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The present work initiated to eaIuate the efficiency of Al-Rustamivah sewage treatment plant
as reflected by the quality of final effluent that is thrown to Di ala river. Weekly samples of
wastewater and final effluent were collected between November 1994 and end of January
1995 and analyzed for different chemical and biological features. Results ha e inidicated that
Al-Rustamiyah sewage treatment plant could not be able efficiently to purify the raw sewage.
The mean values of suspended solids. BOD. COD Dichromate and Oil & grease effluents
were felt to pass standard limits (98.4. 92.8. 125.2 and 39.1 ppm. respectiel). The atherse
possible effects of pollution on Diuala equatic life hae been also discussed in respect to final
effluent quality.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Wild Plant Species Grown in Wadi Al – Tib Region North East of Al – Ammara, Iraq, as Indicators of Heavy Metals Accumulation

The current study included, studying the ability of eight genera of plants belong to Brassicaceae family, Brassica tournifortii, Cakile Arabica, Capsella bursa – pastoris,Carrichtera annua, Diplotaxis acris, Diplotaxis haru , Eruca sativa and Erucaria hispanica to accumulate ten heavy metals Cadmium, Chromium , Copper, Mercury, Manganese ,Nickel ,Lead ,and Zinc . Plant leaves samples were collected from Al-Tib area during spring of 2021.The data demonstrated that, the highest conc. of Cd was 2.7 mg/kg in Diplotaxis acris leaves and lower value was 0.3 mg/kg in Cakile Arabica leaves. For Co, the highest conc.was 1.3 mg/kg in Capsella bursa – pastoris leaves, whereas the lower value was 0.5 mg/kg in Cakile arabica leaves. As for Cr ele

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Aug 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Impact of Ascending Levels of Crude Oil Pollution on Growth of Olive ( Olea europaea Linn) Seedlings

A study on the impact of ascending levels of crude oil on the growth of transplanted seedlings ( March2005 ) of Olive (Olea europaea Linn) was carried out at the experimental area of Iraq Natural History Museum and Research centre / Baghdad University (Bab-Al-Madham –Baghdad)  grown under field condition  and continued till April 2008.The experiment was laid out in complete randomized design ( CRD ) with five levels of pollution (0.0 , 0.5 , 1.0 , 2.0 and 3.0 liter / seedling ) poured at the soil surface , each seedling represented one replicate and was replicated four times . Data collected from the experiment were visual symptoms , percents of seedlings death, plant height and total  dry weight  of harvested

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 14 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Study The Effect of α-amylase Inhibitors Isolated from Plant Sources on Some Mold.: Study The Effect of α-amylase Inhibitors Isolated from Plant Sources on Some Mold.

Activity test of the inhibitors purified from barley and broad beans crop proved the inhibition activity against 6 types of rots Pencillium ssp and Aspergellusflavus and Aspergillus niger and Fusarium solani and Fusarium semitectum and Mucor with three concentrations 0.1 and 0.2 and 0.3 mg/ml, where the inhibitor purified from the second peak of broad beans proved that it had a higher inhibition activity against the growth of test rots which were 53.75 and 62.5 and 78.5 and 76.25 and 84 and 18.8% respectively, at 0.3 mg/ ml followed by the first peak of the inhibitor purified from broad beans the inhibition activity were 43.75 and 50 and 62.96 and 75 and 80 and 12.5 then the inhibitor purified from barley in which the inhibition activity

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Evaluation of Raw and Drinking Water for Diyala Governorate (2017)

The study examined the assessment of raw water and drinking water projects of  Diyala Governorate for the year 2017, amounting to (24) projects, The average per capita supply of potable water (0.396 m3 / day/person), which is less than the global standard for the average per capita of drinking water, and constitute water rumors within the network of water transport in the province (3%), and the water of raw and drinking value within the limits allowed to be used by Iraq and the global indicators of {Total acidity, alkaline, acidic function, chlorides, magnesium, Electrical conductivity, total soluble salts, sodium, potassium, sulfates, turbidity other than (raw water)}. While the index of calcium only a value higher than the limits

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of Carbon Nanoparticles on the Performance Efficiency of a Solar Water Heater

Carbon nanoparticles are prepared by sonication using carbon black powder. The surface morphology of carbon black (CB) and carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) is investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The particles size ranges from 100 nm to 400 nm for CB and from 10 nm to 100 nm for CNPs. CNPs and CB are mixed with silicon glue of different ratios of 0.025, 0.2, 0.05, and 0.1 to synthesis films. The optical properties of the prepared films are investigated through reflectance and absorbance analyses. The ratio of 0.05 for CNPs and CB is the best for solar paint because of its higher solar water heater efficiency and is then added to the silicon glue . Temperature of cold water and temperature of hot water in storage tank were ta

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analyzing impact of competitive dimensions on the efficiency of e-learning: دراسه استطلاعيه

The aim of this research is to diagnose the impact of competitive dimensions represented by quality, cost, time, flexibility on the efficiency of e-learning, The research adopted the descriptive analytical method by identifying the impact of these dimensions on the efficiency of e-learning, as well as the use of the statistical method for the purpose of eliciting results. The research concluded that there is an impact of the competitive dimensions on the efficiency of e-learning, as it has been proven that the special models for each of the research hypotheses are statistically significant and at a level of significance of 5%, and that each of these dimensions has a positive impact on the dependent variable, and the research recommended

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Impact of Hindiya Dam on Rotifera Community of Euphrates River on the Northern of Babil Governorate, Iraq

     This study was the first of its kind on the Hindiya Dam, which is considered one of the important dams in Euphrates River. Five sites were chosen on the north of Babil Governorate in   order to know the rotifers biodiversity features and the impact of the Hindiya Dam on it's during the 2019. Site2(S2) was located near the dam to reflect the rotifers diversity of this site, whereas , S1 was located at the upstream of the dam as a control site, and  S3, S4 and S5 were located down the dam.  Rotifers  showed higher density average at Hindiya Dam site compared with sites downstream the dam which was 9164 Ind./m3, whereas density average at the site downstream the dam

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Scopus (6)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Study of The Effect of Concentration on The Efficiency of The Sensitive N749-TiO2 Solar Cell

In this research, we studied the effect of concentration carriers on the efficiency of the N749-TiO2 heterogeneous solar cell based on quantum electron transfer theory using a donor-acceptor scenario. The photoelectric properties of the N749-TiO2 interfaces in dye sensitized solar cells DSSCs are calculated using the J-V curves. For the 〖(CH_3)〗_3 COH solvent, the N749-TiO2 heterogeneous solar cell shows that the concentration carrier together with the strength coupling are the main factors affecting the current density, fill factor and efficiency. The current density and current increase as the concentration increases and the strength coupling increases as the N749-TiO2 heterogeneous in solar cell. However, the efficiency is more sens

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Performance Evaluation of the Organic Matter Removal Efficiency in Wastewater Treatment Plants; Case study Al- Diwaniyah WWTP in Iraq

This study aims to assess the removal efficiency andestablish the BOD5 and COD statisticalcorrelation of the sewage flowing in Al-Diwaniyah wastewater treatment plant in Iraq during the study period (2005-2016). The strength of the influent wastewater entering the plant varied from medium to high in strength. High concentrations of BOD5 and COD in the effluent were obtained due to the poor performance of the plant. This was observed from the BOD5 /COD ratios that did not confirm with the typical ratios for the treated sewage. To improve the performance of this plant, regression equations for BOD5 and COD removal percentages were suggested which can be used to facilitate evaluation of liquid waste and optimal control process. The equations

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The jurisprudential aspects of Imam Abu al-Fayyadh al-Basri And its impact on the Shafi’i school of thought, on the rulings of worship


Summary of the jurisprudence research

  Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Master of the Messengers, our master Muhammad, and upon his pure family, and his ignorant and ignorant companions, and those who followed them in goodness until the Day of Judgment.


 The many jurisprudential aspects that the Shafi’i imams said are of great importance, because these aspects are nothing but the opinions of venerable jurists who have reached a high degree of knowledge until they have become among the owners of faces. And among them are the Shafi’i jurists, the jurists may differ among themselves, either because there is no text about their imam in a

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