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Flood Management of Diyala River
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Diyala Governorate was recently exposed to high flood waves discharged from Hemrin Dam. Since the dam was at its full capacity during the flood period, these waves were discharged to the Diyala River. Because of the reduction in Diyala River capacity to 750m3/s, the cities and villages on both sides of the river banks were inundated. Thus, the study's objective is to design a flood escape out of the Diyala River, to discharge the flood wave through it. The flood escape simulation was done by using HEC- RAS software. Two hundred twenty-three cross sections for the escape and 30 cross-sections of the Diyala River were used as geometric data. Depending on the geological formation that the escape passed through, two roughness coefficients of 0.035 and 0.028 were applied. An outflow downstream Hemrin Dam varies from 1100m3/s to 1800m3/s was applied as boundary condition upstream Diyala River. One dimensional hydraulic model was developed for the escape and the river, the results showed that aside weir could be constructed at the escape entrance with crest level 67m.a.m.s.l. and 800m width, followed by drop structure of four rectangular steps, this case provides safe discharge to Diyala River if flood wave of 1500m3/s released from Hemrin Dam.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimating the reliability function of Kumaraswamy distribution data
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The aim of this study is to estimate the parameters and reliability function for kumaraswamy distribution of this two positive parameter  (a,b > 0), which is a continuous probability that has many characterstics with the beta distribution with extra advantages.

The shape of the function for this distribution and the most important characterstics are explained and estimated the two parameter (a,b) and the reliability function for this distribution by using the maximum likelihood method (MLE) and Bayes methods. simulation experiments are conducts to explain the behaviour of the estimation methods for different sizes depending on the mean squared error criterion the results show that the Bayes is bet

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Pharmaceutical Sciences
Iraqi Experience of Factor VII use in Children
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Bleeding disorders in pediatrics is an important issue and can be lifethreatening if not diagnosed and treated appropriately. We aimed to evaluate Iraqi pediatric practice (as an example of resource-limited settings) about the use of Recombinant Activated Factor VII (RFVIIa) in bleeding disorders, with emphasis on its effectiveness and safety, in comparison with adjuvant therapy. Budget restrictions may affect the availability of even lifesaving drugs such as (RFVIIa). Therefore, we tried to investigate the local experience of pediatric bleeding, with the evaluation of the potential ability of adjuvant therapy of blood products and vitamin K to substitute RFVIIa in case of non-availability. During a complete one year‘s period, 35 patients

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
History Of Medicine
Correlation of Afamin with oxidative stress in GDM
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It is becoming a public health issue to predict which expectant women will develop gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). The goal of this case control research is to investigate the role of maternal oxidative stress levels in the first, second, and third trimesters, as well as other factors, in the development of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Methods Between October and December 2021, 142 women participated in this research. The 101 GDM patients were split into three groups based on their gestation (T1, T2, and T3), and 41 healthy pregnant women were chosen as the comparison group. TAS and TOS levels of oxidative stress and XO were calculated using a Spectrophotometer for colorimetric techniques; fasting and random sugar levels, as

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
Global Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics
Solution of Modified Kuznetsov Model with Mixed Therapy
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In this paper two modifications on Kuznetsov model namely on growth rate law and fractional cell kill term are given. Laplace Adomian decomposition method is used to get the solution (volume of the tumor) as a function of time .Stability analysis is applied. For lung cancer the tumor will continue in growing in spite of the treatment.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Design High Efficient Reflectivity of Distributed Bragg Reflectors
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Bragg Reflectors consist of periodic dielectric layers having an optical path length of quarter wavelength for each layer giving them important properties and makes them suitable for optoelectronics applications. The reflectivity can be increased by increasing the number of layers of the mirror to get the required value. For example for an 8 layers Bragg mirror (two layers for each dielectric pair), the contrast of the refractive index has to be equal to 0.275 for reaching reflectivity > 99%. Doubling the number of layers results in a reflectivity of 99.99%. The high reflectivity is purely caused by multiple-interference effects. It can be analyzed by using different matrix methods such as the transfer matrix method (TMM) which is the

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Formalism in Mortgage Accordance of Amarican Law
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This research deals with the formalities of the mortgage contract according to American law, We have given an overview of the provisions of this law related to the subject, We have also taken into consideration the role of American jurisprudence and the judiciary in finding legal solutions to the aforementioned formality, We have discussed the formality of mortgage in American law in two sections, In the first section we showed the formalism in immovable  mortgage, and the second section specified to studying the formalism in movable mortgage.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
مجلة المفكر الجزائر
Mechanism of Arbitration in the Stock Exchange Disputes
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Mechanism of Arbitration in the Stock Exchange Disputes

Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Isolation and Identification of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus Faecalis
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One hundred thirty - five clinical specimens of urine, blood, teeth root canal and burns were obtained from patients in hospitals of Baghdad. The specimens were cultured on Pfizer Selective Enterococcus agar to purify Enterococci isolates. 20 E. faecalis isolates were identified biochemically by growing in 10Cº, 45Cº, 6.5% NaCl, at pH 9.6 and confirmed by VITEK. Determination of Vancomycin-Resistant E. faecalis isolates were done by the minimum inhibitory concentrations [MICs] using agar dilution method. Seventeen E. faecalis isolates were determined as Vancomycin-Resistant and Intermediate Resistant.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 10 2021
Journal Name
Laplage Em Revista
Alternation of consonants in the Iraqi "Baghdad" dialect
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This article discusses the most beloved and creative dialect of the Arabs - the Iraqi dialect, despite its complexity, but it has a lot of beautiful foreign vocabulary. We followed a descriptive and historical approach, also tracked phonetic changes in this dialect, and then gave phonological explanations for these phenomena, trying to connect most of the phenomena with their historical roots in the standard Arabic "al-Fussha" and in ancient Arabic dialects. Most modern linguists have realized the need to study these dialects, since many of the modern dialect characteristics are only extensions of some ancient Arabic dialects, and do not refer them to the classical language. The study of modern Arabic dialects may be faced with a nu

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Performance Assessment of Pile Embedded in Expansive Soil
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An evaluation for the performance of model pile embedded in expansive soil was investigated. An extensive testing program was planned to achieve the purpose of this research. Therefore, special manufactured system was prepared for studying the behavior of model pile having different length to diameter ratios (L/D). Two types of piles were used in this research, straight shaft and under reamed piles. The effect of model pile type, L/D ratio and number of wetting drying cycles were studied. It is observed that significant reductions in pile movement when under   reamed piles were considered. A proposed design charts was presented for straight shaft and under reamed piles to estimate the length of both types of piles that is requi

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