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Image Steganography Based on Wavelet Transform and Histogram Modification
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      Recently, digital communication has become a critical necessity and so the Internet has become the most used medium and most efficient for digital communication. At the same time, data transmitted through the Internet are becoming more vulnerable. Therefore, the issue of maintaining secrecy of data is very important, especially if the data is personal or confidential. Steganography has provided a reliable method for solving such problems. Steganography is an effective technique in secret communication in digital worlds where data sharing and transfer is increasing through the Internet, emails and other ways. The main challenges of steganography methods are the undetectability and the imperceptibility of confidential data. This paper presents a steganography method in frequency domain. Haar Wavelet Transform is applied for decomposition of gray level cover image into four sub-bands. The secret image is hidden in the high frequency HH sub-band after applying the histogram modification followed by scrambling process. A Histogram modification is adopted, to scale the secret image to normalize its values, that manipulates the secret image from bright image to dark. Thus the secret image becomes invisible so it can be hidden in the high frequency sub-band.  Scrambling the positions can be for rows then columns, which will give strong security of the hiding process. The experimental results demonstrate the proposed method has achieved superior performance in terms of quantifiable measurement (PSNR and correlation) and in terms of visual quality. The proposed method propositions good imperceptible results and good response for against the various image attacks.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Secure Image Steganography using Biorthogonal Wavelet Transform
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Image Steganography Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Chaotic Map, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
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'Steganography is the science of hiding information in the cover media', a force in the context of information sec, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal

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Publication Date
Sun May 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Color Image Steganography Based on Discrete Wavelet and Discrete Cosine Transforms
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        The secure data transmission over internet is achieved using Steganography. It is the art and science of concealing information in unremarkable cover media so as not to arouse an observer’s suspicion. In this paper the color cover image is divided into equally four parts, for each part select one channel from each part( Red, or Green, or  Blue), choosing one of these channel depending on the high color ratio in that part. The chosen part is decomposing into four parts {LL, HL, LH, HH} by using discrete wavelet transform. The hiding image is divided into four part n*n then apply DCT on each part. Finally the four DCT coefficient parts embedding in four high frequency sub-bands {HH} in

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 24 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Adaptive Medical Image Watermarking Technique based on Wavelet Transform
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In this paper, an adaptive medical image watermarking technique is proposed based on wavelet transform and properties of human visual system in order to maintain the authentication of medical images. Watermark embedding process is carried out by transforming the medical image into wavelet domain and then adaptive thresholding is computed to determine the suitable locations to hide the watermark in the image coefficients. The watermark data is embedded in the coefficients that are less sensitive into the human visual system in order to achieve the fidelity of medical image. Experimental results show that the degradation by embedding the watermark is too small to be visualized. Also, the proposed adaptive watermarking technique can preserv

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Image Steganography using Dynamic Threshold based on Discrete Cosine Transform
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The art of preventing the detection of hidden information messages is the way that steganography work. Several algorithms have been proposed for steganographic techniques. A major portion of these algorithms is specified for image steganography because the image has a high level of redundancy. This paper proposed an image steganography technique using a dynamic threshold produced by the discrete cosine coefficient. After dividing the green and blue channel of the cover image into 1*3-pixel blocks, check if any bits of green channel block less or equal to threshold then start to store the secret bits in blue channel block, and to increase the security not all bits in the chosen block used to store the secret bits. Firstly, store in the cente

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Scopus (6)
Crossref (4)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Image Splicing Detection Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and co-occurrence Matrix
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    In this paper a method  to determine whether an image is forged (spliced) or not is presented. The proposed method is based on  a classification model to determine the authenticity of a tested image. Image splicing causes many sharp edges (high frequencies) and discontinuities to appear in the spliced image. Capturing these high frequencies in the wavelet domain rather than in the spatial domain is investigated in this paper. Correlation between high-frequency sub-bands coefficients of Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is also described using co-occurrence matrix. This matrix was an input feature vector to a classifier. The best accuracy of 92.79% and 94.56% on Casia v1.0 and Casia v2.0 datasets respectively was achieved. This pe

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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In this paper, a method is proposed to increase the compression ratio for the color images by
dividing the image into non-overlapping blocks and applying different compression ratio for these
blocks depending on the importance information of the block. In the region that contain important
information the compression ratio is reduced to prevent loss of the information, while in the
smoothness region which has not important information, high compression ratio is used .The
proposed method shows better results when compared with classical methods(wavelet and DCT).

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Image Steganography by Using Multiwavelet Transform
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Steganography is the art of secret communication. Its purpose is to hide the presence of information, using, for example, images as covers. The frequency domain is well suited for embedding in image, since hiding in this frequency domain coefficients is robust to many attacks. This paper proposed hiding a secret image of size equal to quarter of the cover one. Set Partitioning in Hierarchal Trees (SPIHT) codec is used to code the secret image to achieve security. The proposed method applies Discrete Multiwavelet Transform (DMWT) for cover image. The coded bit stream of the secret image is embedded in the high frequency subbands of the transformed cover one. A scaling factors ? and ? in frequency domain control the quality of the stego

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Image Watermarking using Integer Wavelet Transform and Discrete Cosine Transform
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In the current research work, a system of hiding a text in a digital grayscale image has been presented. The algorithm system that had been used was adopted two transforms Integer Wavelet transform and Discrete Cosine transformed. Huffman's code has been used to encoding the text before the embedding it in the cover image in the HL sub band. Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) was used to measure the effect of embedding text in the watermarked image; also correlation coefficient has been used to measure the ratio of the recovered text after applying an attack on the watermarked image and we get a good result. The implementation of our proposed Algorithm is realized using MATLAB version 2010a.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Southwest Jiaotong University
Multi -Focus Image Fusion Based on Stationary Wavelet Transform and PCA on YCBCR Color Space
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The multi-focus image fusion method can fuse more than one focused image to generate a single image with more accurate description. The purpose of image fusion is to generate one image by combining information from many source images of the same scene. In this paper, a multi-focus image fusion method is proposed with a hybrid pixel level obtained in the spatial and transform domains. The proposed method is implemented on multi-focus source images in YCbCr color space. As the first step two-level stationary wavelet transform was applied on the Y channel of two source images. The fused Y channel is implemented by using many fusion rule techniques. The Cb and Cr channels of the source images are fused using principal component analysis (PCA).

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