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Preparation Gelatin from Chicken Skin and Study its Functional and sensory Properties.: Preparation Gelatin from Chicken Skin and Study its Functional and sensory Properties.

This study was carrid out to produce animal gelatin from chicken skin. Gelatin was prepared by the chemical method using HCl 2% and extraction at the temperature degree 70, 80, 90 c° and at the period of time 4, 6, 8 hours, calculated the yield, functional and sensory characteristics were measured at. The result also demonstrated that the produced gelatin have good functional properties in solubility, viscosity, gelling capacity, water absorpation, lipid binding, emulsification. viscosity was higher in gelatin prepared at 70 c° and period of extraction 8 hours and reached 1.0846 cp. Gelatin prepared were featured by highe gelling capacity at 1% for all extraction time periods. The produced gelatin was characterized by good sensory qualities color and odor, showed that the color of gelatin prepared at 70 c° was graded (transparent yellowish to light yellow) while the color (lighte yellow, yellow, dark yellow and light brown) were extgracted at temperature degree 80 – 90 c°. The gelatin were featured by being odorless at all temperatures, period of extraction.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Study the effect of Ultraviolet radiation on the optical properties of pure PC and anthracene doping PC films

The aim of the present research is concerned with study the effect of UV radiation on the optical properties at wavelengths 254, 365 nm of pure PC and anthracene doping PC films prepared using the cast method for different doping ratio 10-60 mL. Films of pure PC and anthracene doping PC were aged under UV radiation for periods of up to 360 h. It found that the effect of UV radiation at wavelength 254 nm on the optical properties is great than the effect of UV radiation at wavelength 365 nm. Also, it found that the optical energy gap of pure PC and anthracene doping PC films is stable against radiation.

Scopus (5)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study The Influence of Doping Electric and Magnetic Nanoparticles on The Nonlinear Optical Properties of Nematic Liquid Crystals

The nonlinear optical properties response of nematic liquid crystal (6CHBT) and the impact of doping with two kinds of nanoparticles; Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles and SbSI ferroelectric nanoparticles have been studied using the non-linear dynamic method through z-scan measurement technique. This was achieved utilizing CW He-Ne laser. The pure LC and magnetic LC nanoparticle composite samples had a maximum absorption while the ferroelectric LC nanoparticle composite had a minimum absorption of the incident light. The nonlinear refractive index was positive for the pure LC and the rod-like ferronematic LC composite samples, while it was negative for the ferroelectric LC composite. The studying of the nonlinear optical

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Feb 24 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the effect of gamma radiation on the some properties of glass and glass-ceramic immobilize nuclear waste

Vitrifications process one of the important methods to immobilize nuclear waste.  In this research nuclear waste (Strontium Oxides) with molecular weight (5%) was immobilized by vitrification methods in two types of borosilicate glass (c-type) which are glass and glass-ceramics. To investigate the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of glass and glass-ceramic after immobilize nuclear waste these samples irradiated by gamma ray radiation. Co-60 was used as gamma a irradiation with dose rate 0.38 kGy/hr for different period of time. It’s found that gamma radiation affected the glass and glass-ceramic properties. From phase analysis by the x-ray diffraction for glass-ceramic samples proved that at doses 343kGy change the cry

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the improvement of thermo - mechanical properties for polyester adhesive by using different fibers (glass, kevelar, and carbon).

The   mechanical    properties   of   fiber-reinforced-polymer   (FRP)

composites are dependent on the type amount, and orientation of fiber that is selected for a particular service. There are many commercially available reinforcement forms to meet the design requirements of the user. The ability of failure in the fiber architecture allows for optimized performance of a product that saves both weight and cost ( 12).

A modem technology is adopted to produce fibers (glass, kevelar,

and carbon) reinforced composite by using unsaturated polyester, where different volume fraction  of these fibers are used  (0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8,  I)


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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the effective of annealing on the structural and sensitivity properties for SnO2 thin films to CO2 Gas

In this research thin films from SnO2 semiconductor have been prepared by using chemical pyrolysis spray method from solution SnCl2.2H2O at 0.125M concentration on glass at substrate temperature (723K ).Annealing was preformed for prepared thin film at (823K) temperature. The structural and sensing properties of SnO2 thin films for CO2 gas was studied before and after annealing ,as well as we studied the effect temperature annealing on grain size for prepared thin films .

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 29 2024
Journal Name
Experimental Study to Investigate the Performance-Related Properties of Modified Asphalt Concrete Using Nanomaterials Al2O3, SiO2, and TiO2

The dual nature of asphalt binder necessitates improvements to mitigate rutting and fatigue since it performs as an elastic material under the regime of rapid loading or cold temperatures and as a viscous fluid at elevated temperatures. The present investigation assesses the effectiveness of Nano Alumina (NA), Nano Silica (NS), and Nano Titanium Dioxide (NT) at weight percentages of 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8% in asphalt cement to enhance both asphalt binder and mixture performance. Binder evaluations include tests for consistency, thermal susceptibility, aging, and workability, while mixture assessments focus on Marshall properties, moisture susceptibility, resilient modulus, permanent deformation, and fatigue characteristics. NS notably im

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Comparative Study on Haematological and some Biochemical Parameters of Rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus and Partridge, Francolinus francolinus from Iraqi Environment

The present study aimed to establish reference normal ranges of haematological and biochemical parameters of two vertebrates (rabbits and partridges). Twenty animals (10 rabbits, 10 partridges) were used in this study. Blood samples, collected from heart of rabbits, as well from the right jugular vein of partridge, and delivered to the laboratory. Some biochemical parameters (potassium, sodium, and uric acid) have been investigated, in addition blood samples were tested for: white blood cells (WBC), red blood cells (RBC), haemoglobin (HB), haematocrit (HCT), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean concentration of hemoglobin in the corpuscular volume (MCHC), mean corpuscular volume (MCV).
Results indicate that haematological and bioch

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A comparative Isothermal and Kinetic Study of the Adsorption of Lead (II) from Solution by Activated Carbon and Bentonite

This work is aiming to study and compare the removal of lead (II) from simulated wastewater by activated carbon and bentonite as adsorbents with particle size of 0.32-0.5 mm. A mathematical model was applied to describe the mass transfer kinetic.

The batch experiments were carried out to determine the adsorption isotherm constants for each adsorbent, and five isotherm models were tested to choose the best fit model for the experimental data. The pore, surface diffusion coefficients and mass transfer coefficient were found by fitting the experimental data to a theoretical model. Partial differential equations were used to describe the adsorption in the bulk and solid phases. These equations were simplified and the

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review And Research
A study on some variables affecting the preparation of ethyl cellulose based floating microspheres of lafutidine

Lafutidine (LAF) a newly developed histamine H2-receptor antagonist with absorption window makes it a good candidate to be prepared as floating drug delivery system. The current study involves formulation and in- Vitro evaluation of lafutidine as floating microspheres. Different formulation variables that affect the physicochemical properties of the prepared microspheres besides to the drug release behavior were investigated. Fourteen formulas were prepared by emulsion (o/w) solvent evaporation method using Ethyl cellulose (EC) as the polymeric matrix and tween 80 (TW80) as an emulsifying agent. The prepared formulas were evaluated for their percentage buoyancy (%), Percentage yield (%) and Entrapment efficiency (EE %). The results obt

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 11 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The initiative of the Central Bank of Iraq and its impact on some banking activities provided by specialized banks

Specialized banks provide their banking activities to their customers at interest rates that are determined according to the approved bank policy, which is almost similar to most or most banks. To satisfy the financial desires of customers and at the same time it is a source of the bank's profits, However, these banks have been introduced to new services that they provide with the funds of the Central Bank initiative launched at the beginning of (2016) to address the economic stagnation that befell the country due to the (financial security) crisis that the country faced in 2014. To put forward initiatives amounting to nearly (15) trillion dinars, which were put forward through private commercial and Islamic banks and specialized

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