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Two molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) membranes for Levofloxacin (LEV) were prepared based on PVC matrix. The imprinted polymers were prepared by polymerization of styrene (STY) as monomer, N,N methylene di acrylamide as a cross linker ,benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as an initiator and levofloxacin as a template. Di methyl adepate (DMA) and acetophenone (AOPH) were used as plasticizers , the molecular imprinted membranes and the non molecular imprinted membranes were prepared.  The slopes and detection limits of the liquid electrodes ranged from -21.96 – -19.38 mV/decade and 2×10-4M- 4×10-4M, and Its response time was around 1 minute, respectively. The liquid  electrodes were packed with 0.1 M standard drug solution and its response were stable at pH ranges from 1.0 to 11.0 and with good selectivity for more than several type. The electrodes produced have been successfully applied in preparation of the pharmaceutical sample for the determination of the analyte without any time consuming pretreatment steps.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Network Performance Analysis Based on Network Simulator NS-2.
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     NS-2 is a tool to simulate networks and events that occur per packet sequentially based on time and are widely used in the research field. NS-2 comes with NAM (Network Animator) that produces a visual representation it also supports several simulation protocols. The network can be tested end-to-end. This test includes data transmission, delay, jitter, packet-loss ratio and throughput. The Performance Analysis simulates a virtual network and tests for transport layer protocols at the same time with variable data and analyzes simulation results based on the network simulator NS-2.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Recent Trends In Engineering & Research
Password Authentication Based On Modify Bidirectional Associative Memory (MBAM)
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Password authentication is popular approach to the system security and it is also very important system security procedure to gain access to resources of the user. This paper description password authentication method by using Modify Bidirectional Associative Memory (MBAM) algorithm for both graphical and textual password for more efficient in speed and accuracy. Among 100 test the accuracy result is 100% for graphical and textual password to authenticate a user.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Arpn Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
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Producing pseudo-random numbers (PRN) with high performance is one of the important issues that attract many researchers today. This paper suggests pseudo-random number generator models that integrate Hopfield Neural Network (HNN) with fuzzy logic system to improve the randomness of the Hopfield Pseudo-random generator. The fuzzy logic system has been introduced to control the update of HNN parameters. The proposed model is compared with three state-ofthe-art baselines the results analysis using National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) statistical test and ENT test shows that the projected model is statistically significant in comparison to the baselines and this demonstrates the competency of neuro-fuzzy based model to produce

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
A Cryptosystem for Database Security Based on RC4 Algorithm
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Because of vulnerable threats and attacks against database during transmission from sender to receiver, which is one of the most global security concerns of network users, a lightweight cryptosystem using Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4) algorithm is proposed. This cryptosystem maintains data privacy by performing encryption of data in cipher form and transfers it over the network and again performing decryption to original data. Hens, ciphers represent encapsulating system for database tables

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Image Steganography Based on Wavelet Transform and Histogram Modification
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      Recently, digital communication has become a critical necessity and so the Internet has become the most used medium and most efficient for digital communication. At the same time, data transmitted through the Internet are becoming more vulnerable. Therefore, the issue of maintaining secrecy of data is very important, especially if the data is personal or confidential. Steganography has provided a reliable method for solving such problems. Steganography is an effective technique in secret communication in digital worlds where data sharing and transfer is increasing through the Internet, emails and other ways. The main challenges of steganography methods are the undetectability and the imperceptibility of con

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Cryptosystem for Database Security Based on TSFS Algorithm
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Implementation of TSFS (Transposition, Substitution, Folding, and Shifting) algorithm as an encryption algorithm in database security had limitations in character set and the number of keys used. The proposed cryptosystem is based on making some enhancements on the phases of TSFS encryption algorithm by computing the determinant of the keys matrices which affects the implementation of the algorithm phases. These changes showed high security to the database against different types of security attacks by achieving both goals of confusion and diffusion.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 18 2022
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Plain, Edge, and Texture Detection Based on Orthogonal Moment
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Image pattern classification is considered a significant step for image and video processing. Although various image pattern algorithms have been proposed so far that achieved adequate classification, achieving higher accuracy while reducing the computation time remains challenging to date. A robust image pattern classification method is essential to obtain the desired accuracy. This method can be accurately classify image blocks into plain, edge, and texture (PET) using an efficient feature extraction mechanism. Moreover, to date, most of the existing studies are focused on evaluating their methods based on specific orthogonal moments, which limits the understanding of their potential application to various Discrete Orthogonal Moments (DOM

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Scopus (11)
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Fast Temporal Video Segmentation Based on Krawtchouk-Tchebichef Moments
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Demulsification of Remaining Waste (Water In Oil Emulsions) After Removal Of Phenol In Emulsion Liquid Membrane Process
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The aim of present work is to study the removal of phenol present in aqueous feed solution by the emulsion liquid membrane technique using kerosene as a diluent, sodium hydroxide as a stripping agent, and sorbitan monooleate (Span 80) as a surfactant. The parameters studied were: surfactant concentration, volume ratio of membrane phase to internal phase, and stirring speed. It was found that more than 98% of phenol can be removed at the conditions were surfactant concentration 2% (v/v), volume ratio of membrane phase to internal phase 5:1 and stirring speed 400 rpm. Maximum phenol extraction efficiency at 7 minutes of process time was observed. It was found that there was a good agreement between the standard kerosene an

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Iosr Journal Of Pharmacy And Biological Sciences
Relationship between Lipid Peroxidation and Integrity of Sperm Plasma Membrane in a Sample of Iraqi Infertile Men
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The current study aims to investigate the relationship between lipid peroxidation, represented by seminal malondialdehyde (MDA) level, and integrity of sperm plasma membrane, represented by the hypo-osmotic swelling (HOS) test score, in infertile men. One hundred and twenty Iraqi men (20 fertile and 100 infertile) shared in this study during their attendance to the High Institute for Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technologies/Al- Nahrain University. The mean age of the fertile men was (30.46±0.78) years while the mean age of infertile men was (32.58±0.64) years with the duration of infertility (5.36±0.33) years. Semen samples were collected and the parameters of seminal fluid analysis were assessed; also, the HOS

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