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Demulsification of Water in Iraqi Crude Oil Emulsion

Formation of emulsions during oil production is a costly problem, and decreased water content in emulsions leads to increases productivity and reduces the potential for pipeline corrosion and equipment used. The chemical demulsification process of crude oil emulsions is one of the methods used for reducing water content. The demulsifier presence causes the film layer between water droplets and the crude oil emulsion that to become unstable, leading to the accelerated of water coalescence. This research was performed to study the performance of a chemical demulsifier Chimec2439 (commercial) a blend of non-ionic oil-soluble surfactants. The crude oils used in these experiments were Basrah and Kirkuk Iraqi crude oil. These experimental work were done using different water to oil ratio. The study investigated the factors that have a role in demulsification processes such as the concentration of demulsifier, water content, salinity, pH, and asphaltene content. The results showed in measuring the droplet size distribution, in Basrah crude oil, that the average water droplet size was between (5.5–7.5) μm in the water content 25% while was between (3.3-4) μm in the water content 7%. The average water droplet size depends on the water content, and droplet size reduced when the water content of emulsion was less than 25%. In Kirkuk crude oil, in water content of 7%, it was between (4.5-6) μm, while in 20%, it was between (4-8) μm, and in 25% it was between (5-8.8) μm. It was found that the rate of separation increases with increasing concentration of demulsifier. For Basrah crude oil at 400ppm the separation was 83%, and for Kirkuk, crude oil was 88%. The separation of water efficiency was increased with increased water content and salt content. In Basrah crude oil, the separation rate was 84% at a dose of salt of 3% (30000) ppm and at zero% of salt, the separation was70.7%. In Kirkuk crude oil, the separation rate was equal 86.2% at a dose of salt equal 3% (30000) ppm, and at zero% of salt, the separation 80%.


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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Energy Conversion And Management
Improved PCM melting in a thermal energy storage system of double-pipe helical-coil tube

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
International Medical Journal Vol. 28, Supplement No. 1, Pp. 46 - 48 , June 2021
Association of enamel defects with nutritional status among primary schools students in Al-Najaf city

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The Institution Of Civil Engineers - Structures And Buildings
Effect of soil saturation on load transfer in a pile excited by pure vertical vibration

A comparison between the resistance capacity of a single pile excited by two opposite rotary machines embedded in dry and saturated sandy soil was considered experimentally. A small-scale physical model was manufactured to accomplish the experimental work in the laboratory. The physical model consists of: two small motors supplied with eccentric mass 0·012 kg and eccentric distance 20 mm representing the two opposite rotary machines, an aluminum shaft with 20 mm in diameter as the pile, and a steel plate with dimensions of (160 × 160 × 20 mm) as a pile cap. The experimental work was achieved taking the following parameters into consideration, pile embedment depth ratio (L/d; length to diameter) and operating freq

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Gastroprotective and Immuno-supportive Role of Alcea kurdica against Stress Induced Lesion in Japanese Quails

      The conducted research was done in Grda rasha field (Salahaddin University) for one month to compare the impacts of Alcea kurdica powder, Rifaxmine, and Ranitidine as anti-lesion and immune-strengthening agents on stress-induced quails which are affecting their growth rate and in severe cases causing gizzard erosion and deep intestinal lesions. To do that, 75 quails (12 weeks old) were grouped into six treatments with different additives. (T0-) = Negative control (Stress-induced Without treatment), (T0+) = Positive control (No stress inducing or treatment). T1= (treated with Rifaximine 200mg/L water mixed), T2= (treated with Ranitidine 200mg/L), T3= (treated with A.kurdica extract 100mg/L). The tested groups,

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Practice Periodical On Structural Design And Construction
Hazards and Risk in Construction and the Impact of Incentives and Rewards on Safety Outcomes

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 08 2021
Journal Name
Public Works Management & Policy
Causes of Problems in Post-Disaster Emergency Re-Construction Projects—Iraq as a Case Study

This study examines the causes of time delays and cost overruns in a selection of thirty post-disaster reconstruction projects in Iraq. Although delay factors have been studied in many countries and contexts, little data exists from countries under the conditions characterizing Iraq during the last 10-15 years. A case study approach was used, with thirty construction projects of different types and sizes selected from the Baghdad region. Project data was gathered from a survey which was used to build statistical relationships between time and cost delay ratios and delay factors in post disaster projects. The most important delay factors identified were contractor failure, redesigning of designs/plans and change orders, security is

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of different bracket types on streptococcus mutans count in orthodontic patients using fluoridated toothpaste

Background: Plaque retention during fixed orthodontic therapy is an important cause of developing enamel demineralization. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of different brackets types on the count of Streptococcus Mutans in orthodontic patients using conventional fluoridated toothpaste. Materials and Methods: Plaque samples were collected from maxillary 1st premolar teeth of twenty right handed patients (using split mouth technique) before bonding, after 48 hrs of bonding using tooth brush only, and after 2 weeks of using fluoridated toothpaste. Stainless steel bracket was bonded on right first premolar while the left one was bonded with sapphire bracket. The calculation of the Streptococcus Mutans count was done usin

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Solar Energy
A new approach for employing multiple PCMs in the passive thermal management of photovoltaic modules

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 27 2020
Journal Name
European Journal Of Ophthalmology
Comparison of corneal epithelial thickness profile in dry eye patients, keratoconus suspect, and healthy eyes

To compare the corneal epithelial thickness profile in patients with dry eyes and keratoconus suspect with normal healthy eyes.


The study involved 120 eyes with an age range from 19 to 30 years. Forty eyes had normal corneal topography and no dry eyes. Forty eyes had dry eyes but had normal corneal topography. The last 40 eyes were keratoconus suspect and had no symptoms or signs of dry eyes.


Central epithelial thickness was not different statistically for all eyes. ( p-value: 0.1). The superior epithelial thickness was 53.5 µm ±3.1 in the control

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 22 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Pharmaceutical Sciences
Cloud point extraction method for the sensitive determination of metoclopramide hydrochloride in pharmaceutical dosage forms

In this work, a simple and very sensitive cloud point extraction (CPE) process was developed for the determination of trace amount of metoclopramide hydrochloride (MTH) in pharmaceutical dosage forms. The method is based on the extraction of the azo-dye results from the coupling reaction of diazotized MTH with p-coumaric acid (p-CA) using nonionic surfactant (Triton X114). The extracted azo-dye in the surfactant rich phase was dissolved in ethanol and detected spectrophotometrically at λmax 480 nm. The reaction was studied using both batch and CPE methods (with and without extraction) and a simple comparison between the two methods was performed. The conditions that may be affected by the extraction process and the sensitivity of m

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