Stool speeimens were collected from pati nts who presented for various medical c:omplaints in out patien.t Laboratories (The Central Health Laboratories / Baghdad,). Every ,$pecim-en wa:s examined by Conventional m jcroscopic exatninatitnl (CME) ·and te.§t d, by IgG ELISA kit.
Antibody against d1e Entamoeba histolylica, det cted by ELISA, has ·the potential to become a vah,mble adjunct to blood diagn9stics and make it more affective, .although there is no repJacement fo'e the
... Show MoreAbstract Background Infections with helminths are associated with deficient sanitary facilities, unsafe human waste disposal, inadequate and lack of safe drinking water, and low socioeconomic status. Objective To determine the prevalence of some gastrointestinal helminths among Iraqi people, and association of infections with age, sex, and region in Iraq. Method This study is retrospective, including reported cases of infections using an available surveillance database from January 2013 to December 2013 of all provinces of Iraq by the Ministry of Health. Result The overall prevalence of gastrointestinal helminthiasis was 1.39%. Enterobius vermicularis found to be the predominant helminth parasite. No significant (P < 0.05) rel
... Show MorePigeons have accompanied humans since ancient time because they are used as a source of food, pets, hobby, and religious symbols. Pigeons have shown high prevalence rate of infection with gastrointestinal helminths and protozoan. This study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence of parasitic infections in the domestic pigeon (Columba livia domestica) from October, 2017 to April, 2018, purchased from bird market of Zakho City, Kurdistan region. The samples were taken from 50 adult pigeons (28 males and 22 females). The birds were transferred to Parasitology Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Zakho University. In the laboratory, each bird was sacrificed and immediately the feather and skin of under wings, chest and the rest of the
... Show MoreExamination of 241 specimens of two bee-eater species, Merops apiaster and Merops
superciliosus persicus reveal recording of Haemoproteus meropis (Zagar, 1945) emend.
Bennett, 1978 and H. manwelli Bennett, 1978 for the first time in Iraq. A new species
Haemoproteus hudaidensis sp. nov. is described. Microfilariae are also infected the two host
species. The results are discussed with the pertinent literature and the necessary comparision
of morphometric measurements of the recorded parasites with that previously reported is
provided along with a taxonomic key including the newly described haemoproteid.
230 stool samples were collected from 2 state homes for (males and females) to investigate
the infection of different intestinal parasites (pathogenic and non-pathogenic).
The infection rate was higher among males 15.7% than females 6%, these rates were
increased when concentration method was employed up to 54.8% for males and 8.7% for
females significantly.
Most infected orphans were found to harbor single parasite followed by double, triple
The highest rate of infection was found among young age group (1-5) years old, while
the older age groups got lowest rates.
Of helminthes, the commonest parasite was Hymenolepis nana 5.7% and of protozoa, the
commonest intestinal parasite was Giardia lamblia
A survey of blood parasites among members of two species of Iraqi babblers Timaliidae,
Turodoides caudatus salvadori (de Fillipi, 1865) and Turdoides alterostris (Hartert, 1909)
was carried out in the middle and south of Iraq. Two species of haematozoa were recovered,
Haemoproteus turdoidus sp. nov. and Plasmodium relictum Grassi &Felleti. The description
of the new taxon is provided and discussed with pertinent literature.
Abstract The present study on the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection from July 2003 to July 2004 ,was conducted among children aged(less than 5 -14 )years attending AL-Daura Health Centre in Baghdad City .(350) specimen were choosen randomly and examined, 160(45.7%) of these were infected , 140 (87.5%) harboured one parasite while 20 (12.5%) harboured more than one parasite.190 (54.3%) were non infected with any of intestinal parasite . It was observed that the most common intestinal protozoa among children is Giardia lamblia, followed by Entamoeba histolytica and Blastocystis hominis with pre
An attempt was made to determine the insect parasites of cockroaches in Iraq. As a result of this survey three species of Hymenoptera representing two separate families, which have been reared from ootheca of cockroaches were recovered. These were: Evania dimidiata Fabricius, Evania appendigaster (Linnaeus) (Evaniidae) and Anastatus longicornis sp. n. (Eupelmidae) which described here as a new species from Iraq.
The kestrel Falco tinnunculus specimens coIldeted in Iraq are found infected with one or more species of the following helminthes; Physaloptera alata (Nematoda), Cladataenia globifera (Cestoda), Prosthogonimus cuneatus (Trernatoda), and Sphaeriorostris sp. (Acanthocephala) with a total infection rate of 30.56%. The results are compared and discussed with the pertinent literature.
Examining of passeriform birds collected in Baghdad area revealed presence of seven species of blood parasites belonging to three genera, Haemoproteus, Leucocytozoon, and Plasmodium. Records of microfilariae (larval nematodes) were also indicated. Results showed wide distribution of Plasmodium relictum among passerine hosts.