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Spike neural network as a controller in SDN network

The paper proposes a methodology for predicting packet flow at the data plane in smart SDN based on the intelligent controller of spike neural networks(SNN). This methodology is applied to predict the subsequent step of the packet flow, consequently reducing the overcrowding that might happen. The centralized controller acts as a reactive controller for managing the clustering head process in the Software Defined Network data layer in the proposed model. The simulation results show the capability of Spike Neural Network controller in SDN control layer to improve the (QoS) in the whole network in terms of minimizing the packet loss ratio and increased the buffer utilization ratio.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 05 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of sodium fluoride addition as a disinfectant on some properties of alginate impression material

Background: Impression materials, impression trays, and poured stone cast have been said to be the main source of cross infection between patients and dentists. However, it was observed that disinfection of the impression is not performed systematically in routine dental practice. Disinfection of alginates either by immersion or spray technique was found to cause dimensional inaccuracies, although with proper disinfection of alginates there were small dimensional changes. A variety of fluoride releasing products designed for topical use is currently available. Following their use, varied amount of fluoride is systemically absorbed depending on the fluoride concentration and the manner of its use. The objective of this study was to evaluate

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Semiotics of Sufi Texts- Poets of Al Qasr and Al-Asr journals as a Model

In a common language based on interpretation and diagnosis in the symbols and signs, the subject of Sufism and artistic semiotics is manifested in the construction and intensity of the reading of the text and the dismantling of its intellectual systems.
The emergence of Sufism in its religious features and the spiritual revelations related to the divine love of life in absolute reality, And images and language in a stream of intellectual and artistic unique and harmonious communicates with the subject of the themes of the Arab literature and its implications, but it is separated by a special entity signals and symbols related to the mysticism and worship.
    The unleashing of the imagination and the diagnosis,

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2017
Journal Name
The 39th Annual International Conference Of The Ieee Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society (embc'17)
Higuchi fractal dimension of the electroencephalogram as a biomarker for early detection of Alzheimer's disease

It is widely accepted that early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) makes it possible for patients to gain access to appropriate health care services and would facilitate the development of new therapies. AD starts many years before its clinical manifestations and a biomarker that provides a measure of changes in the brain in this period would be useful for early diagnosis of AD. Given the rapid increase in the number of older people suffering from AD, there is a need for an accurate, low-cost and easy to use biomarkers that could be used to detect AD in its early stages. Potentially, the electroencephalogram (EEG) can play a vital role in this but at present, no reliable EEG biomarker exists for early diagnosis of AD. The gradual s

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Slow sand filtration as a tertiary treatment for the secondary effluent from sewage treatment plant

A field-pilot scale slow sand filter (SSF) was constructed at Al-Rustamiya Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) in Baghdad city to investigate the removal efficiency in terms of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Chemical oxygen demand (COD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Chloride concentrations for achieving better secondary effluent quality from this treatment plant. The SSF was designed at a 0.2 m/h filtration rate with filter area 1 m2 and total filter depth of 2.3 m. A filter sand media 0.35 mm in size and 1 m depth was supported by 0.2 m layer of gravel of size 5 mm. The secondary effluent from Al-Rustamiya STP was used as the influent to the slow sand filter. The results showed that the removal of BOD5, COD, TSS, and Chloride were

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Publication Date
Thu May 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Visual Pollution and its Impact on the Aesthetics: The Town of Eizariya as a Model

This study seeks to shed light on the aspects of visual pollution and its impact on the aesthetics of the town of Al-Eizariya known to suffer from the phenomenon. In order to identify the real causes of the problem which develops in various forms and patterns, threatening not only the aesthetic appearance of the towns, but also causes the emergence of new problems and phenomena that will have negative repercussions on the population. The researcher uses the analytical descriptive method to analyze the phenomenon of visual pollution in terms of reality, development, manifestations and spread and uses photos which document the visual pollution and its impact on the aesthetics of the known. The study concluded the existence of a strong rela

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Kufa Legal And Political Science
The legal system of mandatory mediation as a mean of setting disputes Comparative analytical study

The mediation system is based on settling the dispute amicably through the intervention of a third party by bringing views closer away from the judiciary, which is an amicable way to settle disputes, which disputants resort to voluntarily, but some Western legislation has begun to impose resorting to mediation to settle disputes compulsorily, to take advantage of its advantages, get rid of the disadvantages of resorting to the judiciary in some disputes, and relieve pressure on the courts.

Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Oil Spill Removal from Water Surfaces using Zinc Ferrite Magnetic Nanoparticles as A Sorbent Material

In this study, zinc ferrite magnetic nanoparticles (ZnFe2O4, ZFO MNPs) were employed as a sorbent for the removal of oil spill from water surfaces. ZFO MNPs were synthesized via a sol-gel process and characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD). Both the apparent density and magnetic force were determined. ZFO MNPs presented a considerable magnetic force (40.22 mN) and an adequate density (0.5287 g/cm3), which are important for the magnetic separation and flotation. Four oil samples (gasoline engine oil, crude oil, used motor oil and diesel engine oil) were used to investigate the gravimetric oil removal capability of ZFO MNPs. The oil sorption capacit

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Some Variables Affecting the Formulation of Pentoxifylline (PTX) as a Solid Sustained Release Dosage Form

An inert matrix  that is used to control the release of  (PTX) was prepared using Eudragit RL100 and RSPM types as matrix forming agent . The matrices were prepared by either dry granulation(slugging) , or wet granulation method using chloroform as a solvent evaporation vehichle. The cumulative release was adjusted by using polyvinylpyrollidone (PVP) or ethylcellulose (EC) polymers .The results indicated that   both methods of preparation were valid for incorporation PTX as a sustained release granules .Moreover ,the results revealed that best polymer used  was Eudragit RSPM in 3:20 polymer drug ratio .Besides to that ,   the results indicated that the release profiles were affected by  pH- medium&

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Arpn Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Implementation And Evaluation Of Apm 2.6 - Controlled Quadcopter With Aerial Imagery As A Case Study

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Serum ceruloplasmin ,copper and iron levels as a risk factors for coronary heart diseases(CHD)

Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is one of the acute phase protein, in this review ,we studied the level of ceruloplasmin with copper (Cu) and iron in 90 patients with coronary heart diseas ( those patients are divided into three groups, whom are stable angina , unstable angina and myocardial infarction compared with 30 healthy volunteers) and the roles of them as diagnostic and prognostic tools.The diagnosis was attend by a clinical examination carried out by the consult medical staff in Ibn AL-Nafis hospital. The result: ceruloplasmin recorded a significantly(p<0.05)higher level in all patient groups compared with the control, so this result supports the hypothesis that a high serum ceruloplasmin level is a risk factor for coronary heart di

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