoma (head and neck lesions). Immunohistochemical staining of MMP1and TIMP1 was performed on each case of the study sample. Results: The expressio

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