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Hydromorphodynamics Simulation for Selected Stretch of Euphrates River within Al-Anbar Governorate
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In this study, the hydromorphodynamic simulation of a stretch of the Euphrates River was conducted. The stretch of the Euphrates River extended from Haditha dam to the city of Heet in Al-Anbar Governorate and it is estimated to be 124.4 km. Samples were taken from 3 sites along the banks of the river stretch using sampling equipment. The samples were taken to the laboratory for grain size analysis where the median size (D50) and sediment load were determined. The hydromorphodynamic simulation was conducted using the NACY 2DH solver of the iRIC model.  The model was calibration using the Manning roughness,    sediment load, and median particle size and the validation process showed that the error between the simulation and the recorded data was minimum. After calibration, three different scenarios were considered and the scenarios were based on different river discharges (low, average, and flood discharge).  Four statistical indices were used to check the predicted values of the velocities and water depth in various sections of the Euphrates River section at the city of Heet and these indices were Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD), Mean Square Error (MSE), Root MSE (RMSE), and the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). For velocity, values of the above indices for the first scenario were found to be 0.19, 0.046, 0.21, and 0.17 respectively. However, for water depth, values for the above statistical indices were found to be 0.07, 0.01, 0.01, and 0.13 respectively. The values confirmed the accuracy of the prediction of model iRIC Nacy2DH.


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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Point of Care testing: The future of periodontal dis-ease diagnosis and monitoring
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Manual probing and periodontal charting are the gold standard for periodontal diagnosis that have been used in practice over a century. These methods are affordable and reliable but they are associated with some drawbacks that cannot be avoided. Among these issues is their reliance on operator’s skills, time-consuming and tedious procedure, lack sensitivity especially in cases of early bone loss, and causing discomfort to the patient. Availability of a wide range of biomarkers in the oral biofluids, dental biofilm, and tissues that potentially reflect the periodontal health and disease accurately encouraged their use as predictive/diagnostic/monitoring tools. Analysing biomarkers during care-giving to the patient using chairside kits i

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Solid State Communications
Influence of In-dopant on the optoelectronic properties of thermal evaporated CuAlTe2 films
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 04 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Texture Analysis of smear of Leukemia Blood Cells after Exposing to Cold Plasma
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Plasma physics and digital image processing technique (DIPT) were utilized in this research to show the effect of the cold plasma (plasma needle) on blood cells. The second order statistical features were used to study this effect. Different samples were used to reach the aim of this paper; the patients have leukemia and their leukocytes number was abnormal. By studying the results of statistical features (mean, variance, energy and entropy), it is concluded that the blood cells of the sample showed a good response to the cold plasma.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Permanent Deformation Characterization of Stone Matrix Asphalt Reinforced by Different Types of Fibers
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This paper focused on the stone matrix asphalt (SMA) technology that was developed essentially to guard against rutting distress. For this procedure, fibers play a racy role in stabilizing and preventing the drain down problem caused by the necessity of high binder content coupled with their strengthening effect. A set of specimens with cylindrical and slab shapes were fabricated by inclusions jute, polyester, and carbon fibers. For each type, three contents of 0.25%, 0.5%, and 0.75% by weight of mixture were added by lengths of 5, 7.5, and 10 mm. The prepared mixtures were tested to gain the essential pertained parameters discriminated by the values of drain down, Marshall quotient, rut depth, and dynamic stability. It

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Determination of Surface Roughness and Accuracy of Alginate Impression Material Disinfected by Immersion
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Background: This study was conducted to evaluate the surface roughness and dimensional accuracy of commercially obtainable alginate impression material in terms of imbibition after immersion in two different media. Materials and method: Two disinfecting agents, ethanol 70% and povidone-iodine 4%, were used to access the dimensional accuracy and surface roughness of alginate impression material. Weights of specimen discs of alginate impressions were measured before and immediately after immersion to gain a measure of imbibition. For surface roughness, disinfected specimens rectangle was examined before and after disinfection. Results: Minimal changes in weight were observed after disinfection, but a statistically non-significant differenc

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Synthesis of Mutual Prodrugs of Secnidazole and Ciprofloxacin and study Their Physicochemical Properties
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  Secnidazole was linked with ciprofloxacin as mutual prodrugs to get antibiotics with broader spectrum of activity, improved physicochemical properties and given by single dose to improve patient’s compliance. Furthermore, they provide structural modifications to overcome bacterial adaptation. The structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed using FT-IR, mass spectrometry, elemental microanalysis (CHNO) and some physiochemical properties. This modification was led to an increase in Log P values for Mutual I (Log P 1.114) and Mutual II (Log P 1.97) compared with its values for Secnidazole (Log P -0.373) and ciprofloxacin (Log P -0.832). The solubility of prodrugs had been determined in different media, Mutual II showed 1

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
Journal Name
cognitive references of the directorial imagination and modeling of the theatrical actor performance
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This research is determined by the study of  the " cognitive references of the directorial imagination and modeling of  the theatrical actor performance ." it has described an Iraqi theatrical model, The research began with the great importance of the director's imagination as the basic premise for crystallizing the  director's vision according to its cognitive references in creating a solid performance model based on the aesthetic, intellectual and technical bases, It is also contributes to the formation of the theatrical show as a technical framework that presents the show in one unified fabric.

The research sought to reach through the problem of research, which is in the question of: What is the modeling of the

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of Italian Occupation of Ethiopia On the Egyptian- Italian Relations 1935
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When the Italian fascist party leaded & access to the top of regime, it took Benito
Mussolini as a post of Italian prime minister on 1922, that lead to rise the voices which need
to find colonies of Italy, like other colonial countries, especially that of its colonies in Libya,
Eritrea and Somalia were not achieved its ambitions, was to be the occupation of Ethiopia to
revive her dreams to exert control over the Red sea and the Mediterranean and the
establishment of a vast empire satisfy colonial ambitions.
the Italian invasion of Ethiopia gained particularly important, what led to the
disruption of the balance of political forces is not at the level of local powers in the region,
but at the level of the exten

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
Journal Name
Aesthetical Utilization of Sound in film of Alfred Hitchcock: حكمت مطشر مجيد البيضاني
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This research deals with the nature of the aesthetic employment of wool in the Alfred Hitchcock films, as this director is characterized by rich his experience that dealt with the photo film days of silent film and managed efficiently in the construction of his films, as well as when the audio input The Hitchhiker employ sound aesthetic ways still emulated so far. So I rely researcher this subject and the division of research into four chapters, such as the first quarter included the methodological framework which dealt with the problem of research and the importance of research, and the goals of the research, as well as the limits of research and finally determine the terms.The second chapter includes theoretical framework and previous

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Proceedings Of International Structural Engineering And Construction
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For structural concrete members that may expose to serious earthquake, overload or accident impact, the design of ductility must be given the same importance as the flexural strength. The aim of this investigation is to study the change in ductility of structural concrete flexural members during their exposure to limited cycles of repeated loading. Twenty full-scale beam specimens have been fabricated in to two identical groups; each group consisted of ten specimens. The first group was tested under monotonic static loading to failure and regarded as control beams, while the specimens of the second group were subjected to ten cycles of repeated loading with constant load interval, which ranged between 40% and 60% of ultimate load. S

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