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Practice & Opinion of Doctors in Hospitals toward Referral System in Iraq
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Background: Primary Health care (PHC) is unanimous to be the cornerstone of a person-centered health system. While the adoption of a well-function, two-way, and organized referral system is the mainstay in the development of an efficient healthcare delivery system.  

Objective: To Assess the practice & opinion of doctors in the hospitals toward the referral system.  to determine the doctors in the hospital's commitment to referral system instructions and guidelines.

Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional study with analytic elements was conducted in nine Iraqi governorates. Eight doctors from each health directorate, resulting in a total of 72 doctors using a specially designed questionnaire. Statistical analysis was done by using SPSS, the P≤0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: of the total 72 physicians, 31(43.1%) aged 40-49years, 48(66.7%) were males, and 58(80.6%) were specialists., 58 doctors (80.6%) had no coordination with the PHC-doctors, the same percentage considered the current referral system is ineffective. PHC patients-crowded, doctors-shortage were the causes of inadequately filling PHC-part of the referral form. And PHC-hospital doctors-coordination had a significant association with their age, gender, and their thinking about adequate filling.

Conclusion: despite the importance of the referral system, half of the doctors disagreed about the current referral system’s effectiveness; & most of them had no coordination with the PHC-doctors. PHC crowded/doctors’ shortage the main causes of inadequate filling PHC part of referral-form.





الخلفية: تعتبر الرعاية الصحية الأولية بالإجماع حجر الزاوية في نظام صحي يركز على المريض. في حين أن اعتماد نظام إحالة جيد ثنائي الاتجاه ومنظم هو الدعامة الأساسية في تطوير نظام فعال لتقديم الرعاية الصحية.

الهدف: تقييم ممارسة ورأي الأطباء في المستشفيات تجاه نظام الإحالة. كذلك لتحديد مدى التزام الأطباء في المستشفى بتعليمات وإرشادات نظام الإحالة.

طريقة البحث: أجريت دراسة مقطعية مع عناصر تحليلية في تسع محافظات عراقية. ثمانية أطباء من كل مديرية صحية ، مما أدى إلى ااشتراك 72 طبيبًا في استبيان مصمم خصيصًا للبحث. تم إجراء التحليل الإحصائي باستخدام SPSS ، واعتبر P≤0.05 ذو دلالة إحصائية.

النتائج: من إجمالي 72 طبيبًا ، 31 (43.1٪) تتراوح أعمارهم بين 40-49 عامًا ، 48 (66.7٪) من الذكورو 58 (80.6٪) من المتخصصين. ، 58 (80.6٪) منهم ليس لديهم اي تنسيق مع أطباء الرعاية الصحية الأولية. و بنفس النسبة يعتبرون نظام الإحالة الحالي غير فعال. ازدحام المرضى في المراكز ونقص الأطباء هي اهم أسباب نقص ملأ نموذج الإحالة الخاص باطباءالمراكز الصحية بشكل مناسب. وكان لتنسيق أطباء مستشفى الرعاية الصحية الأولية علاقة كبيرة مع العمر والجنس وتفكيرهم في الملأ االنموذجي.

الخلاصة: بالرغم من أهمية نظام الإحالة ، اختلف نصف الأطباء حول فعالية نظام الإحالة الحالي. ومعظمهم ليس لديهم اي تنسيق مع أطباء المراكز الصحية. ازدحام الرعاية الصحية الأولية / نقص الأطباء اهم الأسباب الرئيسية لضعف ملأ نموذج الإحالة.



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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Civil And Environmental Engineering
Investigating the Critical Success Factors for Water Supply Projects: Case of Iraq
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Abstract<p>Water supply projects (WSP) requires high plan information, specialized capabilities, capable human resources, and high administrative capacity. However, in the developing countries, particularly in Iraq, these projects experience a lack of a large number of these necessities, which shows the need to identify the critical success factors (CSFs). Accordingly, the objectives of this research are to investigate the CSFs for WSP and their significance among the construction (public and private) and education sectors. To achieve this, first we have carried out a comprehensive literature review of the CSFs for WSP. Second, we administrated a questionnaire survey to 260 construction experts </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Two New Records of Coelioxys Latreille, 1809 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Megachilidae) from Iraq
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Abstract<p>Five <italic>Coelioxys</italic> Latreille, 1809 species previously recorded in Iraq; <italic>Coelioxys emargintus</italic> Förster, 1853 and <italic>Coelioxys brevis</italic> Eversmann, 1852 newly recorded species. A brief re-description of each is given, supported by photographs; as well as a provided for their global distribution.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Two New Records of Cerceris Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Crabronidae) from Iraq
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Abstract<p>In a survey of the crabronid fauna of Iraq during June to October 2022; 9species belonging to the genus <italic>Cerceris</italic> Latreille, 1802 were identified. Twospecies are new record of the fauna of Iraq: <italic>C. dorsalis</italic> Eversmann, 1849 and <italic>C. priesneri</italic> Mochi, 1939. Brief description, diagnostic characters, some collecting information, and photographs of each species are provided. As well provides a key to the species depending on many morphological features especially: propodeal enclosure, semicircular plate at base of second gastral sternites and free margin of clypeus. Moreover, this study observed that most collecte</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 22 2020
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Manufacture of Portland cement from Late Miocene claystone, Injana formation, Central Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 25 2015
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Fold geometry and kinematics of inversion tectonics for Kosrat anticline, northeastern Iraq
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 1996
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Specimens of the hedgehog Hemiechinus auritus Gmelin. which were trapped in two places on the Eastern shores of the Tigris River, some 50 and 60 Km, south of Baghdad. central Iraq. were searched for ectoparasites. They revealed the following parasites: One species of Anoplura: polyplex spinulosa (Burm.), family Hoplople uridae, two species of fleas: Synostrnus pallidus (Tasch.) and Ctenocephalides felis (Bouche), family pulicidae, One mite species: Ornithonyssus bacoti (Hirst), family Macronyssidae and two tick species: Rhipicephalus leporis and R. turanicum family Ixodidae. All these ectoparasite species are new records on this hedgehog in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
External Morphology of Planthopper Dictyophara iranica Germar 1833, ( Hemiptera: Dictyopharidae ) from Iraq
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 The external morphology of planthoppers belong to the genus Dictyophara Germar 1833, has been described.    The study included detailed description of the external morphology of Dictyophara iranica Germar 1833.     External morphological characters of the head, thorax and their appendages were used. Those characters were supported by studying the male genitalia

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 05 2021
Journal Name
Kuwait Journal Of Science
Evaluation of the Injana claystone from Central Iraq for the brick industry
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This study aims to suggest an alternative to the use of quality agricultural soil in the brick industry (Iraq). The Late Miocene claystone bed in the Injana Formation in central Iraq was targeted through the study of 18 exposed sections that were sampled by using the trench sampling method. The claystones are characterized by quartz (36.4%) followed by calcite (32.8%), quartz (36.4%) feldspar (2.6%), gypsum (1.3%) and dolomite (0.7%), kaolinite (10.5%), illite (7.7%), chlorite (6.7%), palygorskite (6.0%) and montmorillonite (0.7%). New thermal mineral phases were formed at 950°C, including diopside (62.9%), quartz (18.4%), wollastonite (8.28%), akermanite (7.6%), Anorthite (6.25%), Nosean (4.9%), gehlenite (3.75%) and Lazurite (3.1

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Seismic Structural –Stratigraphic Study of Dhufria Area (Mid -Iraq) Using (3D) Techniques
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This study deals with the seismic reflection interpretation of lower Cretaceous Formations in Dhufria area, including structural and stratigraphic techniques. In the interpretation process, the 3-D seismic data volume and well logs have been used. Based on well logs and synthetic traces two horizons were identified and picked which are the top and bottom of Zubair Formation. These horizons were followed over all the area in order to obtain structural setting as well as studying Kirkuk group Formation of Tertiary age which represents highstand progradational seismic facies.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
Lithofacies Characterization of the Early – Middle Miocene Succession, Case-Study, South Iraq
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The Early – Middle Miocene Ghar and Lower Fars sedimentary succession at the representative oil-well Nu-18 of the Nahr Umr oil field south Iraq; is taken by this study to investigate the sedimentological to reservoir rock facies buildups and related reservoir zonation; as first rock-typing attempt for the both formations. The sedimentological characterization of the Early Miocene Ghar formation is mainly comprised by successive buildups of sands-gravels and sandstones, whereas; the Middle Miocene Lower Fars formation is started by limestone, limestone-marly/marl anhydritic, upgraded into interbedded-series of marl and anhydrite facies, with less-common occurrences of thin-sandstone interlayers, terminated by marl-sandy-secti

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