The species Bostrichus capucinus (L.) (Coleoptera:Bostrichidae) was reported as a new record for Iraq. Diagnostic characters and some information are given .
External Morphological study of species Saprinus discoidalis of subfamily saprininae from family Histeridae of the order coleopteran. The specements of the present study were collected from Salahdin Governor-ate (Beigi &Balad) and Governorate during May 2012. The present study included detailed description of most body parts (Head, Thorax, Abdomen and their appendages) identification and recognition of species study male genitalia. The species Saprinus discoidalis LeConte is a new record to Iraqi fauna of Coleoptera.
The Old World Screwworm Fly Chrysomya bezziana is a new insect pest on cattles and other domestic recor¬ded for the first from Iraq. It was first observed in cow's vagina in September of 1996 in Shaikh Hammed (Tarmiya), near Baghdad city. Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve is well known as one of the most important insect pests of livestock. Its larvae infest living tissues by causing myiasis. In a wide range of worm-blooded host species (Spradbery and Vanningham, 1980; Spradbery and Kirk. 1992). It is widely dist¬ributed species over an extensive area of tropical and subtropical Africa, the Arabian Gulf countries, Iran. Indian subcontinent. South-East Asia. Indonesia, and as far east as Papua New Guinea (Zurapt, 1965; Djalayer et al. 1978;
... Show MoreThis study presented the first recorded of the banded garden spider Argiope trifasciata and described for the first time in Baghdad city, Iraq. The specimens were collected from Al-Rashidiya sub-district north of Baghdad city on 26/ November/ 2021 (7:00 am- 6:00 pm) from fruit gardens (orange and apricot trees) and agriculture lands (palm trees, crops of wheat and vegetables). The spider "Argiope trifasciata" species is a member of the orb-weaving spider genus. It belongs to the Araniedae family, widespread worldwide, and has four pairs of long legs covered with spines and eight eyes arranged in two rows. The females of Argiope trifasciata spiders are yellow and covered with silvery and shiny hairs on the
... Show MoreABSTRACT Two females of the red-back spider, Latrodectus scelio Thorell, 1870 were first recorded in Iraq, short description with figure was provided
The aim of this study is to highlight this species of gastropoda Cochlicellabarbara( Linnaeus, 1758), which is recorded for the first time in Iraq, which is an exotic animal in this country. It is a terrestrial Molluscan, the study for three months (February, March and April) 2017. In garden houses in Baghdad Al-Karkh, we studied the development stages from the egg to the adult, they lay a hundred of eggs in about (15-20) eggs in each gelatinous sac, the shell with 7 whorls and about 10 mm in length.
Parasitological investigation of piscivorous birds in Al-Hammar marsh south of Iraq during December-February 2004 and December 2005 were revealed that water birds infected with five nematode species, which belong to three different superfamilies, Desmidocercella numidica (Seurat, 1920) (Superfamily: Aproctoidea) from three piscivorous birds including Grey heron Ardea cinerea, Bittern Botaurusstellaris, and small white heron Ardeola ralloides; Avioserpens sp. 1 and Avioserpens sp. 2 (Superfamily: Dracunculoidea) from small bittern Ixobrychus minutus and black glossy ibis Plegadisfalcinellus respectively; Baruscapillaria sp. and Baruscapillarinae gen. sp. (Sup
... Show MoreThe current study presents the cellar spiders genus Nita Huber & El-Hennawy, 2007 (Araneae, Pholcidae) as the first record for Iraq spider fauna, this genus represented by the species Nita elsaff Huber & El-Hennawy, 2007 were identified based on morphological characteristics and DNA sequence data. A short morphological description is also presented for cellar spiders listed in Iraq; including this species in addition to Artema Atlanta Walckenaer, 1837.
The current study aimed to determine the morphometric and meristic characteristics of the North African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822). Six specimens of C. gariepinus were collected from the Tigris River, in central Iraq. This study is considered the confirmation first record of this species in Iraq, and the second documentation of this exotic fish. The present species is characterized by a very long dorsal fin, a rounded caudal fin and four pairs of barbels.
During a survey on the helminthic parasites of three species of turtles in the north part of Iraq, five species of nematodes were recorded for the first time in Iraq. They were all found in the intestine. These are, Camallanus microcephalus (Dujardin, 1845) recorvered from the turtle Clemmys caspica; Spironoura japonensis (Yamaguti, 1935) from Triopyx eup¬hraticus and Angusticaecum holopterum (Rudolphi, 1819), and Tachygonetria nicollei (Seurat, 1918) from the turtle Testudo graeca. All of the localities and hosts are newly recorded in Iraq.
The nigra scale, Parasaissetia nigra (Nietner, 1861) (Hemiptera, Coccidae) recorded as a new insect pest attacking fig trees, Ficus carica (Moraceae) in Iraq. It was observed during April 2014 in residential garden at Al-Hurriyah district in Baghdad.