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Practice & Opinion of Doctors in Hospitals toward Referral System in Iraq
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Background: Primary Health care (PHC) is unanimous to be the cornerstone of a person-centered health system. While the adoption of a well-function, two-way, and organized referral system is the mainstay in the development of an efficient healthcare delivery system.  

Objective: To Assess the practice & opinion of doctors in the hospitals toward the referral system.  to determine the doctors in the hospital's commitment to referral system instructions and guidelines.

Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional study with analytic elements was conducted in nine Iraqi governorates. Eight doctors from each health directorate, resulting in a total of 72 doctors using a specially designed questionnaire. Statistical analysis was done by using SPSS, the P≤0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: of the total 72 physicians, 31(43.1%) aged 40-49years, 48(66.7%) were males, and 58(80.6%) were specialists., 58 doctors (80.6%) had no coordination with the PHC-doctors, the same percentage considered the current referral system is ineffective. PHC patients-crowded, doctors-shortage were the causes of inadequately filling PHC-part of the referral form. And PHC-hospital doctors-coordination had a significant association with their age, gender, and their thinking about adequate filling.

Conclusion: despite the importance of the referral system, half of the doctors disagreed about the current referral system’s effectiveness; & most of them had no coordination with the PHC-doctors. PHC crowded/doctors’ shortage the main causes of inadequate filling PHC part of referral-form.





الخلفية: تعتبر الرعاية الصحية الأولية بالإجماع حجر الزاوية في نظام صحي يركز على المريض. في حين أن اعتماد نظام إحالة جيد ثنائي الاتجاه ومنظم هو الدعامة الأساسية في تطوير نظام فعال لتقديم الرعاية الصحية.

الهدف: تقييم ممارسة ورأي الأطباء في المستشفيات تجاه نظام الإحالة. كذلك لتحديد مدى التزام الأطباء في المستشفى بتعليمات وإرشادات نظام الإحالة.

طريقة البحث: أجريت دراسة مقطعية مع عناصر تحليلية في تسع محافظات عراقية. ثمانية أطباء من كل مديرية صحية ، مما أدى إلى ااشتراك 72 طبيبًا في استبيان مصمم خصيصًا للبحث. تم إجراء التحليل الإحصائي باستخدام SPSS ، واعتبر P≤0.05 ذو دلالة إحصائية.

النتائج: من إجمالي 72 طبيبًا ، 31 (43.1٪) تتراوح أعمارهم بين 40-49 عامًا ، 48 (66.7٪) من الذكورو 58 (80.6٪) من المتخصصين. ، 58 (80.6٪) منهم ليس لديهم اي تنسيق مع أطباء الرعاية الصحية الأولية. و بنفس النسبة يعتبرون نظام الإحالة الحالي غير فعال. ازدحام المرضى في المراكز ونقص الأطباء هي اهم أسباب نقص ملأ نموذج الإحالة الخاص باطباءالمراكز الصحية بشكل مناسب. وكان لتنسيق أطباء مستشفى الرعاية الصحية الأولية علاقة كبيرة مع العمر والجنس وتفكيرهم في الملأ االنموذجي.

الخلاصة: بالرغم من أهمية نظام الإحالة ، اختلف نصف الأطباء حول فعالية نظام الإحالة الحالي. ومعظمهم ليس لديهم اي تنسيق مع أطباء المراكز الصحية. ازدحام الرعاية الصحية الأولية / نقص الأطباء اهم الأسباب الرئيسية لضعف ملأ نموذج الإحالة.



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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Unity Sliding Mode Controller Design for Active Magnetic Bearings System
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Active Magnetic Bearings (AMBs) are progressively being implemented in a wide variety of applications. Their exclusive appealing features make them suitable for solving traditional rotor-bearing problems using novel design approaches for rotating machinery.  In this paper, a linearized uncertain model of AMBs is utilized to develop a nonlinear sliding mode controller based on Lyapunov function for the electromechanical system. The controller requires measurements of the rotor displacements and their derivatives. Since the control law is discontinuous, the proposed controller can achieve a finite time regulation but with the drawback of the chattering problem. To reduce the effect of this problem, the gain of the uni

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Publication Date
Fri May 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
WSN-WCCS: A Wireless Sensor Network Wavelet Curve Ciphering System
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With wireless sensor network (WSN) wide applications in popularity, securing its data becomes a requirement. This can be accomplished by encrypting sensor node data. In this paper a new an efficient symmetric cryptographic algorithm is presented. This algorithm is called wireless sensor network wavelet curve ciphering system (WSN-WCCS).  The algorithm idea based on discrete wavelet transformation to generate keys for each node in WSN.  It implements on hierarchical clustering WSN using LEACH protocol. Python programming language version 2.7 was used to create the simulator of WSN framework and implement a WSN-WCCS algorithm. The simulation result of the proposed WSN-WCCS with other symmetric algorithms has show

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Development an Anomaly Network Intrusion Detection System Using Neural Network
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Most intrusion detection systems are signature based that work similar to anti-virus but they are unable to detect the zero-day attacks. The importance of the anomaly based IDS has raised because of its ability to deal with the unknown attacks. However smart attacks are appeared to compromise the detection ability of the anomaly based IDS. By considering these weak points the proposed
system is developed to overcome them. The proposed system is a development to the well-known payload anomaly detector (PAYL). By
combining two stages with the PAYL detector, it gives good detection ability and acceptable ratio of false positive. The proposed system improve the models recognition ability in the PAYL detector, for a filtered unencrypt

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Enhanced Cartooning System Based on Dynamic Augmented KMCG and LIP
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The Non-Photorealistic Rendering (NPR) demands are increased with the development of electronic devices. This paper presents a new model for a cartooning system, as an essential category of the NPR. It is used the concept of vector quantization and Logarithmic Image Processing (LIP). An enhancement of Kekre Median Codebook Generation (KMCG) algorithm has been proposed and used by the system. Several metrics utilized to evaluate the time and quality of the system. The results showed that the proposed system reduced the time of cartoon production. Additionally, it enhanced the quality of several aspects like smoothing, color reduction, and brightness.

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Publication Date
Thu May 10 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
New Steganography System Based on Huffman Coding and Fibonacci Decomposition
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   Hiding secret information in the image is a challenging and painstaking task in computer security and steganography system. Certainly, the absolute intricacy of attacks to security system makes it more this research on steganography system involving information hiding,Huffman codding used to compress the secret code before embedding which provide high capacity and some security. Fibonacci decomposition used to represent the pixels in the cover image, which increase the robustness of the system. One byte used for mapping all the pixels properties. This makes the PSNR of the system higher due to random distribution of embedded bits. Finally, three kinds of evaluation are applied such as PSNR, chi-square attack, a

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Proposal Hybrid CBC Encryption System to Protect E-mail Messages
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Email is one of the most commonly utilized communication methods. The confidentiality, the integrity and the authenticity are always substantial in communication of the e-mail, mostly in the business utilize. However, these security goals can be ensured only when the cryptography is utilized. Cryptography is a procedure of changing unique data into a configuration with the end goal that it is just perused by the coveted beneficiary. It is utilized to shield data from other individuals for security purposes. Cryptography algorithms can be classified as symmetric and asymmetric methods. Symmetric methods can be classified as stream cipher and block cipher. There are different operation modes provided by the block cipher, these are Cipher B

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology
Matching Algorithms for Intrusion Detection System based on DNA Encoding
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Pattern matching algorithms are usually used as detecting process in intrusion detection system. The efficiency of these algorithms is affected by the performance of the intrusion detection system which reflects the requirement of a new investigation in this field. Four matching algorithms and a combined of two algorithms, for intrusion detection system based on new DNA encoding, are applied for evaluation of their achievements. These algorithms are Brute-force algorithm, Boyer-Moore algorithm, Horspool algorithm, Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, and the combined of Boyer-Moore algorithm and Knuth–Morris– Pratt algorithm. The performance of the proposed approach is calculated based on the executed time, where these algorithms are applied o

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Wed May 25 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
High optical correction system based 800x600 analog spatial light modulator
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      In this work, a modern optical system based on modulation technique is constructed to achieve the retrieval of optical defects and distortions of the images behind dark barriers.  A 800x600 analog spatial light modulator (SLM) is used in this technique with a 632.8nm He-Ne laser, a circular metallic mesh (CMM) is imaged and disturbed and then dealing with our system. The SLM was confirmed for irregularity improvement such as variable diffracted optical element (DOE) control. The obtained results showed that the effect of distortion has been treated and reduced to be minimum by controlling phase and amplitude modulation of the scattered wave front utilizing the SLM. The obtained images showed identical to the original image wi

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Data Acquisition System for Wind Speed, Direction and Temperature Measurements
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This paper describes the use of microcomputer as a laboratory instrument system. The system is focused on three weather variables measurement, are temperature, wind speed, and wind direction. This instrument is a type of data acquisition system; in this paper we deal with the design and implementation of data acquisition system based on personal computer (Pentium) using Industry Standard Architecture (ISA)bus. The design of this system involves mainly a hardware implementation, and the software programs that are used for testing, measuring and control. The system can be used to display the required information that can be transferred and processed from the external field to the system. A visual basic language with Microsoft foundation cl

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Remote Patient Healthcare surveillance system based real-time vital signs
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Today many people suffering from health problems like dysfunction in lungs and cardiac. These problems often require surveillance and follow up to save a patient's health, besides control diseases before progression. For that, this work has been proposed to design and developed a remote patient surveillance system, which deals with 4 medical signs (temperature, SPO2, heart rate, and Electrocardiogram ECG. An adaptive filter has been used to remove any noise from the signal, also, a simple and fast search algorithm has been designed to find the features of  ECG signal such as Q,R,S, and T waves.  The system performs analysis for medical signs that are used to detected abnormal values. Besides, it sends data to the Base-Stati

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Crossref (3)