The nigra scale, Parasaissetia nigra (Nietner, 1861) (Hemiptera, Coccidae) recorded as a new insect pest attacking fig trees, Ficus carica (Moraceae) in Iraq. It was observed during April 2014 in residential garden at Al-Hurriyah district in Baghdad.
An investigation was provided in this work for the host range of brown soft scale Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus in Baghdad Province. Five plant species were found infected by this insect, three of these species, Citrusaurantium L. (Rutaceae); Nerium oleander L. (Apocynaceae); Ficuscarica L. (Moraceae) reported earlier, and the remaining two, Dahlia pinnata Cav. (Asteraceae) and Myrtuscommunis L. (Myrtaceae) are recordedhere for the first time as host plants for this pest.
The ground pearls, Porphyrophora tritici (Bod.) is a new insect pest on wheat recorded for
the first time from Mousl Province, North of Iraq.
This article reports the first record of Aenasius arizonensis (Girault, 1915) (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) parasitizing the recently introduced species of cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsly (Hemiptera, Psedococcidae) infesting Lantana camara L. (Verbeneceae) as well as other ornamental plants in Baghdad province, Iraq. A short morphological description is also presented.
Here we report for the first time the presence of Apoleptomastix bicoloricornis (Girault, 1915) (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae), as parasitoid of the rice mealybug, Brevennia rehi (Lindinger, 1943) (Hemiptera, Psedococcidae) in Iraq. Brief notes are provided in distinguishing the parasitoid from other closely allied species.
Cosmochthonius reticulatus Grandjean, 1947 (Acari: Oribatei: Cosmochthoniidae) and Rhysotritia ardua ardua C. L. Koch, 1841 ( Acari : Oribate : Euphthiracari¬dae), are two species of oribatids mites first recorded in Iraq from a woodland in the central part of Iraq. The two species are described and illustrated.
The species Bostrichus capucinus (L.) (Coleoptera:Bostrichidae) was reported as a new record for Iraq. Diagnostic characters and some information are given .
The experiment was carried out the study of effect of seed peels of Nigella sativa and Brassica nigra by 5, 10 mg/ kg soil that added them to soil alone and 5, 10 mg/kg soil together on the growth of Cicer arietinum plants. The results showed the increased significantly germination accelerator, plant height, leaves number, branches number, flowers number, legumes number, seed dry mater, carbohydrate and protein percentage in seeds.
This study aimed to test the effect of using different concentrations of three different plants extracts to inhibit the growth of gram negative and gram positive bacteria by two technics. Eucalyptus camaldulensis bark, Glycyrrhiza glabra rhizomes and Morus nigra leaves ethanolic extract at (0,20,30,40 and 50 mg/ml) were used. The antimicrobial activity and the biofilm inhibition assay used with these extracts showed positive effect in inhibiting the growth of bacteria. E.amaldulensis extract showed the higher effect than G. glabra and M.nigra extracts in antimicrobial activity assay, while the effect of E. camaldulensis extract in biofilm inhibition assay was higher than G. glabra that was higher than M. nigra extracts for both gram nega
... Show MoreThis study is the first and new record to the spider Scytodes univittata Simon, 1882 (Araneae:Scytodidae)in Baghdad /Iraq , the spiders Scytodes univittata were collect from province Baghdad in Iraq , genus Scytodes belong to the family Scytodidae it is one of the most family are wide distribution around the world have 6 eyes and are slow moving , the genus Scytodes are known from the names spitting spiders ,.Female Scytodes univittata can be characteristic by :large round cephalothorax length:4.45 mm , abdomen length 3.50, total body length 7.95 mm and V-shaped of fovea, scutela triangle and large with long thin legs femur I have two row of spines then spineless are in IV femur , coloration is yello
... Show MoreLaboratory studies were carried out to investigate the differences between uninfested and infested bitter orange