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Effect of Lime Addition Methods on Performance Related Properties of Asphalt Concrete Mixture

In the recent years, some of the newly constructed asphalt concrete pavements in Baghdad as well as other cities across Iraq showed premature failures with consequential negative impact on both roadway safety and economy. Frequently, load associated mode of failure (rutting and fatigue) as well as, occasionally, moisture damage in some poorly drained sections are the main failure types found in those newly constructed road.

In this research, hydrated lime was introduced into asphalt concrete mixtures of wearing course in two methods. The first one was the addition of dry lime on dry aggregate and the second one was the addition of dry lime on saturated surface dry aggregate moisturized by 2.0 to 3.0 percent of water. For each type of addition, five different percentages of lime as a partial replacement of ordinary limestone mineral filler were used; these were; 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3 percent by weight of aggregate besides a control mixture that did not contain lime. Marshall Mix design method was used and the performance properties of moisture damage, resilient modulus, permanent deformation and fatigue characteristics were evaluated using indirect tensile strength, uniaxial repeated loading and repeated flexural beam tests. Also, VESYS5W software was implemented to evaluate the pavements performance in terms of rut depth and fatigue area for a typical pavement structure. The main conclusion withdrawn from this research revealed that the use of 2.5 percent hydrated lime in dry addition method and wet addition method showed an improved fatigue and permanent deformation characteristics, lower moisture susceptibility and high resilient modulus.


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Publication Date
Sun Mar 09 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of zirconia surface treatments on the shear bond strength of veneering ceramic

Background: The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of surface treatments of zirconia (grinding and sandblast with 50μm, 100 μm) on shear bond strength between zirconia core and veneering ceramic. Material and methods: Twenty-eight presintered Y-TZP ceramic specimens (IPS e.max ZirCAD, Ivoclar vivadent) were fabricated and sintered according to manufacturer’s instructions. The core specimens were divided randomly in to 4 groups, group 1: no surface treatment, group2: zirconia specimens were ground with silicon carbide paper up to1200 grit under water cooling, group3: zirconia specimens were ground and sandblast with 100 μm alumina, group 4: zirconia specimens were ground and sandblast with 50 μm alumina. Surfa

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of dispensing method and curing modes on the microleakage of composite resins

Background: Vibration decreases the viscosity of composite, making it flow and readily fit the walls of the cavity. This study is initiated to see how this improved adaptation of the composite resin to the cavity walls will affect microleakage using different curing modes

Materials and methods: Standard Class V cavities were prepared on the buccal surface of sixty extracted premolars. Teeth were randomly assigned into two groups (n=30) according to the composite condensation (vibration and conventional) technique, then subdivided into three subgroups (n=10) according to light curing modes (LED-Ramp, LED-Fast and Halogen Continuous modes). Cavities were etched and bonded with Single Bond Universal

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of the Number of Gaussian Points and Their Distribution on Image Quality

This  research  involves  studying  the  influence  of  increasing  the

number of Gaussian points and the style of their distribution, on a circular exit pupil, on the numerical calculations accuracy of the point spread function for an ideal optical system and another system having focus error of (0.25 A. and 0.5 A. )

It was shown that the accuracy of the results depends on the type of

distributing points on the exit pupil. Also, the accuracy increases with the increase of the number of points (N) and the increase of aberrations which requires on increas (N).

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Power He-Ne Laser on Growth of Dermatophyte Trichophyton mentagophytes

This study aims to evaluate the effect of low power a semi-conductor He-Ne laser 4 mw power with 635 nm length on the growth and cell viability of dermatophyte Trichophyton mentagophytes. For this study, skin samples of 22 patents were collecting; those patients were suffering from dematophytsis caused by the dermatophytes, three isolates were diagnosed in dermatophytes group were T. mentagophytes.  Results showed that rays of semi-conductor laser with 635 nm wavelength of 4 mn power have affected the fungal growth T. mentagophytes (the ideal isolates) in sold media when exposed to laser radiation in different periods of 10-20 second duration, but the other two isolates gave negative results. The effects of He-Ne laser rays in dry w

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Potassium Sorbate on Microorganism and Self life of Laboratory Biscuit

This study has been conducted to examin the effect of potassium sorbate at different level of 0.03,0.06,0.10% on the number of bacteria and mold and to extend the storage life of laboratory processed biscuit. The results indicated that the use of 0.03% potassium sorbate prolonged the storage peroid until the third month .three types of bacteria has been isolated from processed biscuit, namely, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Esherichia coli using 0.06% potassium sorbate showed no growth of bacteria up to six month of storage ,while using of 0.03% and 0.06% potassium sorbate prevent the growth of mold up to three and six months of storage respectively. Both Aspergillus and Penicillium were isolated from the processed biscuit.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 10 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
The Effect of He:Ne Laser on Viability and Growth Rate of Leishmania Major

An isolate of Leishmania major was grown on the semisolid medium and incubated at 26ºC. The isolate was irradiated by He: Ne laser (632.8 nm, 10 mW) at exposure times (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30) minutes in their respective order. The unirradiated groups represent control group. Growth rate and percentage of viability were examined during six days after irradiation. The change in these two parameters reflects the effect of irradiation on the parasite. The results refers that the general growth effected by irradiation in comparison with un irradiation group, The growth rate of parasite decrease with increasing the exposure time in comparison with control group. Parasite viability decrease with irradiation and the percentage of living cell dec

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Effect of Cigarette and Water Pipe Smoking on Some of Blood Parameter

Current study aimed to investigate the effect of cigarette and water pipe smoking on smoker immunity comparing to non smoker. Twenty blood samples were collected from smoker students and twenty blood samples from non smoker students from Baghdad university in 2014.The results showed that there was increase in W.B.Cs total count in smoker group comparing to non smoker in a significant differences P<0.05. The differential W.B.Cs count results shows that there are increase was neutrophiles and Monocytes while there is decrease in lymphocytes in smoker group comparing to non smokers in a significant differences P<0.05 .Also the results revealed that there is an increase in percentage of phagocytosis to Staphyllociccus aureus bacteria b

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect Of Papaverine On Mechanical Activity in Ileal Smooth Mascle Of Hedgehogs

This is the first time that the mechanical activity of Hedgehog i leal

smooth muscle is a regular spontaneous contraction to be reported. It was  found  that  the different concent1·ations of  papaverine exerted different dcgces of inhibition on ileal smooth muscle. The minimum

effective  dose  was  (0.05)  mM.  Different  concentration  of acetylcholine and KCI caused tonic contraction in this kind of smooth muscle. High concentration of papaverine caused inst<mt relaxation in acetylcholine or Kcl- excited muscle. The inhibitory effect of the drug resul ted from the reduction of the available  free calcium and caused relaxation.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences

The experiment was conducted using Potato( Solanum tuberosum L.) at the eastern Radwaniyah at private field during fall season 2020/2021 and spring 2021 to study the effect of nitrogen levels to 350, 275, 200 kg N h-1 ( N1, N2, N3) and phosphorous to 100, 180, 360 kg P2O5 h-1 ( P1, P2, P3) and potassium to 100, 200, 300 kg K2O h-1 ( K1, K2, K3) to vegetative growth and yield of industrial potato, The seeds of the hybrid potato Sinora, Class A, were planted in the fall season on 15/9/2020 and Elite in the spring season on 31/1/2021. The experimental fertilizers were added in four batches and in proportions according to the stages of plant age, Factorial experiment with RCBD using three replications. The results showed that changing t

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Namibian Studies
The Effect of Investment Risks on the Efficiency of Stock Pricing - Analytical Research

The research aims to know the effect of investment risks measured by the beta coefficient on the efficiency of stock pricing measured by the pricing error. The research was applied in the banks listed in the Iraq market for the period (2017-2020). That affects the value of the shares of the companies listed in it and the risks associated with it, as the risks are a dynamic process that changes over time depending on the variables that affect the general development of the economy, so these fluctuations should be taken into account to achieve maximizing returns and reducing risks and what is reflected in stock prices in the Iraqi markets Securities, through which the following question was asked: How does investment risk affect the efficienc

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