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Identificatio n Of Key Factors Affecting Waste Management In Life Cycle Of The Construction Project By Using Delphi Technique
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The problem of generated waste as a result of the implementation of construction projects, has  been aggravated recently because of construction activity experienced by the world, especially Iraq, which is going through a period of reconstruction, where construction waste represents (20-40%) of the total generated waste and has a negative effect on the environment and economic side of the project. In addition, the rate of consumpted  amounts of natural resources are estimated to be about 40% in the construction industry, so it became necessary to reduce waste and to be manage well. This study aims to identify the key factors affecting waste management through the various phases of the project, and this is accomplished by using the Delphi technique. After conducting three questionnaire rounds of the Delphi to a group of experts, the results of this study identified forty four key factors affecting waste management distributed on the phases of the project, where found that the factor of frequent errors in the designs has the highest effect on the design phase, and the factor of the use of construction techniques that do not generate waste has highest effect on the construction phase. The purpose is to provide data base for decision-makers to control waste management well to avoid all affecting factors, with the possibility of building waste management system based on factors effective for each phase.


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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Immobilization of Nuclear Waste Using Carbon Nanotubes Prepared by Laser Ablation in Liquid Method
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In an attempt to disposal from nuclear waste which threats our health and environments. Therefore we have to find appropriate method to immobilize nuclear waste. So, in this research the nuclear waste (Strontium hydroxide) was immobilized by Carbon nanotubes (CNTs).  The Nd-YAG laser with wave length 1064 nm, energy 750 mJ and 100 pulses used to prepare CNTs. After that adding Sr(HO)2 powder to the CNTs colloidal in calculated rate to get homogenous mixing of CNTs-Sr(OH)2. The Sr(HO)2 absorbs carbon dioxide from the air to form strontium carbonate so, the  new solution is CNTs-SrCO3. To dry solution putting three drops from the new solution on the glass slides. To investigate the radi

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
E3s Web Of Conferences
Investigation the Opportunity of BIM with Agile Management Approach in Iraqi Construction Projects
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The construction industry in Iraq suffers from many problems, perhaps the most important of which is the delay in time and the increase in costs. Therefore, it was necessary to try to adopt a new methodology that would help in overcoming these problems. It was suggested to combine building information modeling with the agile management approach because this technique and methodology is modern and helps in reducing time and cost and improving quality. This paper aims to know the status of using Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Agile Project management (APM) in Iraq and to shed light on the merging of this integration, explaining the benefits, difficulties, and workflow practices, finding the most influencing factors on the tim

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Developing System of Solid Waste Management (Applied Research in Hilla City)
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The research aims to stand on the practice of operations management of solid waste in the city of Hilla, carried out by the mayor of Hilla Directorate - solid and the environment Waste Division, through field visits and personal interview to officials of the municipal departments and units of its data collection and information related to solid waste, and assess the current status of the processes of collection and transport waste through the questionnaire that had been prepared for citizens and employees, the search reach a set of conclusions was the most important, operations carried out by the municipality of Hilla Directorate only limited to two (collection, transportation and disposal of wa

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A reformation Study about the Construction Management in the Primary Stage Curricula’s for the Civil Engineering in Some of the Iraqi Universities
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There is no doubt that the field of education and teaching (in any country and whatever its ruling system varies “d”) is considered one of the most specific and sensitive field, because it is related to the building of human. And as the human is a purpose (aim) and the means in the same time and he is the strategist capital, so he way of his rearing, education, choosing the educator, methods of working and the aims are considered serious matters.

     The educational process has aim determined by the society for him self through its working establishments in this field and these are the official and public establishments. And as he feels that the establishments have failed to achieve its d

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics
Solid waste recycling and management cost optimization algorithm
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Solid waste is a major issue in today's world. Which can be a contributing factor to pollution and the spread of vector-borne diseases. Because of its complicated nonlinear processes, this problem is difficult to model and optimize using traditional methods. In this study, a mathematical model was developed to optimize the cost of solid waste recycling and management. In the optimization phase, the salp swarm algorithm (SSA) is utilized to determine the level of discarded solid waste and reclaimed solid waste. An optimization technique SSA is a new method of finding the ideal solution for a mathematical relationship based on leaders and followers. It takes a lot of random solutions, as well as their outward or inward fluctuations, t

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Scopus (3)
Crossref (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Aug 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Construction of Complete (k,n)-arcs in the Projective Plane PG(2,11) Over Galois Field GF(11), 3 ï‚£ n ï‚£ 11
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        The purpose of this work is to construct complete (k,n)-arcs in the projective 2-space PG(2,q) over Galois field GF(11) by adding some points of index zero to complete (k,n–1)arcs 3 ï‚£ n ï‚£ 11.         A (k,n)-arcs is a set of k points no n + 1 of which are collinear.         A (k,n)-arcs is complete if it is not contained in a (k + 1,n)-arc

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Extending the storage life of some fruits by using Pullulan produced from locally isolate Aureobasidium pullulans: Extending the storage life of some fruits by using Pullulan produced from locally isolate Aureobasidium pullulans
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Six isolates of A. pullulans were collected from many sources including Hibiscus sabdariffa (Roselle), old Roofs of houses and bathroom surface that referred as Ap ros1, Ap or2, 3, 4 and Ap bs5, 6 respectively, all these isolates were identified based on morphological characteristics and nutritional physiology profiles, all were able to utilize various carbon and nitrogen sources such as glucose, xylose, sucrose, maltose, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and ammonium chloride, also they showed positive test for starch and amylase, while α-cellulose, ethanol, and methanol were could not be ass

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Valuation of Construction Projects Based on of Quantity Scale by using Expert System
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The subject of an valuation of quality of construction projects is one of the topics which it becomes necessary of the absence of the quantity standards in measuring the control works and the quality valuation standards in constructional projects. In the time being it depends on the experience of the workers which leads to an apparent differences in the valuation.

The idea of this research came to put the standards to evaluate the quality of the projects in a special system depending on quantity scale nor quality specifying in order to prepare an expert system “ Crystal “ to apply this special system to able the engineers to valuate the quality of their projects easily and in more accurate ways.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Diagnosis of factors affecting the strategic implementation of sewage projects ( Case study in General Directorate of sewage projects )
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  This  Research aim to identify the factors affecting the strategic implementation of sewage projects and to seek to activate the real follow-up of projects to identify the factors that accompany their implementation, The study included a sample of the projects of the investment plan implemented for the Directorate General of sewage in the governorates of Iraq, which was completed during the six years period (2010-2016). The sample of the research was four projects: The project of implementation and processing of the treatment plant and the lifting station and the conveyor line for the project of IMARA/The third stage/Al-Sanaf marshland , The project of the processing and implementation of the treatment plant with the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Cost Management of construction industries according to the fast-track method
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Construction projects have become a changing dramatically in recent decades and that the goal of the beneficiaries of the implementation of structural project is to complete the work with less time and within the cost of the specific and the best possible quality may sometimes happen that highlights the importance of time on the rest of the items at the implementation of projects for various reasons, including the need to use the project as soon as possible possible change rapidly to customer's requests, but the high cost of the project represents the biggest obstacle for entrepreneurs with its effects on the quality and the time workers, and is a measure of those elements in monetary terms is the key to integration between them, so the

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