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Numerical Study of Piled Raft Foundation in Non-Homogeneous Soil Using Finite Element Method
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This paper analyzes a piled-raft foundation on non-homogeneous soils with variable layer depth percentages. The present work aims to perform a three-dimensional finite element analysis of a piled-raft foundation subjected to vertical load using the PLAXIS 3D software. Parametric analysis was carried out to determine the effect of soil type and initial layer thickness. The parametric study showed that increasing the relative density from 30 % to 80 % of the upper sand layer and the thickness of the first layer has led to an increase in the ultimate load and a decrease in the settlement of piled raft foundations for the cases of sand over weak soil.  In clay over weak soil, the ultimate load of the piled raft foundation was increased, and the settlement decreased by increasing the clay cohesion of the upper layer from 20 kPa to 70 kPa. It was observed that the load shared by the raft was very effective when using dense sand in the upper layer. In the case of dense sand over stiff clay, the percent of load carried by the raft is (30-40) %. Although, for the case of stiff clay over soft clay, the load percentage was almost constant (16-20) %. While for other issues, the sharing load of raft foundation was close and had the same behavior, the load carried by raft is between (8-12) %.


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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of the differences in the correlation pattern of the micro blogging in the educational attainment of computer science curriculum for 12th grade students
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The object of this research is to determine the effect in the differences of the correlation pattern of the micro blogging on the educational attainment of computer science curriculum for 12th grade students. I will try to test the best suited correlation and I might use the demo curriculum as well to achieve its objectives , The research method that will be used in this research is the quantitative method where we will use a sample of 60 students divided into two groups ( correlate the micro blogging - adopted the sequence pattern of relating the micro blogging) As a result, we found out that there are quantitative differences among the two groups' median , The differences goes back to the main effect of the correlation pattern of the m

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Phenomena of corruption and money laundering: and causes and risks and their role in the financing of terrorism in Iraq and finding ways of treatment
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Iraq  is Suffering nowadays from the criminal triad represented by the fiscal and administrative corruption, money laundering and terrorism, which are intertwined in a very related relations, as each of them support the other . Since the over growth has been one of its characteristics leaving behind a very dangerous negative effects whether it was social , economic or even political impacts . As a result , this trial is now represents a high risk that threatens the present and the future of Iraq . On the political , economic and social level , it is well to mention that the poor direct investment , the increasing rates of poverty , unemployment , inflation as well as the smuggling of goreign currency an

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Management by Walking Around on the Strategic Renewal of Business Organizations (Field Research in a Sample of Excellent grade hotels - in Baghdad)
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This work aims to show the nature of the relationship between management by walking around  (the independent variable) and strategic renewal (the dependent variable), as well as it shows the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Questionnaire items were considered the main tool for data collection by three basic aspects. The first involved the personal data of the respondents, while the second included items related to management by walking in five dimensions, and the third is strategic renewal items by addressing four dimensions. The tourism sector, while the community has six Excellent grade hotels was taken into account in this wor

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Knowledge, attitude & practice of pregnant women about the role of periconceptional use of folic acid in three primary health care centers in Baghdad / AL-Russafa
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Background: Folic acid (vitamin B9) is one of the important vitamins that are necessary for growth and development of the embryo and preventing the occurrence of congenital malformations which are one of the important health problems in the developing countries and the world as it has a direct effect on the affected babies, their families and the community. It affects an estimated 3% of newborns worldwide.Periconceptional supplementation with folic acid (before conception and during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy) was found to decrease many important types of these anomalies. Objectives: The aim of this study is to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of periconceptional use of folic acid in pregnant women who are attending antenatal

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 10 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
The effect of reciprocal style exercises in developing some physical abilities in learning the performance of female players for the effectiveness of the long jump
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The importance of the research lies in knowing the effect of the exercises of the reciprocal method in developing some physical abilities in learning the performance of the players for the effectiveness of the long jump in an economical manner in terms of time and effort and knowing their positive impact and the extent of their impact in creating the required learning for students, and the research aims to prepare reciprocal style exercises in developing some abilities The researchers used the experimental method in the pre and post test for the experimental and control groups to suit the nature of the research, and the research community was identified for the long jump players, the Specialized School for Talent Care in the 2022 sports sea

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Determination of Radionuclides and Heavy Elements in the Rising Dust in the Small Side of Diwaniyah City due to the Movement of Wheels and Cars
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Abstract<p>This research aims to determine the concentration of radionuclides in dust samples on the public streets of the small side of Diwaniyah city in Iraq as a result of movements of wheels and cars using the gamma spectra and high purity germanium detector (HPGe) with resolution of (2.3 keV) for energy (1.332 MeV) of cobalt <sup>60</sup>Co. Dust samples were collected from the streets Diwaniyah city with (26) samples prepared for measurement. The results of the specific activity concentration of Uranium-238, Thorium-232, Potassium-40 and Cesium-137 were (14.66 ± 0.950, 26.29 ± 2.431, 219.04 ± 15.150 and 11.49 ± 0.876) Bq/kg respectively. The radiation parameters Ra<sub>e</sub></p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Surveys has done for collecting Sunn Pest which been parasitized by oophagous parasitoids
in infested wheat fields of villages around Erbil, Sulimanya and Dohuk governorates from
April to the end of May 2010, the result showed that a high rat of eggs hatching was 96.3%
within Erbil governorate and its cleared from results that not all laid eggs had been hatched
normally . The percentage ratio of egg parasitism in general was low in most studied villages.
In this study: Trissolcus grandis Thompson, Trissolcus semistriotus Nees., and Telenomus sp.
on sunn pest eggs has been observed. Identification keys supported with figures were
formulated to identify of these species.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees21gr
The possibility of implementing smart mobility in the traditional city: Studying the possibility of establishing an intelligent transportation system in the city center of Kadhimiya
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The possibility of implementing smart mobility in the traditional city: Studying the possibility of establishing an intelligent transportation system in the city center of Kadhimiya

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 08 2024
Journal Name
Fifth International Conference On Applied Sciences: Icas2023
Bifurcation analysis of the role of good and bad bacteria in the decomposing toxins in the intestine with the impact of antibiotic and probiotics supplement
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This study presents a mathematical model describing the interaction of gut bacteria in the participation of probiotics and antibiotics, assuming that some good bacteria become harmful through mutations due to antibiotic exposure. The qualitative analysis exposes twelve equilibrium points, such as a good-bacteria equilibrium, a bad-bacteria equilibrium, and a coexisting endemic equilibrium in which both bacteria exist while being exposed to antibiotics. The theory of the Sotomayor theorem is applied to study the local bifurcation around all possible equilibrium points. It’s noticed that the transcritical and saddle-node bifurcation could occur near some of the system’s equilibrium points, while pitchfork bifurcation cannot be accrued at

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The use of electronic applications in the preparation of operational budgets: An applied research in one of the private sector companies for dairy industry / Baghdad
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A revolution called information revolution has recently invaded the world. It is Currently considered one of the most important properties of development to the countries of the world The criteria provided by computers such as accuracy, speed, time saving Storage and restore have led them to be widely used in economy, industry, agriculture, communications, etc., as well as being the major finder of reengineering the operations of innovation. The use of computers in the preparation of budgets will lead to achieve accuracy. Since, the operation draws upon the statistic and quantity estimations about budget items, the computerized balance sheet may save time and effort of preparing mathematical equations annually. According to the problem o

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