An experimental study is made here to investigate the discharge coefficient for contracted rectangular Sharp crested weirs. Three Models are used, each with different weir width to flume width ratios (0.333, 0.5, and 0.666). The experimental work is conducted in a standard flume with high-precision head and flow measuring devices. Results are used to find a dimensionless equation for the discharge coefficient variation with geometrical, flow, and fluid properties. These are the ratio of the total head to the weir height, the ratio of the contracted weir width to the flume width, the ratio of the total head to the contracted width, and Reynolds and Weber numbers. Results show that the relationship between the discharge coefficient and these variables is a non-linear power function with a determination coefficient of 0.97. The importance and normalized importance analysis show that 56.3 % of the discharge coefficient variation is explained by the head-to-contracted width of the weir ratio followed by lower effects of the other variables, namely 16.5, 13.7, 12.4, and 1.2 % for contracted width to flume width ratio, Reynolds number, the head to the contracted width ratio, and Weber, respectively. The effect of the Weber number on the discharge coefficient is much lower than that of the Reynolds number.
Laser assisted skin wound closure offers many distinct advantages over conventional closure
techniques. The objective of this in vitro experimental study, carried out at the Institute of Laser for
Postgraduate Studies/Baghdad University, was to determine the effectiveness of 980 nm diode laser in
welding of human skin wounds. Multiple 3-4 cm long full thickness incisions in a specimen of human
skin obtained from the discarded panniculus of an Abdominoplasty operation were tried to be laser
welded using a 4 mm spot diameter laser beam from a 980 nm diode laser at different laser parameters
and modes of action. The tensile strength at the weld site was analyzed experimentally. Although laser
assisted wound welding did
In this present paper, an experimental study of some plasma characteristics in dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) system using several variables, such as different frequencies and using two different electrodes metals(aluminium (Al) and copper (Cu)), is represented. The discharge plasma was produced by an AC power supply source of 6 and 7 kHz frequencies for the nitrogen gas spectrum and for two different electrodes metals(Al and Cu). Optical emission spectrometer was used to study plasma properties (such as electron temperature ( ), electron number density ( ), Debye length ( ), and plasma frequency ( )). In addition, images were analysed for the plasma emission intensity at atmospheric air pressure.
Umbilical cord blood (UCB) contains hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells(HSCs,MSCs) that have proven useful clinically to reconstitute the hematopoietic system in children and some adults . Fifteen cord blood samples were collected from placenta of newly delivered women in AlKadhemia hospital in Baghdad for normal vaginal delivery. Mono nucleated cells (MNCs) were isolated by using density gradient centrifugation and the MNCs count and viability were determinated by trypan blue.MNCs were cryopreserved using the cryoprotectant solution of 10% concentration of dimethyl sulfoxid (DMSO)using slow cooling and rapid thaw. The aim of the present study
... Show MoreThe earth-air heat exchanger (EHX) has a promising potential to passively save the energy consumption of traditional air conditioning systems while maintaining a high degree of indoor comfort. The use of EHX systems for air conditioning in commercial and industrial settings offers several environmental benefits and is capable of operating in both standalone and hybrid modes. This study tests the performance and effectiveness of an EHX design in a sandy soil area in Baghdad, Iraq. The area has a climate of the subtropical semi-humid type. Ambient air temperatures and soil temperatures were recorded throughout the months of 2021. During the months of January and June, the temperatures of the inlet and outflow air at varying air veloci
... Show MoreCollapse of the vapor bubble condensing in an immiscible is investigated for n-pentane and n-hexane vapors condensing in cold water and n-pentane in two different compositions of glycerin- water mixture. The rise velocity and the drag coefficient of the two-phase bubble are measured.