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Alterations in some Physiological and Inflammatory Markers in Iron-Deficient Obese Adults in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq
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Background: Iron homeostasis is crucial to many physiological functions in the human body, such as cellular activity, erythropoiesis, and the innate immune response. Iron deficiency anemia may occur from obesity's ability to disturb iron homeostasis. Obesity may be seen as a pre-inflammatory condition with mild, ongoing systemic inflammation. Additionally, an increase in hepcidin levels by chronic inflammation causes iron insufficiency in obese people. For this reason, this current experiment is designed to investigate the iron profile and some hematological and inflammatory parameters in obese adults in the Kurdistan region-Iraq.

Subjects and Methods: The cross-sectional study was designed within the context of a medium private laboratory with participants being common people involved, 200 adults participated in this study and were allocated into two groups according to BMI (control group (BMI ≤ 29.9): N=100 and obese group (BMI >30): N=100). Oxygen saturation (SpO2) and pulse rate were assessed. Blood sera (once) was obtained for iron profiles (s. Iron, Ferritin, Hepcidin) and inflammatory levels (c-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin 6 (IL-6)).

Results: Our findings highlighted that all inflammatory markers increased significantly in the obese groups in both sexes and a positive correlation with BMI and a significant decrease in iron in the obese group.

Conclusions: This research reveals that hepcidin levels in obese adult people contribute to the development of iron deficiency anemia due to increased inflammation.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Microfacies Analysis of the Carbonate Rocks in Ora Formation (Late Devonian early Carboniferous) in North Iraq
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The outcrop sections of Ora Formation (late Devonian-Early Carboniferous) in the Nazdor and Ora localities at the Northern Thrust Zone of Iraq were selected for this study. Lithologically the Ora Formation composed of clastic and carbonate rocks. The lower part in the Nazdor section cosists of crossbedded quartz arenite sandstone interbedded with successive laminated siltstone and shale. The lithology of the upper part in the Nazdor section and the upper part in Ora section, are composed of mixed silicalcastic (shale, siltstone and sandstone) and carbonate interbedded lithology. The petrographic study shows that the carbonate rocks consist of micrite and sparite groundmass. The skeletal grains include shallow water brachiopods, bryozoans

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Using the foreign trade elasticities in policy of demand of imports of agricultural products in Iraq
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of monetary policy in reducing inflation in Iraq through monetary sterilization mechanism. post-2003
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The main objective of the central bank is to achieve price stability and target in fractionates. Therefore, the bank sought to use modern tools and policies in order to reduce the negative effects of the accumulation of foreign reserves represented by monetary sterilization, similar to developed and developing countries alike, but with different available tools that are possible and imposed by the local financial and monetary environments, such as the window for buying and selling foreign currency, open market operations and deposit facilities. And lending existing. Because any in crease in the monetary base resulting from the accumulation of foreign reserves will affect price stability directly due to the consumer nature of the

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Positive School Psychology
Designing A Quality Costing System In Commercial Banks (Applied Research In The Investment Bank Of Iraq)
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
2D Seismic Reflection Study of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Period in Qasab-Jawan Area in Northwestern Iraq
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      A seismic study was conducted to re-interpret the Qasab and Jawan oil field in northern Iraq, south of the city of Mosul, by reprocessing and interpreting many seismic sections of a number of field surveys that included the field area. Two reflectors are detected, represented by Hartha Formations which were deposited during the Cretaceous age and Euphrates Formation which was deposited during the Tertiary age in order to stabilize the structural image of this field. The study was achieved by reinterpreting seismic sections using the Petrel program, where time, velocity  and depth maps were prepared for the two formations.

The study showed that the Qasab and Jawan fields generally consist of a s

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Occurrence of Pneumococcal Meningitis in Iraq
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This study focuses on the relative frequency of Streptococcus pneumoniae in children with culture-proven bacterial meningitis. The epidemiology has been investigated with clinical and laboratory findings in The Central Public Health Laboratory, Iraq from April to September, 2010. From (138) samples , (55) cases (39.85 %) were diagnosed by physician as bacterial meningitis, (23) cases (16.66 %) as viral menginitis , (18) cases (13.04 %) as different medical cases (e.g febrile convulsion , meningoencephalitis , epilepsy …etc) and (42) cases (30.43 %) as unidentified medical cases. For bacterial meningitis S.pneumoniae was isolated from (10) cases (18.18 %) only. The median age for bacterial meningitis was (130.75) month and the predomina

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 19 2023
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum
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This study presents a comprehensive list of the freshwater and marine bivalves distributed in Iraq. A total of 51 species were recorded, and distributed as: 14 freshwater species, and 37 marine species, these species belonging to 25 families, all available remarks on the distribution, taxonomy, and nomenclature of these species were given. This study included the recently collected specimens along with those previously studied and recorded in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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1- That the Jewish minority, was considered one of Iraq`s 1864-1952 main religious minorities ,and has the therights by the Iraqi constitution approved by the Iraqi peopel in addition to the items all ocated py the minorities includiny the Jewish minority .He also bledged formaly before the Nations council to get its independence and to respect the rights of minorities . 2- The Jews who have completed primary education in Jweish and government schools Increased the number so that it seemed that the percentage of illiterate males was zero and the female was not high and as aresult of the increasing number of primary school graduates, so it was need to open addition secondary schools, also increased the number of high school graduates from

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 1990
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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During the syrvey on natural enemies of whiteflies in Iraq, the following. predators were recorded.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Diversity of Freshwater Fishes in Iraq
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Many studies have focused on identifying and classifying freshwater fishes in Iraq, concerned with describing, organizing, and drawing up a list of freshwater fishes in Iraq or the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Within the most recent updates at the beginning of 2023, 53 native freshwater and 20 exotic (alien or introduced) fish species are recorded and described. This study reviewed the database of morphology and molecular studies of freshwater fish in Iraq and reported species while surveying the fish fauna at different water bodies of the country from 2010 to the beginning of 2023. In conclusion, 29 species (about 40.3%) of all 72 fish species in Iraq still need to be available information on their molecular data.

Scopus (2)