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The flat-headed borer, Capnodis tenebrionis  (Linnaeus, 1760) , dispersed extensively in various geographical regions; it is extremely harmful and a dire threat to most stone fruit cultivars, and once the larva enters under the host tree crown, the infested host tree will gradually dry and eventually die. In this study, specimens were collected from several sites in Erbil province, Kurdistan Region- Iraq; then the fully grown larvae were selected for morphological study. In addition, clarification of morphological consequential and implication for most diagnostic characters were studied in all dissected parts. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to further analyze the hidden features of the selected characteristics; those were not shown in the primary mounting. The results impressively presented new conclusive evidence for the descriptive illustration of C. tenebrionis, and it confirmed a precise identification of this species in the larval stage.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 04 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Text Compression & Encryption Method Based on RNA and MTF
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The sending of information at the present time requires the speed and providing protection for it. So compression of the data is used in order to provide speed and encryption is used in order to provide protection. In this paper a proposed method is presented in order to provide compression and security for the secret information before sending it. The proposed method based on especial keys with MTF transform method to provide compression and based on RNA coding with MTF encoding method to provide security. The proposed method based on multi secret keys. Every key is designed in an especial way. The main reason in designing these keys in special way is to protect these keys from the predication of the unauthorized users.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Gallium Selective PVC Membrane Electrodes Based on Crown Ethers
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Gallium  selective  e lectrodes   based  on  12-crown-4  (12C4)  and benzo-15-crown-5   (B15C5)  and  plasticizers   dioctyl  phenyl phosphonate   (DOPP),   dibutyl  phosphate  (DBP),  dibutyl  phthalate (DBPH)  in  PVC  matrix  membranes  are  constructed.  Specific properties  of  the electrodes  are  studied  including  calibration  curve, slope  detection limit, concentration  


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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Developing a lightweight cryptographic algorithm based on DNA computing
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This work aims to develop a secure lightweight cipher algorithm for constrained devices. A secure communication among constrained devices is a critical issue during the data transmission from the client to the server devices. Lightweight cipher algorithms are defined as a secure solution for constrained devices that require low computational functions and small memory. In contrast, most lightweight algorithms suffer from the trade-off between complexity and speed in order to produce robust cipher algorithm. The PRESENT cipher has been successfully experimented on as a lightweight cryptography algorithm, which transcends other ciphers in terms of its computational processing that required low complexity operations. The mathematical model of

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Ieee Access
A New Separable Moments Based on Tchebichef-Krawtchouk Polynomials
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Laboratory Investigation on Roller Compaction Technique in Concrete Construction
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Roller compacted concrete (RCC) is a concrete compacted by roller compaction. The concrete mixture in its unhardened state must support a roller while being compacted. The aim of this research work was to investigate the behavior and properties of roller compacted concrete when constructed in the laboratory using roller compactor manufactured in local market to simulate the field conditions. The roller compaction was conducts in three stages; each stage has different loading and number of passes of the roller. For the first stage, a load of (24) kg and (5) passes in each direction had been employed. For the second stage, a load of (104) kg and (10) passes in each direction were conducted. Finally, at the third stage, a load of (183) kg a

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Pairwise Semi-p-separation Axioms in Bitopological Spaces
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In this paper, we define a new type of pairwise separation axioms called pairwise semi-p- separation axioms in bitopological spaces, also we study some properties of these spaces and relationships of each one with the ordinary separation axioms in the bitopological spaces.


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Publication Date
Mon Jan 10 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Iris Outer Boundary Localization Based on Leading Edge Technique
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In recent years, the iris biometric occupies a wide interesting when talking about
biometric based systems, because it is one of the most accurate biometrics to prove
users identities, thus it is providing high security for concerned systems. This
research article is showing up an efficient method to detect the outer boundary of
the iris, using a new form of leading edge detection technique. This technique is
very useful to isolate two regions that have convergent intensity levels in gray scale
images, which represents the main issue of iris isolation, because it is difficult to
find the border that can separate between the lighter gray background (sclera) and
light gray foreground (iris texture). The proposed met

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Merge Operation Effect On Image Compression Using Fractal Technique
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Fractal image compression gives some desirable properties like fast decoding image, and very good rate-distortion curves, but suffers from a high encoding time. In fractal image compression a partitioning of the image into ranges is required. In this work, we introduced good partitioning process by means of merge approach, since some ranges are connected to the others. This paper presents a method to reduce the encoding time of this technique by reducing the number of range blocks based on the computing the statistical measures between them . Experimental results on standard images show that the proposed method yields minimize (decrease) the encoding time and remain the quality results passable visually.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Oxidative stress status in hypertensive patients on amlodipine treatment
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Background: Oxidative stress may contribute to the etiology of hypertension in humans. Oxidative stress is an imbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidant defense mechanisms, causing damage to biological macromolecules and dysregulation of normal metabolism and physiology. Amlodipine as an antihypertensive agent is a long-acting calcium channel blocker that dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow. The aim of this study was to assess the oxidative stress in hypertensive patients on Amlodipine treatment through the assessment of salivary Malondialdehyde (MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) as a marker of oxidative stress.


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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Image Watermarking Based on IWT and Parity Bit Checking
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     Various document types play an influential role in a lot of our lives activities today; hence preserving their integrity is an important matter. Such documents have various forms, including texts, videos, sounds, and images.  The latter types' authentication will be our concern here in this paper. Images can be handled spatially by doing the proper modification directly on their pixel values or spectrally through conducting some adjustments to some of the addressed coefficients. Due to spectral (frequency) domain flexibility in handling data, the domain coefficients are utilized for the watermark embedding purpose. The integer wavelet transform (IWT), which is a wavelet transform based on the lifting scheme,

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