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Detection and interpretation of clouds types using visible and infrared satellite images
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One of the most Interesting natural phenomena is clouds that have a very strong effect on the climate, weather and the earth's energy balance. Also clouds consider the key regulator for the average temperature of the plant. In this research monitoring and studying the cloud cover to know the clouds types and whether they are rainy or not rainy using visible and infrared satellite images. In order to interpret and know the types of the clouds visually without using any techniques, by comparing between the brightness and the shape of clouds in the same area for both the visible and infrared satellite images, where the differences in the contrasts of visible image are the albedo differences, while in the infrared images is the temperature differences. The data are taken by (MODIS), (GOES) and (METEOSAT) because these satellites are forecasting in a near lifetime data. The case studied in 24/12/2016 over the area of Iraq.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Clouds Height Classification Using Texture Analysis of Meteosat Images
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In the present work, pattern recognition is carried out by the contrast and relative variance of clouds. The K-mean clustering process is then applied to classify the cloud type; also, texture analysis being adopted to extract the textural features and using them in cloud classification process. The test image used in the classification process is the Meteosat-7 image for the D3 region.The K-mean method is adopted as an unsupervised classification. This method depends on the initial chosen seeds of cluster. Since, the initial seeds are chosen randomly, the user supply a set of means, or cluster centers in the n-dimensional space.The K-mean cluster has been applied on two bands (IR2 band) and (water vapour band).The textural analysis is used

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Infrared, Mid infrared and UV-Visible spectra study Cobalt chloride CoCl2. 6H2O molecule
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IR, MIR, UV – Visible spectra have been studied for Cobalt chloride molecule (CoCl2. 6H2O) compound, In wide range spectra (40000 – 410) cm-1 specially MIR range. Assignment were achieved for the fundamental vibrational bands of (CoCl2 . 6H2O ) to symmetry stretching ?1 (?^+) Anti – symmetry stretching ?3(?^+), these bands are non-degenerate , and the bending band is ?2(?) is doubly degenerate thought they have activity in IR and Raman , which explain the weakness in symmetry of this molecule, the fundamental bands for the molecule are centered at the following wave numbers (615, 685, 795, 1115, 1340, 1375, 1616.35, 2091, 2386, 2410, 3364) cm-1 which are corresponding to wave lengths (16260, 14598, 12578, 8968, 7462, 7272, 6186,

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon May 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Stored Products Research
Detection and prediction of Sitophilus oryzae infestations in triticale via visible and near-infrared spectral signatures
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Triticale is a hybrid of wheat and rye grown for use as animal feed. In Florida, due to its soft coat, triticale is highly vulnerable to Sitophilus oryzae L. (rice weevil) and there is interest in development of methods to detect early-instar larvae so that infestations can be targeted before they become economically damaging. The objective of this study was to develop prediction models of the infestation degree for triticale seed infested with rice weevils of different growth stages. Spectral signatures were tested as a method to detect rice weevils in triticale seed. Groups of seeds at 11 different levels (degrees) of infestation, 0–62%, were obtained by combining different ratios of infested and uninfested seeds. A spectrophotometer wa

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Land cover change detection using satellite images based on modified spectral angle mapper method
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This research depends on the relationship between the reflected spectrum, the nature of each target, area and the percentage of its presence with other targets in the unity of the target area. The changes occur in Land cover have been detected for different years using satellite images based on the Modified Spectral Angle Mapper (MSAM) processing, where Landsat satellite images are utilized using two software programming (MATLAB 7.11 and ERDAS imagine 2014). The proposed supervised classification method (MSAM) using a MATLAB program with supervised classification method (Maximum likelihood Classifier) by ERDAS imagine have been used to get farthest precise results and detect environmental changes for periods. Despite using two classificatio

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Satellite Images Matching and Mosaic Techniques
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      The Matching and Mosaic of the satellite imagery play an essential role in many remote sensing and image processing projects. These techniques must be required in a particular step in the project, such as remotely change detection applications and the study of large regions of interest. The matching and mosaic methods depend on many image parameters such as pixel values in the two or more images, projection system associated with the header files, and spatial resolutions, where many of these methods construct the matching and mosaic manually. In this research, georeference techniques were used to overcome the image matching task in semi automotive method. The decision about the quality of the technique can be considered i

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A nonlinear edge –preserving smoothing filter for edge detection on color and gray satellite images
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A nonlinear filter for smoothing color and gray images
corrupted by Gaussian noise is presented in this paper. The proposed
filter designed to reduce the noise in the R,G, and B bands of the
color images and preserving the edges. This filter applied in order to
prepare images for further processing such as edge detection and
image segmentation.
The results of computer simulations show that the proposed
filter gave satisfactory results when compared with the results of
conventional filters such as Gaussian low pass filter and median filter
by using Cross Correlation Coefficient (ccc) criteria.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Satellite Images Fusion Using Modified PCA Substitution Method
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In this paper, a new tunable approach for fusion the satellite images that fall in different electromagnetic wave ranges is presented, which gives us the ability to make one of the images features little superior on the other without reducing the general resultant image fusion quality, this approach is based on the principal component analysis (PCA) fusion method. A comparison made is between the results of the proposed approach and two fusion methods (they are: the PCA fusion method and the projection of eigenvectors on the bands fusion method), and the comparison results show the validity of this new method.

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Satellite Images Unsupervised Classification Using Two Methods Fast Otsu and K-means
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Two unsupervised classifiers for optimum multithreshold are presented; fast Otsu and k-means. The unparametric methods produce an efficient procedure to separate the regions (classes) by select optimum levels, either on the gray levels of image histogram (as Otsu classifier), or on the gray levels of image intensities(as k-mean classifier), which are represent threshold values of the classes. In order to compare between the experimental results of these classifiers, the computation time is recorded and the needed iterations for k-means classifier to converge with optimum classes centers. The variation in the recorded computation time for k-means classifier is discussed.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Satellite Images Unsupervised Classification Using Two Methods Fast Otsu and K-means
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Use of Infrared Light to Improve Breast Sonographic images
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It is well known that sonography is not the first choice in detecting early breast tumors. Improving the resolution of breast sonographic image is the goal of many workers to make sonography a first choice examination as it is safe and easy procedure as well as cost effective. In this study, infrared light exposure of breast prior to ultrasound examination was implemented to see its effect on resolution of sonographic image. Results showed that significant improvement was obtained in 60% of cases.

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