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Traffic Simulation of Urban Street to Estimate Capacity
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This research aimed to develop a simulation traffic model for an urban street with heterogeneous traffic capable of analyzing different types of vehicles of static and dynamic characteristics based on trajectory analysis that demonstrated psychophysical driver behavior. The base developed model for urban traffic was performed based on the collected field data for the major urban street in Baghdad city. The parameter; CC1 minimum headway (represented the speed-dependent of the safety distance from stop line that the driver desired) justified in the range from (2.86sec) to (2.17 sec) indicated a good match to reflect the actual traffic behavior for urban traffic streets. A good indication of the convergence between simulated and field data of maximum error of 8% and below 10% for traffic flow rate and that provided a successfully simulated model by VISSIM for urban traffic behavior. The traffic speed decreased slowly, but still, variation in a large range from (30 km/hr to 55 km/hr) until a flow rate of 1000 vehicles/hr was reached, then the traffic speed decreased sharply. The dispersion between data points was caused by driver behavior and the special characteristics of the urban street. This dispersion of data points reduced and became less significant when it reached the capacity of the road. The obtained capacity value for divided urban traffic streets was (1610 vehicles/hr) with an optimum traffic density of 64 vehicles/km. Traffic simulation utilizing VISSIM parameters had been developed successfully since the simulation could estimate the field capacity with an acceptable range of error of 7.5 % (less than 10%).

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Balanced Urban Development, A Strategy To Address Tension Between Different Contexts
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In their growth stages, cities become an aggregation of different urban contexts as a result of development or investment projects with other goals, which creates urban tension at several levels. Previous studies presented different approaches and methods to address specific aspects of urban stress, and thus contemporary visions and propositions varied, which required a field for research. The research, from a review of the proposals, the research problem emerged in need to study the indicators and trends of balanced urban development that address the tensions between different social, economic and urban contexts". Accordingly, the objective of the research is determined as "Building a comprehe

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Lap Lambert Academic Publishing
New Technique to Estimate the concentration of Heavy Metals in soil
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There are many aims of this book: The first aim is to develop a model equation that describes the spread of contamination through soils which can be used to determine the rate of environmental contamination by estimate the concentration of heavy metals (HMs) in soil. The developed model equation can be considered as a good representation for a problem of environmental contamination. The second aim of this work is to design two feed forward neural networks (FFNN) as an alternative accurate technique to determine the rate of environmental contamination which can be used to solve the model equation. The first network is to simulate the soil parameters which can be used as input data in the second suggested network, while the second network sim

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Inventive Engineering And Science,
Increase the Capacity Amount of Data Hiding to Least Significant BIT Method
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Scis
The Use of Non-Parametric Methods to Estimate Density Functions of Copulas
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Surface Pavement Type on Traffic Noise
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This paper investigates the issue of surface-type effects on traffic noise in Baghdad. Since the raw materials for both flexible and rigid paving are available from local sources, the decision on selecting the type of paving which depends on the budget of the project and the road's importance and function. Knowing that for high traffic volumes and a high percentage of heavy vehicles, rigid pavement is more suitable compared to flexible pavement. In Baghdad, some highways consist of flexible pavement and others of combined pavement (flexible segments and rigid segments), so the study of the effect of surface type on traffic noise becomes an important matter. This study selected three highways: one with flexible pavement a

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Surface Pavement Type on Traffic Noise
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This paper investigates the issue of surface-type effects on traffic noise in Baghdad. Since the raw materials for both flexible and rigid paving are available from local sources, the decision on selecting the type of paving which depends on the budget of the project and the road's importance and function. Knowing that for high traffic volumes and a high percentage of heavy vehicles, rigid pavement is more suitable compared to flexible pavement. In Baghdad, some highways consist of flexible pavement and others of combined pavement (flexible segments and rigid segments), so the study of the effect of surface type on traffic noise becomes an important matter. This study selected three highways: one with flexible pavement and two with combined

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
An Analytical Study for Urban Gentrification on Local Urban Centers
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The urban Gentrification  is an inclusive global phenomenon to restructure the cities on the overall levels, the research to propose a specific study about the concept of urban Gentrification in the cities and showcasing its, specifications, and results, and how to deal with the variables that occur on cities through improvements as part of urban renewal projects, then the general axis of the research is shrinked, choosing the urban centers as the most important areas that deal with the urban Gentrification process due to its direct connection with indivisuals and social changes, and to process the specific axis of the research theses and studies will be showcased that discuss the topic in different research directions, and emerged

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of University Of Babylon For Engineering Sciences
Introduction to Methods for Simulating Urban Heat Islands: Subject Review
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Urbanization led to significant changes in the properties of the land surface. That appends additional heat loads at the city, which threaten comfort and health of people. There is unclear understanding represent of the relationship between climate indicators and the features of the early virtual urban design. The research focused on simulation capability, and the affect in urban microclimate. It is assumed that the adoption of certain scenarios and strategies to mitigate the intensity of the UHI leads to the improvement of the local climate and reduce the impact of global warming. The aim is to show on the UHI methods simulation and the programs that supporting simulation and mitigate the effect UHI. UHI reviewed has been conducted the for

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Effect of Vehicular Stream Characteristics on Traffic Noise
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Human health can be negatively impacted by exposure to loud noise, which can harm the auditory system. Traffic noise is the leading cause of noise pollution. This paper studies the problem of noise pollution on the roads in Baghdad, Iraq. Due to the increase in vehicle numbers and road network modifications in Baghdad, noise levels became a serious topic to be studied. The aim of the paper was thus to study traffic noise levels and the effect of the traffic stream on noise levels and to formulate a prediction model that identified the guidelines used for designing or developing future roads in the city. Then, the noise levels were measured based on five variables: the functional classification of roads, traffic flow, vehicle speed,

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Publication Date
Fri May 12 2023
Journal Name
Civil And Environmental Engineering
Analysis of Road Traffic Accidents Among Iraqi Governorates
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Road accidents have been identified as one of the main causes of death and have a significant effect on public health challenges, economic growth and development. The Iraqi transport infrastructure has suffered from the effects of war, carelessness, and lack of investment. As a result, road traffic accidents have increased, and the current efforts to address road safety are minimal in comparison to the growing level of citizen suffering. The objective of this study was to provincially analyze traffic accidents in Iraq using data from 2010 to 2020 to shed light on the current situation. Three key conclusions were made from the results: first, people aged 35 years and under was the age group recorded in the most traffic accidents; second, Al-

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